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Everything posted by transient

  1. Miami would be better off feeding Hill jet sweeps every play with the game on the line than letting Tua float the ball to defenders.
  2. You’re the second person that’s suggested that (a friend of mine that I texted it to also suggested that). I took his reaction as that mix of bemusement and embarrassment you get when a good friend is getting punked in a good natured way and they don’t realize it and you can’t bear to watch it. You could be right, though, as his thank you call afterwards suggests a genuinely close friendship between the two.
  3. The other 68 hours per week is plenty of time to sleep, eat, take a poop or two, and gamble.
  4. Not to mention the NFL's sponsored by Draft Kings, Caesar's, Fan Duel, etc. and they're the ones force feeding the advertising. Talk about hypocritical!!
  5. Now that the cat's out of the bag they better hold on to that #1 seed...
  6. Conjures up lovely mental pictures of that holiday card...
  7. You could always stream the Sabres games on ESPN+ for $10/mo. I'm out of market, though, so I don't know if they'd end up being blacked out in the local viewing area. You can select which broadcast you want. You get the intermission reports, but you don't get the pre- and post game stuff.
  8. You're too kind. I don't need another dumb play; I don't believe in three strikes when the mistakes are that egregious. I wanted him cut immediately after the brain fart against Minnesota. I wanted him beaten with a sock full of pennies THEN cut after the roughing the punter.
  9. ...but kindly asks that you stay away from the back door.
  10. I stopped buying dolphin safe tuna and instead started specifically seeking out "dolphin mix" tuna. I'm glad it was karmically beneficial for the Bills... but I'm a little worried about the transient karmic impact. I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious.
  11. The worst was Sanchez’s obliviousness as to why Motor ditching it at the 2 to burn the rest of the clock was absolutely the correct thing to do. He’s about as good at color as he was at football.
  12. Was just going to post that Lewis could give them lessons. Has he been cut yet? He has rocks for brains. He basically cost us the Vikings game and nearly did the same last night! I never want to see him on the field in a Bills uniform again.
  13. Re-read the post you responded to and ask yourself if you're truly agreeing with it. You seem to be arguing that any player, such as Agholor and retired players on twitter, know how to recognize a concussion and were looking out for the wellbeing of their colleagues. I'm pretty sure that's not what's being conveyed in the other post when the poster goes on to suggest players missing games for injuries should not be paid because the NFL has become soft.
  14. I think Josh, Gabe, and Isaiah don't trust one another right now, and it's limiting what they can do offensively. I think teams learned to take Gabe out of his element and Isaiah is his same ol' unreliable self.
  15. It may be unseemly, but it was also 100% predictable… as was the entirety of the fallout from his live-streamed comments. For someone who always thought he was the smartest guy in the room, he sure proved himself wrong.
  16. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/06/23/the-story-behind-the-bills-red-helmets/ Google. It's a thing.
  17. Could you imagine if that was how they broke the news to him. It would be like being broken up with by text.
  18. They're a small local paper that probably relies on limited local advertisers. I can't imagine they could afford to let that fester.
  19. Does it make me a bad person that I'm thoroughly enjoying the fact that we get to witness Sullivan being served his second comeuppance in the last 5 years? 🤷‍♀️
  20. In this instance in my case it would be lie down with dog get up after a terrible night's sleep because the little **** kept kicking me all night and stole my pillow (and yes, I'm referring to my dog not my wife).
  21. Looks like Christmas came a little early this year. This. Is. Awesome.
  22. All other issues with his comments aside, herein lies the rub. He is... was... a columnist, but by his own comments he believes he's a "critical journalist." Sullivan is about as close to being a journalist as I am to being a professional athlete... for the record, I'm 50 yrs old, overweight, slow, have terrible hand-eye coordination and couldn't have been an athlete even in my peak fitness years in my teens and 20s.
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