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Everything posted by transient

  1. It was actually a good strategy because if they challenge they burn a timeout, if they don’t they have to call a timeout anyway because they were about to get a delay of game.
  2. It can be done. If you listen to the waitress when he asks she mentions that the wine they were drinking was Opus One, which is pricey regardless of vintage, but can get extreme for certain years. https://www.sokolin.com/2013-opus-one-75648-750-xx4?fee=8&fep=45800&vfsku=75648.750.XX4&vfsku=75648.750.XX4&gpla=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhpWk1YOZ5AIVkp-fCh2RXQnfEAQYASABEgI6NvD_BwE
  3. Poor Mr. Ed developed a Dupuytren's contracture... someone should do a study to see if it can be related to an overuse injury from holding an extra-large toothbrush.
  4. I can't quite put my finger on what it is, exactly, but I'm just not as excited about the prospect of Trinity in skin-tight leather this time around...
  5. Or you just haven’t had the right $50 steak. My wife is like a delayed reaction credit card roulette; there have been times when friends are in town and she’s just paid the bill and I didn’t realize it until I got the statement. Huge fan of their cacio e pepe. So simple, but so good with their homemade pasta!!
  6. Weren’t those the instructions; name 5 better teams then the Bills? We’re #6 by default.
  7. What’s a poor TBD member to do when the mods adopt an “If you can’t beat them join them” approach to the offseason lunacy?
  8. More like the Scott 1-ply of toilet paper.
  9. I thought if you were the GM of the Cowboys by default you would in fact be Jurrah... in which case the answer to “what would you do as GM” would probably be underage prostitutes.
  10. By the end of this season they’ll change the name to the “McDermott Trophy”. Mark it down.
  11. I agree with you with respect to on-field talent; coaching resources are a totally different story. Culley may not have been the right guy, but at least they formally had a QB coach on staff in Allen’s rookie season. And you get the sense they’re overseeing the offseason work with Palmer. It feels like there’s at least a blueprint to maximize his development from a coaching perspective, which I don’t recall being the case (or at least feeling like that was the case) with other rookie QBs of the recent past.
  12. It’s also nice to see the team putting the right resources in place to develop a young QB instead of throwing their hands to the sky as they sacrificed another one to the meat grinder on the way to drafting his replacement.
  13. Gotta check with Beane to see if that contract rider about not standing on equines included asses...
  14. Tonight’s episode was like a Dark Knight-Child’s Play alternate universe where Chuckie takes a face full of acid and morphs into Mark Davis.
  15. I’m going with trick question because they’re equally likely to crash.
  16. Apparently he’s got a book endorsement deal in the works as well.
  17. Were they sold out of toilet paper again?
  18. I wish Bill and Ted’s band name was Anal Holocaust. They probably would have spelled it Anyl Holocaust. Instead they were Wyld Stallyns... Stallions is layme.
  19. Whether that was a total mischaractization or an attempt to further the nonsense, the fact remains that you, sir, need your sadness meter recalibrated.
  20. I grew up in a football family and had been a huge fan since I was a kid, but didn't make it to a game until I was halfway through college. I bought tickets for the family as a Christmas gift because the game was the day after Christmas and I would be home on break. Despite the weather I forced them to go in the spirit of the holiday. They hated me for it. https://www.buffalobills.com/news/the-top-10-coldest-games-in-bills-history-5087866 2. Dec. 26th 1993 – vs. N.Y. Jets, 9 degrees, wind chill of minus-28 What I remember - It was cold as balls I took pity on the kickers. Cary Blanchard missed... like... 3 FGs IIRC. Every punt, kickoff, or field goal attempt echoed through the stadium with this hollow "thud". My steaming hot cup of hot chocolate and Jameson's turned into a slushy in the cup in less than 3 minutes. I literally had no feeling in my right foot by the end of the game. It felt like I was walking directly on my ankle for the mile walk back to the car. When the car warmed up and the feeling started to come back I wanted nothing more than for it to go away again because it felt like someone was trying to set it on fire with a blow torch. I must have had nerve damage because the feeling was messed up in parts of my foot for several years before finally slowly getting back to normal. Good times! Go Bills!
  21. I'm guessing Tom's "collection" has gotten so large there was no way to hide them all:
  22. I ain't takin' my eye off none of 'em. My ol' pappy used to say, "Cain't never trust no man in a bubba."
  23. Word on the street is unlike "blue sky", "pink kitty" isn't all that pure.
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