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Everything posted by transient

  1. I’m confused… how are you not living here if your wife is from here? 🤔 Is she embarrassed because you refer to the streetcar as a “trolley”, so she still has some reforming to do before you’ll fit in? 😂 One more thing I’ll add about the Bayou Classic, it’s not a very friendly rivalry. It may be worth finding things to do outside of the Quarter the day of the game…
  2. Live here now. Was just about to post something similar, but you put it much more succinctly. The “it smells like garbage, urine and vomit” take is what tourists say after spending all their time on Bourbon St. It’s akin to the enlightened Buffalo opinion that all it does is snow based on one visit in January or February. One correction, those houses are 300 years old. The city celebrated its tricentennial in 2018.
  3. A brand new terminal opened in November 2019.
  4. He’s the dude that, in a game against the Jets when he played for the Chiefs, picked up a penalty flag and threw it into the stands, ran into the locker room assuming he was ejected, and came back to finish the game with no socks afterwards when he found out he wasn’t. Chiefs then traded him to the Rams on the offseason.
  5. Couldn’t find it without closed captioning…
  6. Time to add another to the growing list of reasons that Rachael Ray is the most annoying person on the planet.
  7. Come now. How soon we forget the epic Mario Williams thread that gave us "F5", "ground up and in the freezer", "Tempo", and my personal favorite, "Luke Russert's mom."
  8. “Doug Whaley would have been fine if he just got to hire his own head coach.” The no nonsense professionalism of the Wizard has made me see the error of my ways.
  9. About 20 years ago a neighbor of mine crashed his car while drunk. Assuming someone witnessed the crash and called the police, he left it there and walked to the nearest bar for the express purpose of doing as many shots as he could while loudly bemoaning the fact he crashed his car. He figured it would be hard to prove when he had actually consumed the alcohol if people witnessed him pounding enough shots. Pretty ballsy, and pretty stupid, but as far as I know it worked. Either that or no one in the small town actually gave a **** enough to call the police. 🤷‍♂️
  10. Maybe he got new glasses and realized he spent >100K on something that looks like a motorized stage coach without horses so he waved his arm while telling one of his entourage "Out of my sight with this monstrosity."
  11. Yes, but the wolf thinks this take is about as well thought out as the original post.
  12. What of Chan's, exactly, are we supposed to fire that wasn't fired when Chan was fired? Can we just fire FireChans instead?
  13. If Dolphins fan were to get together with Jaguars fan and his collection of blue tarps to talk football would it build a sense of bonding and community, or would each feel a sense insecurity and distrust at the shattered sense of identity that would accompany the realization that they weren't the only fan of a Florida based NFL team in the world?
  14. Where’s the fun in waiting for him to turn his back?
  15. I think someone probably monitors to make sure while he’s doing these things he’s not making effeminate Tom Brady noises or gestures like at Carnival, or while jumping off a waterfall, or when sliding down a big scary water slide. I mean, if you’re gonna put the goods at risk you damn well better man up and make the franchise proud.
  16. Pete Metzelaars. I could never accept his genetically inferior gingerness.
  17. If I let go of my sense of entitlement all I'll have is my seething anger towards anyone who doesn't share my opinion... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!
  18. Yes, but you could have invited Russell Wilson... loser.
  19. Encouraging the average Joe to try these has “fool with a crushed windpipe in the ER” written all over it.
  20. I still remember the odd, dead, “echoey” sound the ball made when either team punted. Regardless of whatever they did to keep it warm on the sideline, it must have been a frozen brick by the time they kicked it.
  21. I bought tickets for the family for Christmas- Per the Bills website, #2 coldest home game in Bills history- “Dec. 26th 1993 – vs. N.Y. Jets, 9 degrees, wind chill of minus-28”. Our drinks, hot chocolate and Jameson included, would turn into slushees within 5 minutes. I froze my foot so bad that the sensation in it wasn’t the same for a least 5 years afterwards. I forced everyone to stay until the last whistle.
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