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Everything posted by transient

  1. Dear Ask Yolo, Can double-sided PB keep other things from oozing, too? Asking for a friend... Signed, Shudda Baggeditup
  2. Cat people who let their cats run loose suck. I let my dogs out in my fenced in courtyard a few months back only to discover my neighbor’s cat hanging out there. Instead of jumping through the wrought iron fence and getting out of my yard it bolted along the side of my house with my dogs in tow into my fenced in back yard. If I didn’t snag my greyhound’s collar I have no doubt he would have caught that cat and probably killed it. As soon as it bolted it was like a flashback to the electronic rabbit. Instead my pit mix, who thinks cat chasing is a sport, chased it around until it finally got out of the yard, destroying plants and anything else in their wake in the process.
  3. C’mon, Fergy. Be fair. The response did kinda look like the poster gets tips from www.howtomakeanassofyourselfonamessageboard.org sent to his inbox.
  4. You don't have to say that, the rest of your post makes that abundantly clear. What do you envision that letting a dog breed consisting of 4-5 million dogs "dying out naturally" would look like? Do you think that if you ignored them they would do you the kindness of just going extinct? Are you suggesting by letting them free to do as they please they would find the world inhospitable and just die out as opposed to forming more packs of stray dogs that hunt for food, thereby making the problem worse? There is no eliminating a breed that large without euthanasia... so maybe you're suggesting "naturally" euthanizing 4-5 million dogs? As for the "cool, tough" argument, I rescued my dog from a shelter when she was less than a year old and was told she was a mix of different breeds but not a pit, which I was suspicious of/doubtful of at the time (and which also is part of the problem for unsuspecting dog owners). I was also told by the shelter that she was a year and a half old and that she was done growing. When I took her to the vet he said she's definitely a pit mix and that she's definitely going to gain another ~20ish pounds by the time she's done growing, and he was right. Regardless, I adopted her because she's the smartest, sweetest, friendliest, most personality filled dog that I've ever owned, and that was on display from the moment I met her. I wasn't going expressly to adopt a pit, she was just the dog I connected with when I went to the shelter.
  5. The problem with both this site (which tries to give the appearance of being objective until you look a little more closely under the hood) and the pro-pit bull sites is they’re pushing statistics in a way to tell their story. If you go to the bottom of that site it’s clearly pushing an anti-pit bull agenda, and it has a picture of a pit bull with an exclamation point over the US). To put those statistics in context you need to know not only how many pit bulls are there in the US (apparently between 4-5 million, with over half the population of dogs in shelters being pit-type dogs), but what are they referring to as pit (mixed breeds make up over 50% of household pets, how many of those go from mixed breed to pit once they become a statistic?), and what percentage of the dog population do the other breeds make up? Saying Rottweilers are responsible for 17% of fatal dog attacks (or whatever the number was) is a very different thing if they make up 10% of the dog population vs 0.1% of the population, and despite trying I can’t find numbers like that to make sense of these statistics. Its clear certain breeds like labs are less likely to cause severe or fatal dog bite injuries, but which breed do you think the statistics are attributed to when a lab/pit mix bites someone or mauls someone? It’s all in the reporting, and with what’s being posted the data presented in this thread from either viewpoint are clearly biased, as are most things nowadays.
  6. I’m not sure who taught the pit mix to eat cat poop, though... I’ll have to ask my wife.
  7. My dogs sleep all day and drool on everything... yep, that’s about right.
  8. WRT dog parks I would also argue, as a self-professed responsible owner of a very dog and people social pit mix (per the dog trainer we took her to in order to determine her temperament around children and other dogs), I’m wary of an uncontrolled situation where an oblivious owner’s dog instigates something and, regardless of my dog’s involvement or culpability (or more likely lack there of), by virtue of breed stereotypes she would be an easy target for blame.
  9. So you're only 59... and you walk with a cane... and you had Wolford, Ballard, Ritcher, Hull, Joe Devlin, and Reuben Brown among others blocking for you at one time or another... but you're telling me everything will be totally fine if I just trust the process... why have you been looking past me this whole time? Did you just hear clapping? Wait a minute...
  10. One could make the argument that an a#####e is a dark place.
  11. ...and sleeps on a bed of twigs and leaves with a football cradled at his bosom.
  12. Wolf of Wall Street... is Simms trying to say that if Belichick was in finance instead of coaching in the NFL that he'd still be a cheater?
  13. Don’t know much about Senorise... is he a RB that likes to cutback? Does he have a slashing style? Is he someone who can cut on a dime? Anything I’m missing?
  14. He’d start by piping in out of rhythm circus bigtop music and replacing all the shampoo in the showers with the Joker’s special toxic green hair dye.
  15. Kiko jerseys go for a hummer at New Era... wait until the season and maybe you can hold out for a handy and a half a warm beer on game day.
  16. Damn, that is bad... impressive that they were able to get off that many plays in under 2.5 seconds, though. Most teams can only manage one.
  17. In one of those touching Ryan Bro moments, he had it removed as a show of solidarity after Rob had a complication with his own Lap Band... bring on the burritos!!
  18. If you didn’t do so when he was cut, don’t forget to properly dispose of the cyanide capsule that was to be used in the event all hope was lost and Peterman had to start again.
  19. At least I waited 2 years; Marvel couldn’t wait 2 weeks before they started throwing spoilers out there in their Spider Man trailer. Nothing like trying to drive up viewing to break records by threatening to spoil their own movie.
  20. I thought he disintegrated at the end of Infinity War?
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