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Everything posted by transient

  1. This stuff's apparently made with Peter Pan peanut butter. https://www.skrewballwhiskey.com/PeterPan
  2. Time to get to work starting some Christian Wade threads...
  3. Given his reliable hands, there was probably a trail of food leading right to his parking spot.
  4. So I guess I imagined that the NFC won 16 of 20 SBs in the 80s and 90s, including a run of 13 straight. And I suppose despite the lopsided scores and embarrassing performances in many of them, the AFC representative weren’t actually outclassed by a wide margin in many of those games. Because of this disparity there was a long stretch where the talking heads referred to the NFC Conference Championship as the “true super bowl”.
  5. My point was Shula wasn't the same coach, and the Dolphins weren't the same team, after 1985. The most succinct way I can summarize it is to say from 1970-1985 his winning percentage with Miami was 0.727 and he made the playoffs in 12 of 16 seasons, with two of the seasons that he missed still being 10 win seasons; from 1986-1995 his winning percentage was 0.559 and he only made the playoffs 4 times despite having a HOF QB. The Bills rise certainly contributed to some of the losses, but it was not the same team as the one in the 70s and early 80s, and the numbers against the league as a whole, not just the Bills, bear that out.
  6. Word on the street is his parents grounded him for not finishing his peas, so now he can't make it to NYC to sign the contract.
  7. I don't think this makes the point you think it does. Don Shula, during Levy's tenure with the Bills, won a total of 3 playoff games and had a total of 3 double digit winning seasons... Miami was basically a 0.500 team with Shula at the helm despite a HOF QB behind center over the time Marv coached the Bills. It's not like he was going head to head against him in the 70s when the legend of Don Shula was cemented.
  8. The AFC was a weak sister during his time. Someone from the conference had to make it. That roster was dripping with HOF talent and he underacheived with it due to stubbornness and hubris. "Read and react" was a complete waste of that defense under Walt Corey, and you have to give the opposing SB team some respect and not think you can just "out execute" a similarly talented team and win. That's a coaching problem.
  9. I can't remember which Cowboy they interviewed in the "Four Falls of Buffalo" 30 for 30 but they mentioned how, despite dominating the first half of the game, the Bills looked listless and defeated going into the tunnel at halftime, like they didn't have anything left to give after the four SB runs.
  10. Parcells, Gibbs and Johnson were all big game coaches. Marv... not so much. He can credit his HOF talent for getting him into the HOF, cuz it wasn't his coaching.
  11. I joined a couple of years before Lori left. Her contribution and connections are definitely and most notably missed. There has been a lot of attrition of knowledgeable posters over the years, not just the ladies.
  12. I also think Boomer Esiason may have mentioned it, possibly during a broadcast.
  13. I don't disagree about the current contenders part. As for the cap and the contracts, I would argue that they have been very good at kicking the can down the road and retaining talent to prolong their SB window. They got screwed by the league with the non-PI that kept them out of the SB in 2018, which had they advanced and won would quite possibly have been Brees' swan song. They made a run the following season, but Brees' arm looked dead by then end of the season and the team was flat in the playoffs. IMO, the window closed with that loss. Their mistake was not recognizing Brees arm was dead before last season and instead kicking the salary cap can down the road for 1 more season. In fairness to the Saints organization, the city credits Brees arrival with saving the team from moving to San Antonio after Katrina. It would have been impossible to move on from him before he retired, and it would have been hard to tear it down with him still playing in 2020.
  14. Just found out this family is a casual acquaintance of my wife's boss; 17 year old kid ends up shot in the head and dies over a stupid traffic incident between his father, who was driving, and another driver. https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/08/us/houston-shooting-road-rage-teen-death/index.html
  15. Hmmm, before I know how to feel about this I'd really like to know what Cole Beasely's thoughts are on the matter.
  16. Will y’all be this warm and fuzzy when I post my “How’s it hanging” thread?! 🤔
  17. If memory serves, sounds like she's hit more QBs than Maybin did in his entire Bills career.
  18. "Won it"... riiiiiggghhhttt... we all know how you came into possession of that jersey, you little cheeky monkey.
  19. Whether Kermit meant to say it the way he said is debatable. Arguing that the phrase itself makes no sense the way he said it makes no sense. Basically, unless someone believes something, no matter how obvious it may be to others, they won't see it. Conversely, even if something doesn't exist, if someone believes it exists they'll see it. One only has to look at the current state of the country to realize that this phrase has meaning.
  20. Yes, but "Gred" earns points for randomness for combining "Greg" and "red".
  21. I didn't know we could use gifs in our avatars... 🤷‍♀️ Color me equal parts fascinated, distracted, and annoyed.
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