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Everything posted by transient

  1. Dez Bryant is as slow as a turtle... maybe we can turn him into sausage? They can if it's a thread about sausage.
  2. So you’re saying you’d pass on vajayjay? ...not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  3. It's not a motorcycle baby, it's a chopper.
  4. When I was a wee lad I used to like to swear. My parents didn't appreciate it very much, but as Bills fans they didn't seem to mind as much when it was part of the fall Sunday afternoon curse-alongs. In fact, sometimes my dad's friends would encourage it, especially if Jenny's cases were getting low... actually, now that I think of it, that might have been once the cases of Genny were getting low. Anyway, I grew to love the cursing camaraderie. Mindlessly hurling filthy epithets at the TV with reckless abandon with the grownups was the best. As I grew older something unexpected happened; before I knew it there was purpose behind my cursing. No longer was it a child's gleeful game of "I can swear at the TV without repercussions," before I knew it it was "Ronnie Harmon, you ******* ******* child hating ***** ****** pig ********* mother ******, how could you drop that ******** pass in the back of the ******** endzone, you *******." And the worst part... it was no longer fun. As if creeping in silently in the night like a plague... one day I woke up and I was a Bills fan. Worse yet, no matter how often I try... which is often... too often if my wife is to be believed... I can't seem to recapture the joy I used to get from cursing mindlessly.
  5. What if the only bit of Bills gear someone had was a Maybin jersey that was given to them by a now-deceased loved one and because of the circumstances they felt compelled to wear it?
  6. Hate to see what they have in store for you (or more accurately, your mother) on May 12... You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'? ...I'm thinkin' I'm thinkin' it too.
  7. Genius. Now all Miami needs to do to pull off the “tank without obviously tanking” is play adequate enough defense to make sure the game is within one score with just over 2 minutes on the clock and Fitz’s “veteran savvy” will take care of the rest. They can call it “picks for the pick”.
  8. I would also argue that too often posters equate “drafting for need” with drafting someone who is a “reach”. EJ was a reach to fill a need. Presumably Allen and Edmunds were BPA on the Bills board who also happened to fill a need, which is why they made the trades to get them. Unlike EJ, based on player assessment going into the draft, irrespective of how their careers turn out, you can’t argue that Allen or Edmunds were overdrafted. If Beane didn’t make the moves he did when he did he most likely wasn’t going to get either player as they would have been gone in the next few picks.
  9. I feel worse for unicorns. Can you imagine having to go through life with a phallic symbol jutting out from the middle of your forehead like that? Centaurs must make fun of them something awful.
  10. Nothing finishes off that couture look quite like hair styling courtesy of the Flowbee vacuum cleaner attachment.
  11. ...so fortunate this wasn't around in my day for me to publicly document my youthful stupidity.
  12. Is it me, or does she kinda look like Marsha Brady in the episode where she got hit in the face with a football?
  13. Don’t fret. We’ll be fine as long as the diameter of the player isn’t greater than the diagonal of the hole.
  14. Technically, wasn’t it the masseuse that was pulling a Krafty?
  15. Maybe the Seahawks front office could get Ciara a gig modeling flannel, an endorsement deal with REI, and get Jack Endino to work with her so she could resurrect grunge?
  16. Which is stupider, signing a veteran for $3.5M as a second TE or cutting a veteran TE to save $4.5M when you already have $80M under the cap and going into FA with only the owner’s daughter’s practice squad boy toy on the roster...
  17. While that may be the case, everything’s relative. He’s a better defensive coordinator than a head coach, but he was a better head coach than 90% of the mostly sorry lot that has coached the Bills throughout their existence.
  18. Except that she supposedly also told him that 2015 wasn’t going to be his year, which, if true, is hardly positive thinking... if anything it could sow the seeds of doubt in someone who’s rube enough to give it credence.
  19. So do we have Giselle to thank that they didn’t win in 2015? Brady sounds like a gullible idiot on a leash...
  20. I believe, in one of his tales of yore, DC Tom pointed out that if you’re going to call someone an idiot it helps your case to use the correct “you’re”.
  21. I'm gonna go with it was Anderson's turn to be in there... or maybe Gurley gets winded... or possibly they needed to try harder to get Gurley in space...
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