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Everything posted by transient

  1. Most recently OJ Howard, but there have been a handful over his tenure.
  2. https://www.totalprosports.com/nfl/broncos-russell-wilson-fake-poop-news/ I mean, I get how someone could get fooled by the story. Watching him, it's totally believable that he hasn't gone all week because he's been saving up for the giant deuces he and the Broncos have been dropping on game day.
  3. I'd be more inclined to donate 12 dollars to her lawyer... and for all I know she's a horrible person.
  4. I mean honestly, what kind of dolt is this guy?! You would think he’d at least change it to Ghoulson this weekend.
  5. You have to wonder, as everyone is blaming his return to football, if the return to football wasn't in response to the growing distance that Giselle alludes to... Regardless
  6. I'm not saying this is or isn't true, but every player has to pass a physical before executing a contract, and there would likely be contingencies/offsets in the language given the injury he's coming off of. If OBJ is healthy he's going to play somewhere, why is it so hard to believe that someone would have an tentative agreement in place beforehand?
  7. I don't know, an incentive laden deal for a talented player looking to bounce back from injury sounds familiar...
  8. From now on they should call him "lil' shrubbery"
  9. I live in NOLA and share Saints season tix with my brother-in-law. Personally, I think he's more likely to make things worse. It's been a weird season. I was at the Bucs game when he injured his back. Midway through the 3rd he started spraying the ball all over the place, even more erratic than normal, and looked like crap until he went out. The offense runs smoother with Dalton, and they're actually moving the ball well, they just keep coughing it up. They've also been snake bitten with injuries, which hasn't helped. Personally, I think the team was just sharper under Payton because he was more of a taskmaster. I think Dennis Allen is a bit milquetoast and it shows in the team's lack of execution.
  10. Not turning the ball over 3-4 times a game and having the defense play even average would make a difference for the Saints.
  11. Tom Brady with pleasantries toward the Ravens after a loss instead of his trademark poor sportsmanship... he knows he's done.
  12. I'm rooting for a 0-0 tie with plenty of injuries... just cuz.
  13. This is like rewatching the Bills-Saints game from 2017... only fun.
  14. I so want that Under Armor commercial to end with Morgan Freeman calling him a f****** tool.
  15. It's going to get harder and harder for officials to call them when the ball is skipping off the turf 10 yards behind the WR.
  16. I'm sure the fans you're referring to would be thrilled because it would mean Edmunds was a Buc.
  17. So Brady is the Mona Lisa and the defenders were the eggs? Seems like a big stretch...
  18. Explain to me the analogy about throwing eggs at the Mona Lisa? Was Al channeling Dennis Miller?
  19. Hackett should not even have ascended to coordinator.
  20. Something ain’t right in that lizard’s brain. 🤷‍♂️
  21. I'm all for treating Ice well... but let's not go overboard. If Green Bay comes out looking like they have the last few games the Bills better destroy them, anything less only raises doubts.
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