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Everything posted by transient

  1. There’s an MLS soccer team that resides on Wes Welker?
  2. So basically the NFL thinks it can assuage its collective conscience with a waiver to justify promoting mass gatherings during a pandemic. You can assume with reasonable certainty that there will be multiple people in attendance at each game who are infected and that in addition to spreading it to others in attendance there will be community spread to those not in attendance and that some of those people will die. You can also assume with reasonable certainty that these people will end up in local ER's putting further strain on resources and putting health care providers at increased risk... all in the name of entertainment and to make sure 32 million/billionaires can make a few more dollars. Sounds like a well thought out plan...
  3. There is no civil unrest, there is just basic truth. There are those that like blue cheese... and those who are wrong.
  4. Nicky. Not as well advertised, similar decor, probably not as cringe-inducing when viewed with the aid of a black-light.
  5. For me, I think it was the game that the commentators said he graduated from Harvard. ? I gotta say, for a dude who’s touted for his smarts he sure plays a lot of dumb football. Chad Pennington’s arm and Brett Favre’s brain, especially when the game is still winnable inside 4 minutes left. At least he never waits until the very last second to plunge that dagger into his fans hearts. He typically leaves a full minute to minute and a half for them to lament what could have been had he not thrown a predictable pick on 1st or 2nd down after taking an unnecessary and stupid risk.
  6. I'm not sure how they'll do it, and maybe I'm a naive extremist, but I'm assuming their solution is going to have to involve some aspect of "deployment" that limits teams' contact with the outside world to lessen the likelihood of the NFL season being derailed from outside exposure and also lessen any liability from internal exposure. While players and coaches are not likely to appreciate it, I would assume it's probably going to involve limited contact with friends and family. I suspect ultimately it will come down to players and coaches accepting the terms of the modifications and individual risks, or having some other option for individuals to opt out of the season. As far as the time missed, they're going to have to approach it like an injury. 3+ weeks for a high ankle sprain or a covid infection. It will just be a question of who a player takes with him to the injury report. It will be interesting to see what the "solution" is. I suspect it will leave an asterisk in the record books if the season goes forward, kind of like a strike shortened season. If someone tests positive, depending on how they address proximity in locker rooms, wouldn't you have to quarantine a whole team for some length of time? What happens then? Reschedule a game? Forfeit? In my mind, all of this has a high likelihood of being a giant experimental exhibition season, which will be "all fun and games until someone loses an eye."
  7. I have more concern for the coaches. They’re the ones that are more likely to be older and in poor health. If someone dies from this it’s not likely to be a 20-something athlete In peak physical condition, it’s going to be a sleep deprived, junk food driven, out of shape coach.
  8. 72 yrs old and he doesn’t wear a headset. He’s a bum... or he’s no Bum... or he’s more like a punt catcher... whatever. Pass.
  9. Is she related to Benjamin Button? She’s 26 now...
  10. more specifically pulmonary hypertension, which it actually has an indication for in addition to erectile dysfunction
  11. Of course Belichick is gonna defend it... and then to influence the officials Brady it gonna tweet about how he can’t watch it anymore the next time a QB gets smoked without repercussions on MNF to make sure no one is allow to violate his personal space without a flag being thrown. The league is obligated by their bylaws to let the Patriots*** have it both ways until they deem it’s no longer “good for the game”.
  12. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that whatever 7 letter word the profanity filter blocked in your screen name is probably accurate.
  13. Part of the Patriots*** dominance lies in their confidence and their ability to get into other teams' heads... a big part of that dies with the end of Brady's career, probably even more of it if he falls to pieces before our very eyes before he retires and loses a few games along the way that they otherwise wouldn't have lost. The Bills offense and special teams lost that game with the help of the refs and some questionable coaching decisions.
  14. Occasionally he breaks into an impromptu rendition of Paradise By the Dashboard Lights...
  15. Of course he knows Bjorkovich's weaknesses, he used to be his punter...
  16. ...debating what the consequences of posting the middle finger emoji from my phone would be...
  17. We applaud your choice, Signed (jointly), Mike Williams, Marcel Dareus, and Aaron Maybin
  18. Gonna cut Zay outright? If you do that someone's gotta go... may have to bring up Davis Webb for next week, so that would be 2 guys you'd have to cut...
  19. Maybe not, but Zay's a mess at this point so why not give it a shot with someone on the roster who's flashed in the past once he's healed.
  20. Have to wonder, as was stated in the broadcast and multiple other places before, if it's Foster's foot injury that's limiting his snaps. If so, when he's healed does he relegate Zay to the bench? I would have thought Foster and Brown would be redundant one dimensional deep ball threats before realizing what a versatile receiver Brown is.
  21. Daboll also needs to learn to use Yeldon out of the backfield and, when he returns, Singletary IN THE FIRST HALF instead of sitting on them until the third quarter. WTF is with this sandbagging ****? Wouldn't the second half of games be easier to scheme for with a lead? It's like his competitive spirit was corrupted by the ghost of Kelvin Benjamin.
  22. It was the lack of awareness to come back and play defense on what was clearly an underthrown ball that is the last straw for me. He was looking back at the ball and continuing to run his pattern as though it would miraculously find the "oomph" to get over the DB at the last minute. Time to pull the plug on Zay.
  23. So are you of old French origin meaning "lovely son," or did you just not realize the cartoon character has an "a" in the name?
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