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Everything posted by transient

  1. Classic Sullivan... miserable little man with a grandiose self-opinion whose work screams "self-proclaimed smartest guy in the room", yet again oblivious to the fact that his snark reflects more obviously on his own shortcomings - calling attention to the fact he's an insufferable little prick whose schtick ultimately left him without a credible platform - than it does on the person it was directed at. Thanks for reminding us why most of us don't miss you, Jerruh. Enjoy your crumbs.
  2. Will Alex Geurerro and his magic avacado ice cream get an assist on that MVP? ~~wink~~wink~~.
  3. Maybe he bought each their very own copy of “Blocking for dummies”.
  4. I’m not so sure. I can see where there’s a difference of opinion. Unless someone else is superimposed, though, there’s definitely an “-fd” in there at the end. Maybe it’s one of the fans yelling it at him at the end of what he’s saying, but it’s definitely there.
  5. Mac Jones… ughh. If only I had another soul to exchange for the winds of hell.
  6. The ball comes out of his hand with all of the zip of the great Nate Peterman. If that's all he's got, the defense and the running game will only be able to protect him for so long. If not for the team around him dictating their style of play he'd be leading the league in INTs.
  7. League rules state that protesting the awarding of conditional draft picks to NE*** shall result in a conditional draft pick awarded to NE*** AND a free phantom PI call awarded to the Bucs. Now, excluding NE*** and Marciaville, football fans everywhere is owe an apology by @Ridgewaycynic2013 or whoever.
  8. Yes, but if the league won’t offer an apology would you accept one from whoever?
  9. Hopefully, it's not something serious. However, if it's not actually something serious it's seriously starting to have a Vontae Davis vibe to it...
  10. So apparently, @Gugny, you are, in fact, getting *****.
  11. Duke Williams... the gift that keeps on giving... he's like TBD's version of herpes. Wonder what Da'Rick Rogers is up to these days...
  12. I assume, then, resurrecting the thread with this reference would have been a bridge or two too far:
  13. I think there are a few things to unpack, here. 1) The Bills have been maddeningly inconsistent, which has been frustrating. They've certainly not met expectations... I'm feeling that 2) COVID has sucked the fun out of everything for going on 2 years, and now it's clearly m*********ing the NFL season (a season that may end up eating a year of the Bills window), in addition to all of everyone's other favorite pastimes... I'm with you on that, too 3) The commentary on the board content... that's not new, and I think #1 and #2 are making #3 more noticeable. As far as the lack of emotion, I'm not sure what you do, but your reference to testing, treatment, and supply chain issues in your post is curious and can lead one to some inferences. Hopefully there are other things in life that bring you respite and joy, especially during the holiday season, especially during these trying times. Take care of yourself. Cheers!
  14. They should have this as the background music:
  15. Instead of bringing in a worn out Brown, IMO they'd be better off implementing some plays to get Brieda, McKenzie and Stevenson on the field at the same time early in the game in an effort to threaten the Pats*** downfield. Hope Allen can create enough time to find the one that's open and hope whichever one that is can catch the ball. If they can establish the need to respect the available deep speed throughout the game, an aspect that the Bills really haven't utilized all season, maybe it will keep the Pats*** off balance enough that they can work with what they have. The obvious fly in the ointment is the OL is just as screwed as the WR corps at the moment, but that would be the case with or without Brown, as well.
  16. Soooo, the natural next question is... was the Visually Impaired Advancement (VIA) charity from last week's snarky philanthropic gesture also robbing people blind?
  17. Not that I'm a conspiracy theorist, but the league has nothing to benefit from the Panthers winning or losing at this point this season, so if it was fixed it would have to have been to help the Bills win and therefore increase the importance of next week's game against the Pats***. I couldn't watch, but I listened to the game. It sounded like there were a few questionable calls on the Panthers in the second half per Murph and E-Wood, including a soft roughing the passer call, so... maybe? 🤷‍♂️
  18. The most impressive thing about Kelly was his ability to keep defenses off balance. He was calling his own plays in an era where that was not a thing. He was the epitome of a "field general". Thurman may have been the heart of that offense, but Kelly was the brain. Throw in the fact he was tough as nails and was the ultimate competitor and he just fit the city. He knew what he had in Thurman, and he wanted to win more than he wanted the numbers. I can't imagine Marino, for example, being as selfless in a similar situation. Gibran Hamdan
  19. How dare you vomit on the Chroisen one. A pox on your house. And Flutie was a locker room dividing, egotistical, credit stealing, blame shifting little PO💩. No, that's Drew. This is Elway:
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