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Everything posted by transient

  1. Between him and Gronkowski, I think this is real time evidence that the cro magnon brain processed pain signals differently.
  2. Is Mr. Johnson my wayward son? Regardless, I think the league wide hint is both should lay their weary heads to rest.
  3. Kelvin Benjamin, while with NYG, missed his sage veteran advice on where he was supposed to line up. Why do you think he kept finding himself in the buffet line with a to-go bag.
  4. The abolitionist? Cuz you can’t possibly mean the washed up WR…
  5. Anything to get my mind off the horror of the game. Mindless ear worm... you've been warned.
  6. Don't forget appendage length and auto... yeeeaaaahhhh, no, that's got "banned" written all over it.
  7. There once was a coach from Bowling Green Utah Florida Ohio State Jacksonville For whom integrity was never part of the drill When his bosses get pissed He blames it all on a cyst And leaves someone else to clean up the mess from his spill
  8. Don’t let Flutie get wind of this. He’ll stop shilling with Frank Thomas for Nugenix and promptly start a crusade to divide the Bills locker room over which QB deserves more love and affection.
  9. Request a trade right at the deadline? Nice. Does he have a NTC? If not, if I were the Rams GM I'd send him to the Jets because I could.
  10. (Insert NFL city here) ###### ####### #### #######!!!
  11. I hope the awful realization that he's now a Jet results in him one-upping Vonte Davis and retiring mid-pass attempt during the Jets first offensive series. Just throw up a big ol' wobbly duck and start the jog of resignation to the sideline before it even comes down.
  12. Totally agree. Last season coming out of the bye the team addressed their most glaring weakness, lack of a killer instinct in the second half. McD and Beane are nothing if not spot on with self/team assessment.
  13. Impressive. I would have thought the leather mask would have affected your vision and prevented you from doing such quality work. Maynard and Zed must be proud.
  14. I think it is Wyoming that needs to prove it's Bills fandom and reassure Bills nation that they're not bandwagon fans purely because of Josh. To do this I suggest 1) They change the name of Jackson Hole to Fred Jackson Hole 2) They change the buffalo on their state flag to the throwback Bills red standing buffalo 3) They put a Bills jersey on the Buffalo Bill Cody statue outside of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, or at least put a Bills helmet on him and give him a foam finger 4) They carve the faces of Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith, Thurman Thomas, and Andre Reed into Devil's Tower so Bills fans can have their own Mt Rushmore 5) They get Old Faithful to shoot Labatt Blue... this may actually be dangerous, so I'd accept changing the name of Jenny Lake to Genny Cream Ale Lake as a goof, even though I hate that swill 6) They decorate the Grand Tetons with a massive red, white and blue Bills logo'd bra.
  15. Word on the street is they were trying to get in touch with him from the booth but he refused to wear a headset... the bum.
  16. Because he encouraged them prior to the play to abandon their lanes?
  17. Domes and artificial turf are a communist plot.
  18. Mumbling to yourself out loud in public about mashed potatoes... it's probably not only local celebrities that should be wary of crossing your path. If I happen to see someone yelling at the mac'n'cheese in the prepared foods section at Wegmans please forgive me when I run the other way. There was a loud ticking noise that made me think something was about to explode.
  19. Word on the street is they've worked out Kevin, Brett, The Mouth of the South, and Melissa Joan. While they could all probably do a better job on the OL, the main reason was the Bills didn't want to get a reputation around the league for being Hartless.
  20. Josh… Norman? His immortalized embarrassment has left us vulnerable to Derrick Henry? Players avoid tackling him because they don’t want to suffer similar indignity? I mean, based on their play tonight, it’s plausible. 🤷‍♂️
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