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Everything posted by transient

  1. And don't forget to go through Marsha and Wes's "yoga studio" thoroughly with a black light.
  2. You and Wes Welker will be like... HGTV's version of Eskimo brothers... In your case, though, I doubt Mr. Bundchen will be prancing around with you pointing and squeeling "Oh... Oh... do it over there, now... that's it, right on my pillow. MmmmmHmmmm, I can't wait for those good dreams tonight." Oh, and given there's a reasonable probability you'll find Marky Mark hiding in the one of the closets, if you do will you punch him in the face for me?
  3. Doubling and tripling down on your original stupidity doesn't make you look smarter, FYI.
  4. It means the OP clearly isn't as witty or edgy as he thinks he is.
  5. Is dis da Da Da Rick Uh huh uh huh uh huh thread? https://youtu.be/35iKfS76TBY
  6. Maybe so, but it's still more insightful than random ampersands and non sequiturs.
  7. It depends on the context... old saggy balls in her Froot Loops, hell no... old saggy balls in commonplace old saggy balls places, she's at least considerate enough not to make an issue of it.
  8. Sophomore year in college me and two friends decided to splurge and go in together on a bag of Northern Lights. We had the brilliant idea, after smoking half the bag... and eating half of an industrial sized container of Sysco peanut butter with our fingers, to head off to the closest dining hall in the middle of the dinner rush. On the way we run into two freshmen guys from our dorm who join us and quickly realize we're baked off of our asses. A few minutes later we run into a bunch of girls from two of the neighboring dorms who also decide to join us but don't seem to realize we're a bit of a mess. As we sit down one of my friends just keeps yammering on an on about some inane thing and won't STFU while the other has a plate of food stacked up to his chin that he's devouring like he was just rescued from a deserted island. From what I can tell our cadre is staring at them partially in knowing amusement, partially in confusion. Me? I'm convinced I can hear every single conversation in the place so I'm sitting quietly and focusing on them... until the girl sitting next to me literally shakes me to ask me if I'm alright. Apparently the one conversation I couldn't hear was the one she had been trying to initiate for the last few minutes with me. My stereotypical "Hey, what's up maaaan?" reaction to her as though she had just sat down definitively clued the rest of the group in. I remember explaining to her that I could hear everything... and I remember her begging me, successfully... fortunately?... unfortunately?... not to go over to the table on the other side of the dining hall and recount whatever it was that I thought they were talking about to them in order to prove I had superhuman THC-augmented hearing... which to this day I'm not so sure wasn't a real thing.
  9. Maybe you should watch Pimple Popper MD with her. It might turn out to be her version of porn... and the Asian chick in it is pretty cute. It might backfire, though, and just make her want to torture you more.
  10. Are you suggesting that McDermott, who in a three week span started Derek Anderson off the street with a week of practice and Matt Barkley off the street with a week of practice over Peterman before finally mercifully cutting him, still believes there is a backup role for him in this league?
  11. I use my garage for privacy, away from the ever watchful eyes of my nosy neighbors. I drive in... close the door before I even get out of my car... and replay the events of the evening in my head in painstaking detail. I like privacy. It allows me to indulge certain urges that society would otherwise frown on. @EmotionallyUnstable... I wonder what kind of skeletons he has in closet. One has to live by a certain "code", you know...
  12. I don't remember Mackenzie, but that Isaac McKittrick dude played pretty well, too.
  13. I think McD and Beane kept him around to be on the PS but his TC play combined with the horrid play by AJ forced their hand. Honestly, I think it says more about what they thought of him that they were willing to start guys off the street with a week of practice over him twice in a four week stretch. Gruden, on the other hand, picked up both EJ and AJ after the book was pretty much written, soooooo... maybe he just has a thing for really bad QBs.
  14. It's almost like Peterman's the tire and the SUV is Raida Nation.
  15. EJ probably thinks this is a lot like his throw to the concession tent... off target.
  16. I'm rooting for NP to do even worse if he ever sees game action again, not because I'm an #######... ok, not just because I'm an #######, but because I care. Right now at least he has a claim to something. Less bad QB play stands to tarnish his legacy as the worst of all time.
  17. Have the waterboy set the cardboard cutout Josh up in the backfield for the first few drills so the defense can wear themselves out a little. The smug douchey look on his face is grating on them and they're ready to kill him again.
  18. They have a forum? Is it a chat room on the JLo fanclub website? FIFY
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