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Everything posted by transient

  1. Is this an admission that the Pro Bowl has become the equivalent of a "participation trophy"?
  2. I also think this was the plan, possibly with an eye towards more physical coverage on TEs like Kelce. The main pre-draft knock on him was size, but as someone pointed out he’s basically the same size as Milano coming out of college.
  3. As opposed to the inherent lifetime value in watching men run around chasing another man with a ball?
  4. Maybe we should post the illegal forward pass, the Brett Hull foot in the crease, the John LeClaire goal that went through a hole in the side of the net, and 13s just to make the misery complete... though I'm sure I'm forgetting numerous other karmic crotch kickings that have been delivered to the Buffalo sports fandom.
  5. I can assure you that THIS Bills team will not win the division in 2023. Now, as for the team they actually field, 🤷‍♂️… guess we’ll have to wait to see what they look like first.
  6. It's been done already... by the Bills. He was on Wrex's staff, supposedly to help teach them the touted Ryan defensive philosophy. He was pissed that Wrex basically used him as a figurehead IIRC.
  7. Living in NOLA I've had to endure people slobbering over Burrow, so in the name of poor sportsmanship I will forever refer to this as the "#### Joe Burrow" game.
  8. Good topic and one that I've wondered about myself. At least it seems like gone are the days of outsmarting the league by reaching for guys like Maybin, McCargo, lil' Hitner, Troup, Manuel, etc. and then praying for the staff's ability to make chicken salad out of Mike Jasper to make up for the giant swing and misses.
  9. I'm no Wrex fan, but that's in part because his brainless twin, who had waaaaaay to much input into our defense, was canned with him. Rob Ryan has been a nightmare of a defensive liability basically everywhere he's been.
  10. I think Beasley was the last person Allen trusted for the underneath stuff. How many times earlier this season when he tried to take the easy completion did Singletary or McKenzie or Cook or even Shakir screw it up. As several posters have mentioned upthread, Beane re-signing a broken down Brown and a broken down Beasley was an admission that they misjudged their roster in replacing the production of Beasley and Brown/Sanders. Some of that was Crowder getting injured, but his history would tell you that's inevitable. Davis is not a possession receiver. He's consistently proven he can't catch a contested ball that hits him in the hands. They may have been low probability plays, but how many of those deep 50/50 balls to Davis SHOULD have been completed. With a true #2 receiver, no matter how bad they looked, they win the Jets game with the ball Allen uncorked after spraining his elbow. There were at least another 5-10 examples of balls just like that that Gabe dropped. Davis was fine last season as a number 3 when he had a less talented corner covering him, but he can't catch the ball in tight coverage. I wanted to punch Romo in the face when he was repeatedly going on about "Big Game Gabe" on Sunday. Watch some film from this season, asshat.
  11. In Von's case, we just proved we don't need him in the regular season, we need him in the playoffs. IMO, let him rehab the whole first 3/4 of the season, and then round him into shape for the playoff stretch run. Less chance of getting him injured again and he'll be fresh when we need him most. It will give a new DC (hopefully) time to iron out the kinks in the defense without him just in time to add a pass rushing weapon when we need it most.
  12. I talk to McD about defensive philosophy, balance on offense, and playing young highly drafted players early in the season. I then convince him to not retain Frazier. I find some middle of the road guards in FA. I put a plan together to move up in the draft to get the last of the difference making WRs for a cost controlled option at WR2 for 5 years, and use the rest of the high picks on OL, including a RT and a guard that will ultimately slide to center when Morse is gone. I look in FA for the next Poyer/Hyde… a safety with the characteristics that I want who has yet to get his shot to prove himself that I can sign for reasonable money. I bring in a bunch of large, fast undrafted FA RBs hoping to find 1 that sticks for minimal investment as a change of pace to Cook and ?Hines. I probably resign Edmunds. And I cut Cam Lewis… twice… because it would make me feel just a little less miserable for a second.
  13. # whatever - Frazier’s contract is up and so far there’s no word of an extension
  14. Yes, but not with Frazier as the DC, and not with Dorsey calling games the way he did at the very end of the season. He needs a more aggressive DC, even if they run the same scheme fundamentally. I think they need to worry less about the defensive statistics and more about making opposing QBs uncomfortable and forcing TOs. If you #### up and it costs you a chunk play or a score, then ride Allen's arm to bail you out.
  15. I fear you're right... however there was a stretch a few seasons back when McD was pissed at Frazier and took the reigns of the D back for a game or so and they were MUCH more aggressive in their approach. Hopefully he realizes that their offense... more accurately Allen... allows them to take more defensive risks (assuming they upgrade the WR2 and OL talent) and they adjust accordingly.
  16. Frazier's defenses (and unfortunately, likely more accurately, McDermott's defenses) have a growing resume of getting torched in the playoffs by teams with a balanced offense. That's why.
  17. This seems to have gotten off track. Let me recenter. I’d rather pay to get kicked repeatedly in the junk like the gym teacher from Beavis and Butthead while Fran Drescher screamed the lyrics to Anna Gadda Da Vida in my face through a megaphone than to listen to Chris Collinsworth call another KC game ever.
  18. Dr Bronner’s peppermint soap is essentially Dr Kevorkian, it just takes longer to kill you.
  19. Do we still get a free international pathways practice squad spot for Christian Wade?
  20. He does have a knack for big plays in big games...
  21. Love what he's done for the Bills in past seasons when he's on, but this was an all too familiar sight with him IMO. He's done this a number of times in seasons past. It's almost as though the ball gets on him too quickly at times and his reaction is to bat it up in the air.
  22. He also played 1 more game and made 166 more attempts in order to do it... and threw for 10 fewer TDs in the process.
  23. Not to mention, given her appearance and her name, she’s quite possibly Thai.
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