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Everything posted by transient

  1. I’ve changed my mind, it’s an X-ray of the pelvic girdle of someone with a chalice shoved up their butt.
  2. If this was the beginning of the season and the poll was worded such as to ask if the Bills were able to achieve what they've in fact achieved irrespective of playoff results, I think I would have answered differently. Watching this team grow and seeing the momentum they have going into the playoffs, while I wouldn't necessarily call this season unsuccessful if they fail to reach the AFC Championship game or SB, I would feel like they fell well short of their potential and wasted an opportunity that there is no guarantee that they'll get again, especially with the poaching of the coaching staff and front office that will inevitably take place.
  3. As far as humble nature, I think he conducts himself well and says the right things in the media, and when he's talking about his coaches and teammates I think he means it, but he also strikes me as someone who's carrying a pretty big chip on his shoulder given everything he had to go through to get where he is. He's good natured about it, but he gives it back to the media when they ask him about everything that's been said about him prior to this season. I don't remember who it was or what he said verbatim, but earlier this season a reporter was asking him something about what was reported on him coming out of college and instead of answering the question he interjected with "What'd YOU write about me" with a cocky smirk.
  4. Unfettered access to Alex Guerrero, and by extension HGH. No possible way his arm got stronger over the past 2 seasons otherwise, IMO.
  5. Add a little HGH and you’ve got the TB12 secret to the fountain of youth.
  6. I think it was multi factorial; halitosis, gingeritis, and a serious case of ineffectosis sans passrushious.
  7. Potentially terminal spleen sprain. Trying to find a donor for an experimental transplant before the first round of the playoffs start.
  8. For suggestions on how to further tarnish your legacy press #1, to inquire about available NFL head coaching vacancies press #2, for ways to stop Josh Allen and the Bills offense press #3... #3... you have selected #3, if this is correct, press #1... #1... please stay on the line, there are... T-H-I-R-T-Y... callers ahead of you, your wait time is... T-E-N... to... F-I-F-T-E-E-E-N... seasons... please stay on the line (annoying muzak begins to play).
  9. I appreciate your thoughtful response. My initial post was meant more in jest than as any sort of intentional slight or insult. I’ve been here long enough to realize message boards are a poor medium for nuance, though, so I apologize for being a prick, even if it wasn’t my explicit intent. Happy New Year! ...and more importantly, Go Bills!
  10. Talk about going off the rails. You seem to have some difficulty with the meaning of words, most notably “adult” in your above post.
  11. Too bad for him he sounds JUST LIKE his annoying father. A few seconds of hearing that voice and my gut reaction is It's like tuning in to the worst part of Thanksgiving 5 days a week... or maybe I just need to talk to my family about showing up for therapy more often.
  12. He's trying to find one that makes his face look less punchable... so far no luck.
  13. They also don’t employ a defensive philosophy that allows the other team to dictate the game to them and wastes the talents of the defensive players and the efforts of the offense. Wade as the DC at the height of the K-gun instead of Walt Corey’s BS “read and react” and I think the Bills history would look a bit different. Let’s hope this group rights that wrong.
  14. Mark Schlereth was absolutely painful to listen to. What the hell was with him repeatedly referring to Allen’s arm as a hose and insisting he should let his hose eat. 🤷‍♂️ Was he trying to remove any doubt that he’s a giant tool? And pumping Locks’ tires like this was some classic shootout when he hadn’t even thrown for 100 yds at that point in the 3rd... it was like he was calling the game in a blindfold.
  15. It was a fun piece, but it was a flocking great play by Johnson.
  16. For all in tents and porpoises now you’re just adding in salt to injury, irregardless of weather you meant to add pepper or not.
  17. And caught a football like he had a basketball backboard on his chest and brick mittens on his hands... and he played the game like he had Kyle Orton’s heart and smokin’ Jay Cutler’s attitude - “doooooon’t caaaare”.
  18. What kind of crazy Harry Potter #### is this?!?! That towel just bit me!?!?
  19. 50/50 chance that play ends with a patented Knox-sized lapse in concentration and a live ball recovered by the defense, which is probably why we haven’t seen it.
  20. Favorite bottle????? As though a sommelier is going to show up with a towel draped over his arm, bottle opener in hand, and wax poetic about the vintage as he takes you through the wonderful bouquet of watered down day-old urine.
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