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Everything posted by transient

  1. The Bills are so bad that, in an effort to find a quality product that fans can "Bill-ieve" in, Russ Brandon started selling tickets to the offseason.
  2. I will realize, yet again, that Sundays without the Bills are more fun than Sundays with the Bills, and I will give up in earnest on yet another football season. Here's to the false hope for the 2010 season. :wallbash:
  3. Yeah, also misses the point that we're tied for 10th in the league, not at/near the bottom as "less sacks than ours" would suggest.
  4. I'd stop watching the team before I'd root against them. I can't justify calling myself a fan and rooting for them to lose. If they suck that bad, they'll lose regardless of who I'm rooting for. If DJ gets fired as a result, great, but the thought of them losing to the Browns AGAIN turns my stomach.
  5. I don't know the legal ramifications, but given the situation and the overplayed hand, I would love for the 49ers to make it known to Crabtree publicly, privately, or otherwise that they have no intention whatsoever of signing him to a contract so long as Parker is representing him. It's about time that someone pi$$es on that ****'z leg.
  6. Kind of like that old girlfriend that didn't have the guts to break up with you, so instead she did things to make you hate her thinking you would get sick of it and leave, or it wouldn't hurt you so bad when she finally got up the nerve. Uhh... not that that's ever... I mean, speaking hypothetica... err... Damn, I hate that beotch.
  7. The fact that Edwards likes DJ as a coach is irrelevant. Jauron has been loved by his players wherever he's been. His players want him to succeed. As we've heard since Schonert's departure, it was his way and only his way, and we know he had an intolerance for young player mistakes (Hardy.) Schonert was his QB coach under Fairchild, and his OC for a year plus. When TE first took over for JP when he was injured he took more chances on midrange and downfield throws. My point is it may take some time to get the ghost of Schonert out of TE's head. Give AVP some time to loosen Edwards up before you write him off. Also, consider the defensive philosophies employed in Marshawn's absence. Three games played mostly with some version of a nickel or dime coverage. The first game the offensive gameplan was working until the end. The second game TE connects on a 30+ and 40+ yard TD. And the third game, despite the fact that your WRs may be open, it's tough to find them when you're getting the p*$$ blitzed out of you (reference to NO, not prior) and your line's playing poorly. It seemed to be to be a community effort on that one. As far as Sully insinuating that TE should watch film of Favre and then play like him, how many times in Favre's career, especially recently, has that ball been picked??!! A few recent playoff games come to mind. Regardless, watching Favre (or Kelly, Elway, Marino, Manning, etc) is unlikely to result in TE playing like them. If it were only that simple.
  8. Mike, Let's see if your comeback with the 'Skins rivals my forgettable years with the Colts before you throw stones, big boy. XOXO, Tony
  9. We could bring Todd Marinovich in to back him up. Maybe even get Tony Mandarich to play LT.
  10. "Believe me when I say... I f&^%$d a mermaid!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IBLaAClaRU (NC-17 for adult language)
  11. I think the "football related questions" remark is being blown way out of proportion. I'm certain that all of us have said something that didn't quite convey what we were actually trying to say, the difference being that we didn't have a camera in our face, or a reporter writing down what we said. I would guess he meant from a fan's perspective of watching other games. You don't have to love watching the game to love playing it (personally can't stand watching basketball or baseball, but used to love playing them as a kid.) As for the checkdowns, when Trent unexpectedly started in his first year when JP went down he made plenty of mid-range throws, so why is it so hard to believe that he's being coached to protect the ball, and that three OCs in three years as a pro takes some adjustment? AVP's been the OC for a whole three games now... no surprise that they're not completely on the same page yet. That is probably not even enough time to get Schonert's voice out of TE's head. The line is a work in progress that has proven itself shaky in obvious passing situations, and the defenses we have played are designed to take away the mid to long range plays. Part of the reason that Trent has taken so much heat is also the reason that Fred Jackson's play has been lauded, because the short stuff is there. I'd love for our offense to dictate the game to the defense, but people, we're not there yet. Recievers can be running wide open down field, but if you don't have the time for the play to set up it doesn't work. You have to have a line that can dominate to do that, and ours is a young, injured work in progress. As frustrating as the short, high percentage stuff is, I don't recall it being any more fun to watch run, run, incomplete/sack with JP. GIVE IT TIME before you write it off, three games is not enough!
  12. After cleaning out the fridge, of course...
  13. I don't think I'd looked at it that closely before either. Taken in concert with the fact that he is "Bucco Bruce," I'd say yeah, he's winking.
  14. My pleasure. Thanks for the props.
  15. I see the recent coaching inadequacies being magnified by the setback that was the Donahoe years, and some well intentioned missteps under Levy. The Greg Williams years were bound to be bad because of the salary cap purge. In order to have any success at that time you have to get every last ounce of talent out of your players. Williams does that on defense, but proved not to be able to assemble a staff that could do that under him with the collection of players we had at the time. In the end, I think he was put in a position to fail, and managed to do so with bullhorn in hand. Mike Mularkey was hamstrung by the Donahoe mess and the players he inherited (short term band-aids like Bledsoe are not the way to build, though he did sell seats initially.) Mularkey probably had the insight to know things would not turn around in time for him to save his job, so why stay on and ruin your chances as a head coach later on when the right situation does arise. Looking around the league to other up-and-comers who were previously coordinators (some might say "cheap" hires), Sean Payton, John Fox, Marvin Lewis, Mike Tomlin, Ken Wisenhunt, etc have all had some measure of success in the right situation. If I recall, Gregg Williams and Mike Mularkey were fairly highly touted among the respective up and comers of their time. Our track record would seem to me that maybe there is something more at play in their lack of success than just their lack of ability (similar to the way we can't seem to groom a QB despite the low round picks being spent on them.) Under Levy, I think there was a trend toward bringing in a better character of player, however the well intentioned mistake was signing overrated, overweight, undertalented players to shore up an O-line that had been ignored for years. In addition, over this time period there has been a total lack of identity to this franchise. Over the last 10 years there has been no one with a unifying vision putting their stamp on this team!! No feeling like there has been a plan in place that we were working toward, more like a collection of players that didn't fit what the coaches were trying to do. All of this longwinded BS leads me to the point I wanted to make. It seems that you need a year or two to implement a philosophy. In this salary cap era, cutting players and absorbing their signing bonuses all at once is hard to do when you need to gut a team (though may in part be why the Bills are implementing this "cash to cap" philosophy presently, as evidenced by their recent purge.) Unfortunately for those who want to see a coaching change, I get the feeling that we may be in for a bit of an evaluation process, despite this being DJ's fourth year, as this looks like the first time in the last few years that he finally has "his guys" in place to implement his philosophy. In addition, the changes that have been made to bring in players that fit this philosophy has only occurred under Jauron and Brandon after Levy left. Jauron making the changes that he did prior to the season either indicates that he had some assurances, or he knew he was going to be fired, and he might as well go down his way. I get the feeling that Jauron is being afforded a luxury that others have not had in the last 10 years, and that is the chance to succeed or fail with his players in his system. If we fire him now, unless we bring in a coach who employs a similar philosophy, we are in for another 2 years of turnover. Not defending him, mind you, just stating that unless he manages to have some success this year, we are likely in for a long next couple of years, and based on this franchise's history, it is not all DJ's fault.
  16. While we're in the re-animating mood, maybe we could bring back Teddy Roosevelt to lead the troops, I hear he was pretty inspiring. I wonder what the penalty is for stabbing your opponent with the bayonet at the end of a musket?
  17. Had lots of hot dogs at various places, but never raved about a dog until I had Hebrew National all beef. Apparently, per a friend, they are what are served at Cubs games (personally, never had the honor.) Get the giant foot long dogs... amazing.
  18. I think Da Big Man is quite proud of the "March one Inch" moniker, cuz this is the third or fourth thread I've seen him use it. This includes the thread he started where we're supposed to decide who starts, yet proves he is obviously biased by using said moniker in the description. Not taking anything away from Jackson, but I'd love to see the numbers Marshawn would put up when teams are playing a nickel or dime all game to take away the deep ball. Fairly certain they'd be similar if not better.
  19. I sang on Doowhutchalike, and if ya missed it, I'm the one who said just grab 'em in the biscuits
  20. I would take this kid over those two again in a heartbeat! The Buffalo Bears... uhhh... hand off to George? Jackson, he breaks... ummm, man this is terrible... through the New England* Saints secondary... Boom goes the dynamite!!
  21. I think Ron Pitts also called Fred Jackson by the name George at some point. I agree that it was almost as painful to listen to as it was to watch.
  22. I'm with you all the way on Sullivan. I think he will turn to dust if we ever have a winning season. I read the news online, and can tell within the first two to three sentences of an article if it's Sullivan's by the fact that it basically spells out "someone pissed in my Wheaties." Granted, not much good to say in a while, but even in the few weeks when things are going well each season he doles out misery. It's as if he gets paid by the adjective with negative connotations. Versus hockey is essentially ESPN's old crew. Nothing I hate more than going from RJ to a bunch of idiots who think they can entice new fans with pointless, unimaginative catch phrases that make me want to sew their mouths shut and beat them with a goalie blocker. Gotta also give a shout out to Fox's crew from Sunday, Ron Pitts and John Lynch. I think someone was screwin' with them by changing player's first names on their sheets, cuz they didn't know 'em. Either that or Jackson changed his name to George, among other f-ups.
  23. An 0-3 team that will likely be without their starting QB, based on his comments after the game. Not that Pennington is a world beater, but Henne is not likely to be lighting up defenses any time soon.
  24. Been pointed out before, but bears repeating, no huddle is not hurry up. AVP and TE have varied the pace of this offense over the past two games. Gives TE time to read defenses, but ball is frequently snapped with only seconds left on the game clock. Three and outs were the norm last year, they just took more time to discuss unsuccessful plays in the huddle without as much time to audible out of them after. drewbreeesss, shouldn't you be preparing for the game and not wasting your time posting on a message board? For the record, I don't think outlining how the Saints came by their points does anything to invalidate their offense, however the number of turnovers certainly factors in to the number of points they put up. As far as the article explaining that they used a "conservative gameplan," this does nothing to refute the idea that Detroit and Philly continually turning the ball over aided the Saints in racking up points, and also for the most part does not address their special teams play or their defense, therefore not really a "flip-side."
  25. I love the fact that all those who are saying Jackson should start are using his games this year compared to Marshawn's from the last two as a comparison. The offense was so amazing the last 2 years that both OCs are gone, and we have more than one actual deep threat for Ds to worry about this season. I applaud Jackson's efforts that last 2 weeks. When your starter is not in the game, that is exactly what you want your backup to do, but until I see how ML performs in this offense I am not writing him off as the starter. He averaged 80-90 yard per game with 8 men in the box, and he caught 47 passes last year, so I'm not convinced that his vision or hands are as bad as what people remember. I'll agree that his blitz pickup is lacking, but c'mon, the guy's a player... I don't get why so many people are panning him. The whole dancing behind the line thing, if I recall, had a lot to do with the defenders in the backfield or the OL getting no push a majority of the time. Hard to average 4.1 yards per carry for the year when your not moving forward.
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