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Everything posted by transient

  1. Mama, put my guns in the ground I can’t shoot them anymore That cold dark cloud is comin’ down Feels like I’m Knoxing on heaven’s door
  2. The Pats annihilated the Chargers, I’ll grant you that. The win against KC came down to the coin toss in overtime (tell me you don’t think the Chiefs would have scored a TD if they had gotten the ball first), and the Rams looked star struck and inept in one of the worst SB games ever played. If only the officials hadn’t robbed the Saints...
  3. It can be disorienting trying to interpret the soulless humor of a Pats*** fan.
  4. Depends on whether or not this Bills team craps it’s pants at the mere thought of playing the Patriots*** like the Rams did in the SB or if they decide to play up to the level of the competition, which I think they’re more capable of than recent seasons past. I think it’s either gonna be a close low scoring game or another long day full of boneheaded mistakes for Bills fans.
  5. Didn’t read the article. Did anyone dive on his face from the top rung while he was smoldering?
  6. I’m looking forward to Allen’s February Disney endorsement, myself.
  7. Yes, but that was the unsustainable good Fitz pulling games out that we should have lost on his way to his next overpayday. This team is making games close that they should be running away with. Hopefully they elevate their game to the level they’re capable of. I really don’t feel like dealing with the deflation that would accompany watching them poop themselves next week.
  8. Yes, but did you know Hulu has live sports?
  9. Sorry, but if you really, REALLY want me to read something like that you’re going to have to write it in ALLCAPS.
  10. I think when he retires, before the league honors his paperwork, he should be required to take all of the hits that the officials have spared him from over the years in order to square the ledger... doesn’t have be on the field, but preferably there’d be a camera present to record it for posterity.
  11. We should trade for a #1 WR... it’s made all the difference for the Raiders and Browns...
  12. Without a 300 yd game the Bills are 8-5 in games Allen has started and finished, and 6-3 since he returned from injury. In that time he’s put together 4 fourth quarter game winning drives. That said, he and the offense have to learn to maintain focus for the whole game. There were times today before the Bengals tied it up and pulled ahead where they looked sloppy and complacent like they’d been reading a few too many favorable press clippings, IMO; then they seemed to pull their collective head out of their *** and focus when the game was on the line. They need to develop a killer instinct and play like that for 60 minutes to put teams away instead of 2 1/2 quarters per game and eking the W out at the end. Despite the inconsistency, though, I fully expected Allen to pull it out at the end, which is something I haven’t truly felt since the 90s. They have the feel of the late 80s teams that were on the cusp and still figuring out how to win with regularity to me.
  13. And Giselle has them locked away for safe keeping along with her Adam's apple.
  14. Dominate the teams he should dominate; win the games he should win. Elevate the offense in games where things aren't going as planned. Be the deciding factor in some franchise defining wins in close games against equal or superior opponents. Be the deciding factor in some wins that maybe the team as a whole didn't deserve and wouldn't have won if not for his play. Don't cost the team wins in game they should otherwise win. I don't care what it looks like or how he does it, but this is my definition of "franchise QB"; anything less than this is middle of the pack replaceable or worse.
  15. I’ve been of the opinion, given their connection and investment in the community even prior to their purchase of the Bills, that someone connected with Wilson’s trust may have also clued them in to the fact that 2/3 of the purchase was going toward philanthropy in Buffalo and Detroit, making that bid even more palatable for them.
  16. I’m sure those three people will get over this with time.
  17. So conflicted, do I respond something about your collective "man cards" being revoked, or do I respond in kind... can't... seem... to... resist... Why should Caesar just get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? Brutus is just as cute as Caesar, right? Brutus is just as smart as Caesar, people totally like Brutus just as much as they like Caesar, and when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody because that's not what Rome is about! We should totally just STAB CAESAR!
  18. This was exactly the situation that they envisioned when they brought in Rosen. His skill set is perfect for this. If you need your team to rally around a cause without completely corrupting them with the stench of the tank despite their own putrescence, if your QB is destined to get mercilessly pummeled it helps if he has the league’s most punchable face.
  19. I was thinking more like a cross between athletic Jesus and the baby new year.
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