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Everything posted by transient

  1. Hear me out. We’ve got threads espousing the virtues of drafting around offense, defense, and special teams but, much like the Bills since the turn of the millennium, everyone ignores coaching. I know, I know... people will argue continuity and that McDermott hasn’t been given a chance yet to succeed with his players... blah, blah, blah... Consider for a minute the 2002 Buccaneers. Yes, the price was steep, but they won a Super Bowl. Let that sink in for a minute... Tampa Bay has won a Super Bowl. I say screw drafting for offense. Screw drafting for defense. And definitely SCREW drafting for special teams. Pony up those 10 picks, plus whatever picks next year... and hell even the year after that if we have to and draft a coach (more accurately trade the picks for a coach, but you get the gist). Now I’m not advocating we do it for Chucky... though it did work once. Honestly, I’m not sure who would be befitting that honor. But while we’re burning through picks I say we trade a few more to fill out the staff and bring in John Harbaugh as ST coordinator, Sean Payton as OC, and Bill Belichick as DC. Smell that? It’s the sweet smell of success... which actually kinda resembles the smell of a skunk a little bit. A sweet, smoky, hunger inducing skunk.
  2. W!T!F! does Dez Bryant have to do with this?!?!
  3. Huh... I’d have thought the media would’ve made a bigger deal of the fact that Gregg had a love child with Baker when he was in Cleveland.
  4. Didn't seem salty at all. Seems like he's acknowledging what we all know; hiring someone because their background on paper follows a similar trend as the latest success story instead of based on that person's merit has a higher likelihood to fail than succeed. If you ask me he's saying he can't wait to play the Cardinals...
  5. You do realize that Tony Romo is not Jason Witten, right?
  6. Blasphemy of this nature suggests a man who not only has contempt for all humanity, but one who would also spit in the eye of his creator...
  7. Vince Young re-took it. If you add his two scores together he's still in the bottom 20% of the list.
  8. I’m shocked. I would have thought they’d still be rejoicing about the 3rd and the 5th that they swindled from Oakland, the giant pile of jack-squat they got for Bell, and how much better these moves make their team for the 2019 season.
  9. ...do they have to be from the same Josh Allen?
  10. If you read between the lines you'll see that I didn't take that post nearly as seriously as you do your role as the president of the Bradley Cooper fan club. To answer your question, though, I know he did a pretty kickass Rocket in Guardians of the Galaxy. Beyond that, and what's available and presumed to be public knowledge about an A list actor that did numerous interviews about a movie he both starred in and directed, no I don't know a great deal about him. Admittedly the "media w***e" quip fits a little more snugly on Lady Gaga than it does on your fair Bradley.
  11. I take umbrage at the idea that Bucky actually knows how to write. Maybe in the most simplistic terms insofar as he understands that a pencil in his hand leaves marks on a paper, but not in any meaningful way that a 10th grade English teacher would suggest he pursue a career as a writer. As much as I hate Sullivan he at least knows his way around the English language. Gleason, not so much.
  12. I’m guessing the deal that was too good to pass up was that Catholic Health communications supplied the crayons and agreed to clean the walls when Bucky got overzealous with his “writing.”
  13. No need to apologize. There’s no accounting for taste, and I seem to be in the minority. Don’t go looking at Oliver with Gaga eyes too often or the media might start reporting about Mrs. Yolo’s jealousy.
  14. Trying to follow the breadcrumbs here... stupid, over-hyped movie.... over-hyped trite and contrived song... overblown Oscars performance by two media whores... So... you think Ed Oliver is a stupid, contrived, over-hyped media *****? Funny, more than one is acceptable, but a single prostitute is a no-no in the eyes of the language filter.
  15. Dawkins also had a pro bowl guard inside in 2017 vs fan favorite Vlad Suckasse in 2018, so they probably feel poor interior line play had a role in Dawkins decline.
  16. It also allows them the flexibility to trade away this year's later round picks to stockpile draft capital for next year if the opportunity arises and they in a situation where they're not finding value where they're picking in this year's draft.
  17. The beard makes Barkley look like the lovechild of Fitzpatrick and Jesse Pinkman.
  18. IDK, I think the Gailey coached teams with Fitz and FJax were a pretty close knit team... they just didn't have enough talent... or a DC whose philosophy wasn't rooted in the stone age. Good ol' "Fit it up" pornstache...
  19. Is this the new sausage thread since the old one was closed? I can't tell with the vague title, but it feels like I'm in the right place.
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