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Everything posted by transient

  1. Ask and ye shall receive… and Miyagi beat me to it. 🤣
  2. 11 years old… seems like a perfect age to teach him how to pee in the sinks. 😂 Admittedly, it’s been a while since I’ve been a regular at games (not since ~2005)… when it’s really crowded at halftime, is that still a thing? 🤔
  3. Clearly you formed your ever-so-enlightened and never-endingly-vomited opinion from the few out of context words above and not from Beane's actual comments where he discusses how things haven't yet clicked for him, similar to Douglas and Norman at the beginning of their careers, but he's a hard worker and he's trying to get better... the ankle was hardly the main focus of his discussion of Elam.
  4. I’ve gotten to the end of the first page of this thread and I just HAVE to ask… Ever given any thought to changing your screen name to “bawlin”? Good gravy… 🤦‍♂️
  5. The Bears gave him and his agent the opportunity to seek out a trade because they couldn't agree on contract terms with him, so you would assume any team interested in trading for him would gauge what he was asking for in a contract, unless they were interested in burning draft capital for a rental. Sounds like he and his agent were throwing out some big numbers.
  6. Was it Chicago’s asking price or Johnson’s agent’s?
  7. Patrick Mahomes is detached?
  8. His voice makes me want to jam knitting needles into my eardrums. “Take Patrick Mahomes for a reference that has nothing to do with the game that we’re calling… now here’s a guy whose ass has my nose so far up it that when he drinks a carbonated beverage it makes me sneeze.”
  9. His and Kincaid’s production last night allowed the Bills to use Gabe in different ways and it made everyone more effective. It was nice to see. It was the first time in a looong time that I wasn’t cursing Gabe’s name all game.
  10. That's awesome.
  11. Call it “The Housewives of Two Bills Drive”
  12. Typing at least takes some thought. Can you imagine…
  13. Depends on where it was… if it was in New Orleans East 70 in a 35 is called self-preservation.
  14. If not all game, at least try starting off with it to see if it gets the offense into a rhythm. Speeding things up early might prevent Allen from drifting into a funk for 3 quarters until they’ve pissed away any chance of winning with their banged up defense.
  15. He’s averaging a sack every other game over his career, but is averaging 1 per game so far this season. He’s a nice player, but at the end of the day he’s no Bruce Smith.
  16. When I see this, in the context of Benford’s shoulder and Rousseau’s foot, I just think if they left earlier in the week they’re basically ruling them out on Monday because they won’t have access to their facilities for appropriate rehab. I could be wrong… that may have been the plan to leave later in the week all along and the injuries may have had no bearing on it. Regardless, if I see Goodell in the street I’m gonna beast mode him with my driver’s side mirror.
  17. Steal Diggs’ car… again.
  18. Sooo... everyone in my hotel was out at a... function. I find this set of keys that gives me access to everything in the place, and I mean EV. RY. THING. There's this... footballer... and he refused to sign an autograph for me when I was a wee lad. No explanation. No exceptions. No outward show of remorse. Just times up, gotta go. Well, he may have been staying in my hotel and I may have nicked some of his jewelry. Could have been the football gods' way of punishing me for my insolence. On a different note, anybody in the market for a really unique ring with someone else's name inscribed on it?
  19. Should have had another Guiness...
  20. They got pressure yesterday. It does no good if your CB keeps getting smoked. Hopefully Benford gets healthy, Johnson isn’t too banged up, and Jackson stays healthy. Elam is a flashing neon sign that reads “Convert your third and longs here!”
  21. When I first read this I thought you meant who on TBD set up a ‘Phins Hellscape burner account and rolled out that awesomely elaborate troll job. 🤷‍♂️😂
  22. If he led the charge he’d probably pull up a yard short. #### Kyle Orton.
  23. He should dye his mustache yellow and go burn his feet in cryotherapy.
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