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Everything posted by transient

  1. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I'm starting to sense a theme, here. 🤔
  2. At least he's hygienic enough that he's not a Brown, so there's that.
  3. Anyone else hear "Bills" and "RB" and "airport" and make the mental leap to...
  4. Consider for a second that he’s the only one on the list that has the occasion to give himself up and slide at the end of a run… where would he be with those runs excluded?!?! 👀
  5. Yeah, I think trading for #16 and #19 says "We need to draft starters this year", whoever they might be. With the departures of Armstead, Williams and Jenkins they need a starting LT and 2 starting safeties just off the top of my head...
  6. He went on to explain how he thought the best course of action would be to take the picks aquired in this trade, trade up to #4 and take the 3rd or 4th best WR in a WR loaded draft.
  7. It’s an interesting point. Local play by play and color guys certainly can add an almost family-like dimension to a game, especially good ones. We were fortunate to have Van Miller and Rick Jennerette (and while Ted Darling pre-dates my hockey fandom, I understand he also fit the bill). On the other hand, I most likely won’t have the same nostalgia for Murphy and Tasker who, as an out of towner, I’ve had to grit my teeth through their mangled games on numerous occasions. I don’t think the same sentiments apply to the current national crews, though. I’m of the opinion that the best of them are nothing more than part of the background, while the worst of them are nails on a chalkboard.
  8. You mean the Tampa game where they ignored the PI on Diggs in the endzone that would have allowed the Bills to win in regulation, but then in OT called a PI on Wallace when Mike Evans was pulling him into himself by the back of Wallace's helmet. This OT rule would obviously have requisite designed "Brady offsets" inherent in the way it's enforced.
  9. Josh missed three games because of a late hit to his throwing elbow when he was in the pocket.
  10. I agree with this re contact. I also think the team’s fortunes will determine how long we hold on to him. Ironically, I think he’s more valuable to the team now, on and off the field, and actually becomes more expendable once they win a SB. Had they won one this year I think they may have been more open to trading him for picks and drafting his replacement early.
  11. Maybe they can bring back the ticket with the photo of him punting from the endzone for 2023.
  12. I know this is a test. I just can't decide if the answer is "Irish Dave" or "Watson?"
  13. If we were to sign Janoris Jenkins, I’d want to kick Brian Griese every time he called him “jackrabbit”.
  14. The team Marrone walked out on had a ferocious defense, and the plan was to fix the offense the following year. Unfortunately Wrex never left the building thanks to Russ Brandon, and he completely torpedoed the team in his Clemson helmet, his clown shoes, and his blind nepotism. Whaley didn’t have the backbone or the authority to prevent it, but he also never stood a chance. We’re better off without him, but he was never really given the reigns to make this his team.
  15. You have to wonder if Beane and McDermott think there was something off in the locker room last season given some of the acquisitions they've made, many of whom have been here before, and some of the players they've let walk, especially when you consider how out of sync and distracted they looked for the first 3/4 of the season.
  16. He's reflecting on why none of his former Vikings teammates wanted him to date their sisters.
  17. If only we had a defense that was just rebuilt to carry the load for a game or two if needed...
  18. That's how the Pats*** did it all those years, stroll to the AFCE title without even getting any mud on their jerseys while other divisions beat the ***** out of one another, thus handing them home field.
  19. He was talking about the analogy that Von Miller used in his introductory conference about moving on from LA and coming to Buffalo.
  20. While it's a secondary interest, I actually have a dog in this fight (hmm, some may call that apropos given the involvement of ATL, admittedly totally unintended). My wife and I have Saints season tix. While my wife probably has a more valid interest, Watson in NOLA will make the ones that directly interfere with my Bills watching more valuable when it comes time for me to sell them. COME ON Who Dats!!
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