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Everything posted by transient

  1. Living outside of Detroit from 2011-2016 and NOLA from 2016-present and seeing both QBs close up, I think you could make a pretty good argument that the Saints would have had a better shot at the SB the last 2 seasons with Stafford over Brees. Saints window with Brees basically closed after the missed PI call against the Rams, but they tried to extend it. Despite missing numerous games both seasons, in effect sparing some of his arm, Brees’ arm was dead come playoffs the last 2 seasons. They would have been better off continuing with the game plan they were using for Taysom Hill this season when Brees came back to avoid having Brees throw. There was talk locally (granted, pie in the sky given the cap situation, IMO) the Saints were going to make a play for Stafford. Re Rams with Stafford as opposed to Goff, Stafford can play and can rally when things go sideways, it’s leading where he needs the help. Unlike Detroit, the Rams have a solid locker room and veteran leaders. In addition to being less talented, Goff strikes me as even more milquetoast than Stafford and McVay managed to get them to the SB with him (albeit via a blown PI). I think Stafford in LA may surprise some people, and I think it’s a good gamble by the Rams and a pretty objective assessment of what was holding them back. Also, spending what they did to bring in a 33 yo QB suggests they know what’s down the road a few seasons when the check comes and they have to purge the roster.
  2. He played almost as many regular-season games as he would have if he hadn't opted out.
  3. You mock... the ears of every football fan ever unfortunate enough to listen to Witten in the broadcast booth applauded that comeback and considered it an unmitigated success...
  4. New Orleans couldn’t get him under the cap without decimating their roster more than they’re already going to have to.
  5. Lived in MI from 2011-2016, so saw more than my share of Lions games. He always struck me as really talented, athletically reminded me a lot of Jim Kelly, he’s just not a leader, which was Kelly’s biggest asset... or at least not enough of a leader to overcome the lack of organization and discipline that defines that club. He could never get that team to rally around him.
  6. Spare me the indignation, Allen was out cold. He cleared the protocol. He played the next week. Also, depending on how old your daughters were at the time, there’s an entity referred to as malignant brain edema, also known as second impact syndrome, that children and adolescents who experience traumatic brain injury are at increased risk for, which may have accounted for the longer delay in medical clearance.
  7. Maybe Frazier looked at the situation he'd be walking into, looked at the situation he was in, and said thanks but no thanks.
  8. I'm sure he'll have the Ravens LBs fired up and ready to stop Trent Edwards the next time they face him.
  9. Shhhhhh. No one likes their self righteous outrage peed on by facts.
  10. I could have sworn we added a “Can you believe this ******* idiot” reaction icon. I guess not.
  11. Drew tried to throw him one a few minutes earlier but the other kid picked it off.
  12. I have a problem with the Bucs making it to the SB. I don't want to hear the slobbering heads have another reason to drone on and on and on and on about Brady. I don't want Brady to have the satisfaction of making it to the SB with another team. I don't want to spend my SB watching experience rooting for a catastrophic injury. And god forbid, I certainly don't want that MFer to win it, especially if it's against the Bills. Outside of his fans, hasn't the vast majority of the greater football watching community been tortured enough.
  13. Tell us again about that girl from Siberia you were dating, Cal. You know, the one with the breast that felt like a bag of sand when you were touching it. 😂
  14. Put Winston in. At least he has the ability to throw picks further downfield.
  15. Or at least prepare themselves to avoid the inevitable decline the way HGH12 has done.
  16. A few hundred dollars? MDs at those pain clinics were making millions. If you think there’s something conspiratorial going on with the league and their independent physicians for the concussion protocol similar to those pill mills, I don’t know what to tell you. What you’re suggesting WOULD be foolishly committing malpractice and endangering their livelihood for a few hundred dollars. Think what you want, but what you’re suggesting is absurd.
  17. My point about the consulting fee was in response to the poster who was insinuating they’re somehow in the league’s pocket and clearing athletes before they’re ready. I was making the point, or trying to at least, that no one was going to endanger their livelihood for that fee.
  18. I realize that. My point was just because he looked woozy immediately afterwards doesn’t mean anything. Josh was unconscious. Mahomes looked fine jogging up the tunnel (which I’m actually surprised they let him jog immediately afterwards). He may already be symptom free, he may have symptoms tomorrow, he may have symptoms for weeks irrespective of what it looked like immediately afterwards.
  19. Of course they’re paid. Do you expect them to do it out of the kindness of their hearts? I’d actually be more concerned about their motivation if that was the case. They’re not putting their livelihoods on the line to rush a player back for a consulting fee. That’s crazy talk.
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