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Posts posted by transient

  1. That was a good performance because he looked comfortable. He looked like a guy who is gonna be a starter soon. None of the QB's the Bills have drafted lately have looked that comfortable in their initial performance.


    I would argue that Trent looked comfortable in his rookie season, and the first part of his second. I can recall Rich Gannon and others gushing about his poise his rookie season. He was 11-5 as a starter at the point of the San Diego game in 2008. His stats weren't glorious by any means, and people will argue the point about the strength of opposition, but he could manage games and the team was winning with him. The last season and a half has taken the shine off of him, but he looked in control and like he could develop early on. IIRC in the game JP went down, even though we were destroyed by NE*, TE didn't look horribly out of place, and that was against a real team that was intent on winning that game, not against a combination of second and third string players in the preseason.

  2. +1


    With the way his balls were wobbling, he would get eaten up by the frequent windy conditions in Buffalo. I'm happier with Troup on our roster. Clausen was mediocre at best, IMO.


    Give the kid a break, it was his first live NFL action. His knees were probably knocking a bit, which can cause your balls to wobble. From a football perspective, not much of a tight spiral, though. :thumbsup:

  3. What QBs drafted "lately" by the Bills are you referring to? Levi Brown? You've seen him play already? Wow I must've missed that. Trent Edwards? In his first career start in 2007 he went 22-28 for 234 yds with 1 TD and 1 Int.


    Not to mention that he also looked very comfortable in taking over for Losman in his rookie season. People forget that he was 6 and 1 in his first 7 games in the NFL. Not stellar statistics, but able to manage a game. He was actually named to the all rookie team at the end of the season. He then started off 5 and 1 the next season. Who knows if he can get his head back now after the misery of the last season and a half, but c'mon, these statistics alone makes the whole "Clausen is better based on a quarter + of barely adequate preseason football" idea seem just absurd.

  4. So, when asked about his OL coach, should Chan have just stayed mum (as if he were deaf and didn't know he was asked a question) or would you prefer he say "No comment!"?


    I think he should have started talking about Bruce Dehaven instead, so we'd either think he was hiding something or that he was a complete idiot.


    This also presupposes the fact that his comments were in response to a direct question regarding his OL coach for an article on said coach, and not taken from some previous press conference.

  5. I know ruben very well and let me tell you he is class all the way. It amazes me how people on these boards read another posts speculations and they take them to be the truth. The above post has it completely right...most any other player in this league would have gone to the media and flapped their gums but ruben kept his mouth shut. Call ruben overrated, penalty prone, or a quitter based on your limited football knowledge. However, ask any other player that has played with him what they think of rube and they will have something much different to say. Remember the pro bowl is voted on by the fans, fellow players, and coaches. I'll take the latter 2/3's expertise over some armchair quarterback's any day of the week. Anyone that has had one conversation with ruben or has seen what he does with the community is a fan all the way.


    Used to love his chats with Shredd and Ragan. He always seemed honest and funny... as opposed to Ted Washington, who always seemed grouchy (but also funny... and usually half asleep).

  6. By your standard, what is a good QB?

    At what point was Trent anything more than a project QB with a decent upside? He was a 3rd round, injury-prone college QB who ran a pro style offense at Stanford. Bill Walsh endorsed him, so god forbid, we all should love him.

    Ryan Fitzpatrick clearly out-performed him last year. That's right...a career backup from another "smart" school.


    In my book Brees, Manning (both Peyton & Eli), Roethlisberger, Palmer, McNabb, Brady, Flacco, Favre, Ryan, Rivers, Rodgers and Romo are good QB's...Trent is miles behind these guys.


    I wonder what the hell you're watching...


    Indy, Pittsburgh, Philly, NE*, Baltimore, Green Bay, San Diego are all pretty successful, well run franchises that give their players a chance to succeed from day one (at least during these players careers, though admittedly Peyton was the beginning of stability in Indy). I would be interested in seeing where Eli, Flacco, Ryan, Rivers, Rodgers, and Romo's careers would be if they started in identical situations that TE did.

  7. Honestly, this place has the most intelligent football fans in the world and it also has a bunch of wannabee bandwagon-bitching fans in the world. Once a few turn on someone the whole cavalry jumps on for the ride. Trent Edwards is/was always a good QB, the people here are clueless sometimes. Anyone playing in that sorry excuse for an offence last year would have fallen flat on their faces. Trent has always had tonnes of potential and actually played very well when we had a decent offence in place. I sometimes wonder if you people actually watch the games or just follow your favourite fanboys here and if 'he' says it it must be true.


    Are you wearing a tuque? :thumbsup: Guess that rules me out of the intelligent category. :flirt:








    Just kidding bout the angry face.

  8. first shortly after the decision was made to go 3-4 the trade should have been initiated...before the AS remarks were made

    secnd buddy should not have made public statements about poor trade value

    third AS wanted out of 3-4 as much as anything. the money is not unreasonable for a healthy de who had ten sacks last year on very bad team.


    I agree once we let it get out of hand with all the bad blood the trade possibilities dwindled.


    The only bad blood is with the fans, and we have no bearing on trade possibilities. :) Accept the fact there was no trade market for him. Nix's actions speak volumes about that fact, as well as the fact that they have no ill will toward him and that he ultimately wasn't in the their plans.

  9. My prediction is that when you add their win total to their loss total it will equal 16. Unless they play more than 16 games, in which case it will add up to the total number of games they play. Based on the posts on this board, on any given week people will be both elated and angry, and every week someone will start a thread saying I told you so and I was wrong. I will read them, and sometimes I will agree, and sometimes I will disagree. Mostly, I will wonder why I never get anything productive done.

  10. If Schobel is so bad why the interest from Houston, Seattle and the Patriots?




    And if we knew he didn't fit in with the Bills so many months ago, don't you think we could have gotten something for him back then?


    I suspect wherever he goes he's going to get a lot of playing time.


    It was never a question of skill. If you are the GM of another team, what would you give in return for a guy who has said he wants to retire and has given every indication that he's serious, and now after being released still hasn't made up his mind to play? And if he does play, he wants concessions to spend as much time with his family as possible. Oh, and it's definitely his last year from what he's said. Yeah, I'd trade the world for him, too. There's no down side to talking to him or picking him up now.


    Aside from the late round pick that the Bills may have been able to get for him, they lose nothing by parting ways with an older player who would have taken reps from a younger guy so that he could have switched positions to play one last year, leaving them in the same situation next year.

  11. Aren't you supposed to wait until your team is actually GOOD before you get all over a reporter for being negative?


    If the team was good, Sullivan would have nothing to say. As someone pointed out, not only did he point out the obvious, he then took the opportunity to remind us that he thinks our QBs suck, and then somehow throws an unnecessary little OJ is a subhuman freak dig in there.


    A number of years back, I challenged myself to start reading Buffalo News sports articles without reading the byline and see if I could identify Sullivan's by the unnecessary over-the-top negativity. Needless to say I was 100% accurate, most of the time after only finishing the first paragraph. Any time I've heard him on the radio or seen any blog or read any column he has been associated with it is negative. Someone ought to slip some antidepressants in his coffee if they're going to allow him to continue to have access to the public before his bull **** causes people to start jumping from rooftops in droves.

  12. A lot of us have seen it. At MNF against the Cowboys, Trent was already looking at Lee Evans before the snap and watched him throughout his route all the way until DeMarcus Ware tipped it and Terence Newman picked it off. Luckily, the Cowboys threw it right back to us when Romo threw to DiGiorgio but it didn't erase the fact that a serious flaw in Trent's game was exposed. He has a 25-24 TD-INT ratio over his career and he's stared down receivers a lot over the course of his career. Drew Bledsoe got away with it with that rocket arm of his but Trent's arm, although good, is nowhere near Bledsoe's and it's been costly. It's a habit I've seen out of him frequently.

    I thought with the new coaching staff this year, that issue was going to leave his game. At the Open Practice this year, instead of staying on the sidelines like most fans, I went to my own endzone seat to get a better view of where Trent was looking...and he was still at it...he was watching Roscoe throughout the pass routes and even before the snap when he threw to him. I couldn't see a whole lot of where he was looking at last Saturday's practice but when I got done working yesterday, I started focusing on Trent during team drills....made some very nice throws. That part wasn't surprising, though....he does have a decent arm with some good accuracy. The part that I didn't believe was that I saw him actually look off safeties...not staring down his receivers. For example, on a nice bomb to Lee where he ran a 9 route down the left sideline, Trent didn't look his way til just before he threw the ball...he was looking over to his right, drawing safety help away from Lee. Whether that play was a case of Lee actually being his last option instead of the primary receiver on that play, I don't know...but Trent was looking away from his intended receiver quite a bit yesterday...a lot more than I've seen from him in his previous 3 years. If he can keep that up when the bullets are flying in a real game, I think he could become a very good QB for us


    Thanks for the info. IMO we too often forget that Edwards is still a young QB. Not only do you need time to go through your progressions and have confidence that you're not going to get smeared, but I think many younger QBs need time to adjust and break that bad habit. As you alluded to, competent coaching should help. I think many young QBs enter the league telegraphing their throws. For all we know, based on TE's comments about this being the first time in his NFL career that a coach called plays to set up the defense, DJ told him to stare at his receivers (I kid... I think).

  13. Sullivan has balls calling out the Bills for having a loser's mentality, then he suggests they tank games for a draft pick. If you have good scouting you don't need a high daft pick to find players. The Bills will be better served learning how to win now than act like they're doing everyone a favor by losing.


    Sorry John, but this is what I hate about Sully.




    Not to mention that if you like a guy that much, you can acquire the pick to get him (everybody has their price).

  14. I just got done with a live chat on the Buffalonews site with Jerry Sullivan.


    Sully predicts the bills can look forward a 4-12 season this year, and seven and nine next year. As a goal.


    He said we are more likely to be the worst team in the NFL than make the playoffs.


    He also said the best thing for us is to lose as many games as possible to get a higher draft pick.


    Sully: "You're a fan. Set your goals high. But understand that the best thing for this franchise is to get a high draft pick in a year where there might be several franchise QBs available."


    Me: "I have more pride than to hope the bills lose to get a higher draft pick. If you think that, I dont believe you respect the game of football at all."


    Sully: I'm not asking you to hope they lose. You obviously don't grasp the fine points of the argument. Sorry for not "respecting" your favorite game. You can't even present a literate screen name. Get out of here, you cretin.


    He than banned me.


    Why do we have to suffer this lack of professionalism from our journalists?


    Neither are words I would associate with Sullivan. Maybe next time you can type in "whiney" font to make him feel more at ease. His response to you could have come straight from one of his blind and worthless columns, as I see 'em. He is the epitome of a douchebag.

  15. I have to agree. We would LOVE him if he were the Bills coach. Players want to play hard for him and he sticks up for them. Frankly he may have indirectly caused the Revis problem for heaping so much praise on him at the end of the year last year. If Sanchez improves they are a legit SB contender with that defense and running game.


    Therein lies the part that all of Ryan's horn-blowing can't fix:

    - Sanchez looked awful last season

    - that running game you reference left town

    - that defense relies on Revis on an island


    This is the captain speaking, please stay in your seats as we attempt an emergency water landing...


    SPLOOSH!!! :thumbsup:

  16. I'm cool with the Spiller pick for several reasons:


    - This is not the same old FO. If it was, they would have done what so many are clamoring for and picked a need position at 9, inevitably passing over clearly better players who would turn out to be difference makers. All of the players that are being used to make the point of the FO's previous mistakes (Maybin, Whitner, etc.) clearly fit that description, and were widely regarded as reaches when the pick was made by most media, reputable or not. Spiller is being criticized because he doesn't fill a percieved need, not because he doesn't have exceptional talent. If we'd have taken exceptional talent in the first round when it was available the last ten years, regardless of need, we'd be a much better team today.


    - Our offense has been atrocious, and Chan, who has a way with offense, publicly stated he wanted a scat back. I'll trust his instincts on this.


    - Our O-line is young, and was in no way put in a position to succeed last year. The likelihood of finding a LT who was NFL ready after the first two were off the board was low, so why not see what you have when a legitimate NFL offense is installed on this team. Besides, trading down to select a tackle that you're not certain will be your cornerstone and passing on what you believe to be elite talent in the process makes no sense. It would show a lack of conviction/direction, which is what plagued the FO for years. I like the fact that Nix and Gailey are already showing they are willing to do what they think is right, not what they think is popular. Does that mean they're right... of course not, but it's a different vibe in my opinion.


    - Finally, opponents of the Bills last year stated on several occasions that they were running a pitiful, predictable offense. I don't imagine it's too hard as an NFL defense to make offensive lineman look bad when you know what's coming. A legitimate offensive mind will fix that aspect. Spiller, by his versatility, is a big part of that, methinks. You can overcome a lineman's limitations to some degree by getting a defense on their heels, something we've been utterly incapable of for years.


    I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Really, what's the point in not? I can't see enjoying the season more by declaring it a failure from the start. I don't expect them to make the playoffs, but I do expect them to be better by the end of the season. I expect them to start heading in the right direction, and if they do this has the makings of a fun season. I certainly don't think that the players on this team are as bad as the coaching staff has made them look that last four years. Hell, Fewell, despite being completely overmatched, was an improvement over Jauron, so it's not unreasonable to think a beefed up staff might be able to squeeze even more out of them. Ultimately, I think part of the draft strategy this year was aimed at filling known holes (aside from Spiller) and using the season to determine whether or not certain players already on the roster are/can be the answer or if it is time to turn the page once and for all.

  17. There is something unavoidable about following a team through thick and thin when you are a fan that is inexplicable. I've seen friends who grew up in Buffalo who were 'phins fans from childhood in order to root against their fathers in the spirit of competition who stuck with them thus far lifelong. I have friends from Cleveland whom I empathise with who share my passion for futility. The fact is if you are a true fan you make a commitment the likes of which you don't comprehend until wallowing through a decade or more of futility. To all the Bills, Lions, Browns, Pirates, Sabres, etc fans out there who understand true fandom, kudos to your noble futility. As a fan of the Yankees from the early '90s (pre dynasty) I can say it isn't the same to celebrate a championship for a team that is not truly yours.

  18. "Draftniks" are painfully short sighted, and cannot/will not take the long term plan of a franchise into consideration. Even if our stable of QBs fail and Clausen succeeds, in the long term all will be well if Troup and Spiller pan out, and we select a QB early next year with more potential than Clausen. If the FO didn't like him they had their reasons, and it would have been a mistake to take him to appease the masses.

  19. My recollection of Flutie was he was done as soon as the rest of the NFL had the book on him. Defenders stopped biting on his "pixie hop" move when he passed and it was all over.




    IIRC (which has already been called in to question this evening, so take it for what it's worth) that book was authored by Belichick* as DC of the Jets on a Monday night. As soon as defenses stopped chasing him and started sitting on short and intermediate routes the so-called magic died.

  20. Actually, our current ST coach, Bruce Dehaven, was fired for the Music City Disaster. Ronnie Jones was his replacement. He had never coached ST before then and was brutally awful. You did get the part right about Wade being fired because he refused to dump Jones. Though, you might consider getting your facts completely right before bashing somebody for not having their facts right.


    Reread my post. I said he was fired for not firing Ronnie Jones the season after the music city miracle, not following the music city miracle itself, essentially the same as what you said when you were incorrect to correct me. As far as bashing, it was in agreement with the post I referenced that the article was pretty poor. Despite your historical accuracy, your comments about getting facts straight are somewhat ironic.

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