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Everything posted by transient

  1. Don’t RB years presuppose that he’s seen the type of wear and tear that comes with the position? If he hasn’t played the position he shouldn’t have the wear and tear, though admittedly I don’t know enough about rugby to know what kind of long term physical toll it takes. While he’s clearly an exception, Fred Jackson was almost 27 before he started a game in the NFL, and then he played for 9 years.
  2. I’m cool with it if it means he doesn’t swap the first “m” for a “J”.
  3. 67.9% 9TDs and 2 INTs, 5-1 and 72.7% 8TDs (4 passing, 4 rushing) and 2 INTs, 3-1 - those were Bridgewater's and Hills numbers in relief the last 2 seasons. That team was stacked and made a push to win a SB in 2020 with Brees, and they miscalculated, now they're having to tear it down because they're $100M over the cap. It doesn't take away from Brees career, but he looked brutal for long stretches in 2020. I live in NOLA and saw just about every game. When he came back from the rib fractures, Payton should have stuck to the running game and protected him the way they were doing with Hill, and the way Denver did with Manning. He was out of gas at the end of 2019 as well.
  4. If you think the Saints had a better chance against the Bills with Brees than whomever they eventually roll out in 2021 you haven’t been paying attention. Brees may have finally retired, but his arm called it quits in 2019.
  5. Bill Simpson intercepting Richard Todd to preserve the win against the Jets in the 1981 WC game. I was 9. Pretty sure my dad made me watch it when it was 24-0 because he was convinced Bills history was being made. I don’t really remember much of the specifics of the game except we were watching it in the kitchen on a portable television and there was a whole lot of swearing... then sudden unexpected jubilation with the win... talk about foreshadowing.
  6. I sooooo want to make a comment about this on the main board, but rules are rules.
  7. What, no love for the Bills all time leading scorer? Or do you have something against Plan-B free agents? Or maybe Canadians?
  8. Knox can catch. What he’s failed to prove is whether he can kee his head in the game for an entire 60 minutes. Typically, when he’s making a boneheaded play it’s something routine, and yet he manages to make low percentage catches fairly regularly.
  9. My kinda broadcast crew, except for the Buck and Aikman part. Couldn’t tequila have found less annoying representation to speak on its behalf?
  10. Probably a good thing it didn’t happen. All of that celebrating would have caused a real... strain... on the city.
  11. I guess Zach Smith wasn’t available. Guess that arachnoid cyst is affecting his judgement again. POS.
  12. Wouldn’t letting the QB have input on personnel decisions reinforce the fact they’re a poorly run organization? A big part of the reason they’re in the mess they’re in is BO’B, who also wasn’t qualified, was making personnel decisions.
  13. Yes, but the mark of a HOF Bills QB is how drunk he can get the night before the Super Bowl.
  14. Accept that the season ended 2 weeks ago and there is no dilemma. I don’t find my blood pressure elevated at all while watching reruns of Schitts Creek, and I haven’t once found myself rooting for misfortune to any of the cast members... ok, I wouldn’t be disappointed if something bad happened to Chris Elliott, but I’m not actively rooting for it.
  15. Their fan already has one, so they probably just give the rest of them away with the fishing charters.
  16. Put it this way, if this wasn’t purely for cap reasons and Brees did decide to play, at this stage of his career for what he brings to the table even at the veteran minimum he’d still be overpaid.
  17. That’s what led to the awkward “hey all, what’s up” non-retirement press conference by Wood where players, former players, friends and family showed up to hear Wood not announce his retirement. Clearly he couldn’t play, so there was no question in his mind, but his camp didn’t think through the implications of the timing before putting together his send off.
  18. If you’re going to throw out baseless conspiracy theories they should at least be believable. Everyone knows who made the ultimate decision...
  19. Is this a thing? Can this really happen? 🙏 If so, do you think they’ll sell tickets to it? 🤔
  20. I can already hear Flores stealing' a page out of his former OC's book when the critics come a callin'... "It was Studesville's turn."
  21. Witten didn’t have the benefit of being able to distract people with sleight of hand... https://gfycat.com/diligentinexperiencedblueandgoldmackaw
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