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Everything posted by transient

  1. http://13wham.com/buffalo-plus/bills-latest-news/bills-release-final-injury-report-ahead-of-sunday-showdown-in-baltimore According to this Morse, Oliver and Bates cleared, as well. Doesn’t specifically mention Poyer (listed as questionable, but doesn’t speculate on likelihood of him playing) or Hart (who I’d assume would be available because he’s served his 1 game suspension).
  2. Holding Tua accountable assumes he remembers what happened, which is not a given.
  3. If you’re referring to the “choke out”, the same thing did not happen to Mahomes. He was taken out of that game. Chad Henne finished it. People were outraged because he played the next game. However, even if it was a concussion, if he had passed the protocol he could have played. IIRC, he wasn’t in the protocol because they determined it wasn’t a concussion and that was why people were outraged.
  4. This is the part that makes me ask where the team loopholes are in this process. If Tua even enters the protocol, based on no-go criteria posted on the NFL website, he’s out. I have to think any independent consultant with the benefit of all of the information that fans had at their disposal, mainly the video evidence of the sequence, are not going to risk their livelihoods over a side gig and clear him even if his testing was normal. They’re obviously not replaying the sequence in the stadium like they did on the broadcast. Regardless, it was obvious enough that spotters should have caught it. Where’s the disconnect? It makes me wonder what is the jeopardy to their credentialing? Is there an agreement in place with the NFL that limits their liability in this position?
  5. Lil’ Dirty’s a funny dude. Trying to convince someone the spelling was wrong in their tat. 😂 Love the banter between him and Diggs - “You steal your grandad’s hat?”
  6. I question if he was ever formally put into the concussion protocol Sunday. Everything that has been said was that he passed the tests he was administered and wasn’t felt to have a concussion, but nothing I’ve heard from the team goes so far as to say he was definitely in the protocol. The language from the team on this in my opinion has been very loose. Had he been in the protocol, given the “go no-go” criteria stating any player displaying gross motor deficits on the field is a no-go regardless of their exam, how could they clear him. I find it likelier that something in the process broke down than that he didn’t have a concussion based on him hitting his head and his reaction to it on Sunday, compounded by last night.
  7. Since this is for Tua, why can’t we just honor his jersey number? 🤷‍♂️😉
  8. With everything they’ve put out about the “no-go” criteria, I think the only way he could have been cleared to return is if he never actually entered the concussion protocol in the first place.
  9. My guess, regardless of the injury, was there were only 2 minutes or less left in the half so they just took him to the locker room.
  10. Former OC’s new team. Simple cause and affect. Don’t let the fact your blind to that effect you’re self of steam, though.
  11. Damn, one loss under near impossible circumstances and the Bills have gone from favorites to win the AFC East to jockeying for position with NFC teams. That’s cold, ESPN… ice cold.
  12. Never stopped hating their fan, but the team… meh. 🤷‍♂️ Haven’t been worth hating since Jimmy Johnson was coaching them. And yes, fan, singular. I think this is more akin to Bills fans thinking they were relevant to the Pats*** when Fitz beat them in ‘04… only took another 14+ years before it became reality.
  13. Huh? Was he talking about their level of douchbaggery?
  14. I know it might sound crazy but hear me out... it's possible that it's due to the fact that Allen has been dumping it off more this year.
  15. No less, without a look of excruciating pain on their face... Tua didn't look to be in pain, just disoriented.
  16. And declared that Garrett wasn't actually in the car at the time of the accident, he just climbed in afterwards because the comfortable seating in the 911 was exactly the thing to help him with his tweaked back.
  17. So I see that a thread about the #1 seed yada yada yada was merged with the postgame thread and think to myself "Self, there might be some new information for it to have been merged with the postgame thread instead of just shut down outright, maybe some injury updates or something worthwhile" and I skim through that lake of postgame vomit only to find out nope, it's just another hysterical flaming turd being lobbed mindlessly at the board. Bummer... baumer... toe-may-toe... toe-mah-toe...
  18. Guys playing out of position on the OL didn't help, either.
  19. Anyone else drop a mental "MF'er" before realizing who it was and that it wasn't another injured Bill?
  20. Did you not read the thread title? This is a thread for superstition and nonsense excuses only. This is not the place for logic, reason or rational football discussion, this is the place to blame your children and/or your spouse so that you can justify to them watching in their absence for the rest of the season.
  21. I hope you saved the receipt, it sounds like you might have gotten a lemon.
  22. I wore the same nasty sweat stained red Bills hat and Kyle Williams jersey I always do, and karma was giving me a not so subtle hint that it’s time to wash those bad boys.
  23. Morse overall, and based on the last 2 weeks and the fact the secondary mostly held up I’d say Phillips was missed most on defense.
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