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Everything posted by transient

  1. Crazy to hear that Allen’s mechanics improved throughout the course of the season instead of just maintaining. It would suggest that he’s comfortable enough most of the time on the field that not only is he processing plays and defenses, but at the moment he’s throwing a pass, on some level, he’s actively assessing how he’s throwing the ball, not just reflexively throwing it, and then making in season adjustments that work.
  2. He was definitely a bad man. He always tackled like he was shot from a cannon.
  3. How many times did they go through that car wash? Were they trying to wash the paint off the car?
  4. Well when I do win one I expect you to serve it to me like a true fast food professional. No spitting in it, putting your junk on it, dropping it on the floor or any other disgusting manner of disrespect you miserable little troll.
  5. I feel like this is a layered question. I feel like sustained success brings with it an assumption of insufferable-ness of the team's fans to those fanbases not enjoying similar success, regardless of the fan behavior. In that regard I hope we are similar. With respect to the specific comparison to Patriots fans, I certainly hope sustained Bills' success doesn't result in plummeting football IQs, developing a "nails on a chalkboard" dialect, and acquiring personality traits that are nearly as grating as the speech impediment, if not moreso.
  6. The "We'll take Dorothy Mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner AND THEN NEVER CALL HER AGAIN" defense.
  7. I think they're much better equiped to stop Henry this season, which will spell a long night for Tannehill, IMO. On offense, I'm expecting them to start to look like they're rounding into form as long as they're not playing in another monsoon. Here's hoping for another college football blowout final score.
  8. Am I on "Troll, Sarcasm, or Just Plain Ridiculous" where posters post pure nonsense and contestants have to guess the motivation/origin of this nonsense? Hmmm... Jordan Phillips and super star in the same sentence. I'm gonna have to go with Just Plain Ridiculous.
  9. I'm more likely to swear at home than in public (bar or game) unless I've had a few too many and the Bills are losing, then it can get ugly. When I watch the games at home, my poor dog also gets anxious after the first bad call because she thinks she did something wrong. The Bills-Houston WC game in 2019 was really ugly. I was at a bar and was fairly drunk because of the company in which I watched it (I generally watch playoffs at home by myself and limit the alcohol so there are no distractions). Despite it being a late game at a bar, there was a family in my vicinity with a son who looked like he was 12. When the game started to unravel, I started to unravel. After that horrendous blindside block call on Ford I'm pretty sure I repeated the pattern of dropping an MFer, blaspheming with a JFC or a JMFC, lamenting the direction the game was taking with some very colorful language, and then directing an apology to the kid and his family at least 10-15 times. I reconciled the whole thing with "who brings their kid to a late Bills playoff game at a bar and doesn't expect to hear language like that; at least I apologized..." of course, I did follow up every apology with another string of expletives that would make a trucker blush. 🤷‍♀️
  10. Personally, I think they need to bring in an experienced president of hockey operations, not so much to oversee the GM/HC, but more to insulate the GM/HC from the owners' hockey naivete and let them do their jobs.
  11. They could have at least given each one of the Pegula designed "BS" hats to wear... https://www.sabrespace.com/community/topic/29084-kelly-pegula-designed-a-sabres-hat-and-wow-just-wow/ Huh, it appears this wasn't the hit they thought it'd be, so it's no longer available on the One Buffalo website, but there's a great picture of it in the first post on the second page of the thread.
  12. My first thought when I saw part of this the other day, as well as re-watching part of it now, is that's one tall lady. I didn't see her footwear to determine the size of the heel, but she's looking Josh right in the face.
  13. I thought to myself “Groot just made Mahomes look like EJ Manual… I wonder if Reid is going to bench him for the rest of the season, now, in favor of a gutless, short-sliding, drunk-ass uncle Rico impersonator?” 🤔🤞
  14. Regarding Emmanuel Sanders, I think it's more understandable. It's very clear, in hindsight, that it was Brees washed up arm his last two seasons that were responsible for making Sanders look bad.
  15. There might be a link or 2 out there... https://www.google.com/search?q=gruden+email&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS820US820&oq=gruden+email&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l2j69i60l2.8992j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#scso=_tblgYZRey9bWxA-tzbyQCA60:660
  16. Add another winner to your list: "What the Hell is going on out here?"
  17. Josh Gordon... half the KC roster will be flying high because they didn't realize the gummy bears in the locker room were his before they ate them.
  18. Not denying Herbert’s talent, but Shefter is a tool. Declaring Herbert a HOF lock after 19 games, with a 9-10 record at the time the statement was made, is hyperbolic buffoonery.
  19. I think some in the fanbase have become so shellshocked from eating s**t sandwiches for the last 20 years that they just can't acknowledge that they're suddenly being served wagyu beef.
  20. No worries. Rapesthlisberger provided the Steelers the practice they need in managing such issues.
  21. After getting injured then looking like 💩 all preseason, he was traded to the Raida's for a 5th... furthering Beane's reputation as a Wizard after he had traded Taylor to the Browns for a 3rd just a few months prior to that.
  22. Maybe he’s butt-hurt that Emmanuel Sanders is taking his catches from him and this is how he’s choosing to project his frustration. Whatever, Cole. C’est la vie.
  23. I think you jarred something loose there, Tiger.
  24. Bills beating teams by college scores
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