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Everything posted by transient

  1. If we learned anything from those early 90s teams it's that Walt Corey sucked and wasted HOF talent. "Read and react" can kiss my ass.
  2. Personally, when the occasion doesn’t allow for au naturel, I highly recommend Duluth Trading Company boxer briefs.
  3. Clearly, based on the apparent production budget, they didn’t do it for the money… it had to be the glory!!
  4. Move them to the basement, fix the "glitch", and take their stapler.
  5. I see he posted in the thread, but did we ever actually determine whether or not mrags could stay?
  6. How much do you think he’d knock off for having to paint 7000 sqf to get rid of all that awful beige. Yeesh. 😬
  7. I’m changing my selection. I’m going with Arthur Moats… if he was good enough to end the streak then he’s good enough to end Kermit the Chief.
  8. CJ Spiller... because I'm still convinced that we just need to get him into space.
  9. IDK, Sean McVay can be entertaining and he was smart enough to win a SB.
  10. It was BABY Jesus at Red Rocks?!?! Damn, man. Now that’s my biggest regret, too.
  11. So who looks the worst in that litany, AB... or Jason Licht and Bruce Arians with an assist from TB12?
  12. My biggest regret is that AB will never get to see himself play live at Lincoln Financial Field in January on "Anything Goes" night featuring unlimited free Duracell's and frozen ice balls to the first 67,594 fans in attendance.
  13. Already happened... just sorting out which states he's still eligible to play in now.
  14. I had to do a double take because I could have sworn Greggggg Williams walked by at the 1:10 mark when the security is giving Keenum a hard time.
  15. Regardless of his views, the fact that he's back to his self-appointed role as Twitter warrior trying to change the minds of the masses by taking them on one tweet at a time exemplifies the problem. As others have said, he's no longer valuable enough to overlook the distraction. That's the change.
  16. I tried to get Brady to sign a… err… toy… you know, as a gift… for… somebody… 🤷‍♂️… but I’m pretty sure he just kept it for himself.
  17. Sullivan was Sullivan before the drought. He was a douche during the Kelly years, as well. I heard him on Shredd and Ragan in the early 90s a few times, and how he writes is who he is. As much as people try to defend his takes, he was in his glory during that 17 years of misery. It gave him license to be unapologetic about unleashing the misery within. I didn’t read his current article, nor will I.
  18. You can follow a team and hope the moves they made will be successful, or you can follow a team to see if their moves will be futile and prove your insufferable point of view correct. Each one covers the same span. In the end, which one has been the ridiculous waste of time? Food for thought on your expenditure in the name of “fandom”.
  19. Not reading through the thread, just adding my 2 cents. Sullivan is not as smart as he gives himself credit for, and he hates kittens. His writing is formulaic and tired, and the longer the Bills are successful the less relevant he becomes. He’s a one-trick hollow pony and a miserable human being. Toodles, Jerry.
  20. Better yet, he never swaffled a female reporter in the locker room and had to have his university run interference on his behalf because of it.
  21. You just know someone on this board has that jersey... C'mon. FESS UP. Which one of you's the little cheeky monkey with the used Alonso jersey?!?!
  22. You should ask this guy where he got his from. The subterfuge on the back suggests he may be trying to hide something... seems suspicious.
  23. Wonder what the NOLA exchange rate is for a used Kiko jersey?
  24. Wow... handful of not-so-finely-tuned athletes right there... in more ways than one. Dude on the right looks like 11 year-old Jerry O'Connell in Stand By Me.
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