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Everything posted by transient

  1. I get this, but the counterpoint is how many times have you thought this same thing after a close Patriots*** loss. They HAVE to start winning this game, or it's just more of the same, and it really should have started today.
  2. I might be mistaken, but I think it's the medical term for the cheese-like stuff a dude's junk makes during exercise.
  3. Didn't read any of the thread... I just need to leave a steaming pile of vent and get it off my chest so I can move on with my evening. I get they're 3-1 and just played the defending SB champions... but I HATED this game. I mean I REALLY HATED this game. There should be no moral victories for this team anymore, they have too much talent for us to accept that. Until they learn to win this game they will continue to be also rans. This is every Patriots*** game that any remotely competitive Bills team has played against the Patriots*** for the last two decades - a whole pile of shoot yourself in the foot mixed with a handful of one-sided officiating and a dash of typical Patriots*** bull**** with just enough hope for victory to keep us watching until the inevitable final turnover seals their fate at the very end. They turned the ball over 4 times... FOUR TIMES... Josh Allen looked like he was playing with a loaded diaper at times. Where the hell was Yeldon as a safety valve in the first half of the game when your second year QB is likely to need it most to settle TF down in a big game. They repeatedly had questionable calls/non-calls go their way... are referees limited to one intentional grounding call per game on Brady for ****'s sake? And to top it off they had their starting QB, who has shown to be clutch in the 4th quarter in his short career, knocked out of the game (pre-meditatedly, IMO) on an intentional cheap shot that would have given Greggggggg Williams a spontaneous ***** (damn language filter - think "big O"). If the league doesn't give Jones a 4-6 game suspension after a hit like that they're a blatant ****ing joke when they say they give a damn at all about player safety. The NFL should consider the fact that he wasn't ejected a ****ing embarrassment, but they have to protect their golden goose franchise... filthy ****ing @#$%^&*s. They spotted the Patriots***, of all teams, 13 points and despite all of this, thanks to an amazing defensive effort, the difference in the game comes down to a blocked punt and some really ****ing stupid coaching decisions that left points on the board and left us with no time outs by the start of the 4th quarter!?!? I would have almost rather they'd gotten their asses handed to them than have this coulda, shoulda, woulda Bills-Patriots*** crap again... ALMOST. It may make me petty, but after the head shot to Allen I hope they use this game as motivation to send a message in Foxboro... and if they happen to accidentally on purpose end Tom Brady's career... oops. ?‍♀️
  4. The more the merrier!!! Gotta add as many voices as possible to make sure they can hear us back at New Era when we’re busting out “Shout” all afternoon!?
  5. He almost makes the more standard issue sports illiterate, whiny, front-running Baaaahhhston fan seem tolerable by comparison... ALMOST
  6. Click on your profile, then select ignored users - second from the bottom
  7. X and Y must be naturally occurring illicit substances used for recreational purposes X = Mescaline Y = Psilocybin X + Y = this thread
  8. Count me among the ~10% of color blind dudes who thought the experience of watching this game absolutely sucked balls.
  9. All that effort to mug the guy and he didn't even bother to steal his wallet...
  10. Looks like it's from the Garth Snow outdoor clothing line.
  11. Will the Samuel L Jackson models be recognizable by the fact they’re the ones that say Bad Mother****** on them?
  12. C’mon. That’s not very nice. Still PO’d at Wade for not wearing a headset?
  13. Odd to specify that it was food you ate... given the nature of the thread you were concerned some may have thought... teacher?
  14. Knowing that I was getting something to learn on, this was actually the advice the salesperson gave me when I bought my guitar. He basically said if you want to learn guitar quickly start with a ukulele... which is probably good advice that I ultimately decided to ignore.
  15. I only recently started playing, so take this with a grain of salt. The initial advice I was given was if I bought a new guitar that was less than a couple hundred dollars I was much more likely to quit out of frustration due to the poor quality of the instrument, both sound and playability (this was not only from the salesperson, but also from several friends who play). I ended up buying a new Yamaha FG830 from Guitar Center for around $300. It was fine, but I didn't care for the sound quality that much the more I played it; in fairness, I never had it set up after I bought it, I basically bought it to see if I'd like playing and Guitar Center lets you trade up for full value within 45 days of purchase... or maybe 60, I don't recall the specifics. I'm taking lessons and enjoying it and decided I would probably stick with it, so I decided to take advantage of this trade up option. I was talking to my instructor who threw a few names out of acoustics that she thought I'd like based on things I'd told her in terms of musical interests, sound preference, and my hand/finger size/shape. She thought really highly of Seagull. I was looking to spend up to $1000, so I was messing around with an S6 in store and comparing it to everything I could find between $400-1000. I thought it compared very favorably to $600-1000 Martins and Taylors in sound and build quality for only ~$450. The sound is probably a little less full, but if you're not playing them side by side you probably wouldn't even notice. I've had it for about 3 months and love it, and the better quality guitar has only increased my enthusiasm for it because of the fact it sounds better and it's easier to play.
  16. I was looking specifically to see if this was posted... do you think he exclaimed any particular expression at the moment he dropped from the railing from a great height @Jauronimo?
  17. What? No Thurman Thomas “act like you’ve been here before” understated ball flip to the ref followed by the jog to the sideline? INCONCEIVABLE!!!
  18. Hire someone to sneak whatever Zay was doing into Brady's HGH water and hope he decides to go over the falls on a duckie floatie for Jesus.
  19. Or orator... one would think it cruel and unusual punishment to put Mumbles in front a camera, but I guess he doesn't seem to mind.
  20. Didn't listen. Came to ask if, for the sake of accuracy, there was any way of changing the thread title to Shannon Sharpe doesn't think there is any chance the Pats even struggle a little on Sunday
  21. Gotta love it. By the same token gotta love that Josh takes responsibility for it... as long as he's not sitting around with some hangdog look and pouting about it there's nothing wrong with him saying "that's on me".
  22. Bears gonna need defensive scoring like that with Trentative Trubisky behind center.
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