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Posts posted by transient

  1. I'm guessing not too many of you actually watched all 4+ minutes of that.


    In case anyone is still wondering, it is a mockery of Rob Johnson.


    There's some epic "crunch photos" of him at 1:38, 2:08, and 3:18.


    There's also a few shots of him and Flutie and there's a shot of Rob with his trademark bandana.


    However because it is all still photos, it's hard to say whether any of the photos of him scrambling resulted in a rushing attempt/loss on the play because he refused to throw the ball away even though he was out of the tackle box.


    You forgot to mention the one of him standing on the sideline with his arm in a sling. :w00t:

  2. Seriously... I don't get all these holier than thou types thinking they would exemplify maturity as 24 year old millionaires that have been star athletes surrounded by star athletes their whole lives. Add in 3 brothers who have all been professional football players...


    At 35 i am the picture of maturity and responsibility , family kids, worked my way to a great career, but as a 20 yr old millionaire I'd have probably seriously hurt myself...


    Right there with you. I do ok now that I'm pushing 40, but I was "borderline retarded," as one poster put it, until my late 20s. Difference being there wasn't a camera in my face when I said and did all my dumb ****. FWIW, lol'd at him saying he'd eff Tebow to take his virginity...

  3. Call me crazy, but isn't it entirely possible that based on the amount of time he's spent here, the contract is simply be hammered out? With all of the other possible landing spots handing out other deals, you would think his agent would have a clearer plan in place with other teams in the event that he HAD to see other places.


    I'm thinking that might not be the case, and they don't have any intention of looking at other teams.


    I tend to agree. Time is money, and the more time he spends here the less money is left elsewhere in all likelihood. If they weren't interested, they would take the numbers and run elsewhere.


    Couldn't let 108+ pages go by without adding my 2 cents.

  4. I guess I'm not the only one who thought it was hilarious. Side note - this celebration did not cost LeBron the game they won 70-63.




    *disclaimer - I don't think Stevie cost us the game with his dance and if you do well... your an idiot :thumbsup:


    His dance showed he's immature, but it didn't cost us the game... His stone hands in the clutch, however, did.

  5. We're hardly alone in giving up 450+ yards to NE*, Oakland, or Philly this year. Expecting a desperate Iggles team that's loaded with talent not to put up some numbers on this defense is unrealistic. IMO, the concerning game was last week when we couldn't stop the Bengals in the second half. Andy Dalton is not supposed to do that, at least not at this point in time. He had all day to sit back and throw the ball. Hit him last week like they blasted Vick at times today and we're 5-0.


    Looking through the rest of the schedule, I'd expect that most of the season is going to be a track meet, with only the Skins, Phins, Denver, and possibly Tennessee and the Jets not putting up points with regularity. At least we can hang with the big boys on offense now. Beats watching a team check-down to the tune of 13 points per game while giving up 450+ on defense... doesn't it?

  6. No question the player is better off in NE than in Blo.


    That can be said of just about any player at this point in time, unfortunately. :cry:


    Taking what I was saying a step further, I could see Peyton Manning, the rookie, coming to Blo and establishing a career despite the bad team... he did it in Indy. I don't think Mallett is that player, so it'd be bad both for the team and the player, cuz it'd be 3 more years of "development" before we could move on to the next "next franchise QB."

  7. Not likely. Brady's current contract is for four years. Mallett's rookie contract is for four years. Its n0o coincidence. TB will be 37 when his deal is up. If Mallett develops to BB's standards, don't be surprised if Tom Terrific is traded in 2 years while he still has trade value. If Mallett does not pan out to BBs expectations, he will be traded, probably for more than a third. Hoyer is a FA next year and the Pats will not be franchising him. The plan in NE is Brady/Mallett.

    Mallett has been pressing somewhat in practice. His throws have been sailing. He is trying too hard. If you saw the list of QBs with 108 passer ratings or better after the first preseason game you would not be impressed. He also had all day to stand in the pocket for the most part.

    Mallett nevertheless certainly has top 10 talent, not 74th or whatever it was. He is more mobile in and around the pocket than given credit for and he can throw well on the run, especially rolling to his right. He did break Peyton Manning's SEC passing records, which had stood for a long time. He was an absolute steal for the Pats in the 3rd. Still, landing in a place like NE, with an O-line like that, was especially good for a pro type pocket passer like him.

    Not to worry though. Luck, Barkley, Landry Jones...he will get our guy next year.


    As much as I hate the idea that *NE may have drafted the likely successor to Brady, I think this is probably accurate. The thing that often gets overlooked is that athletes, like everyone else on this planet, mature at different rates. Mallett can have all of the talent in the world, but put him on a team that is expecting him to be the starting QB now, and he's likely to crack under the pressure. *NE and other teams with established QBs that can take the time to groom a guy like this are the most likely to actually help him realize his potential, whereas the Bills as presently constituted (bad team with an offense decidely not befitting his strengths) would have probably prematurely annihilated his confidence and career before he ever got the chance to establish himself.

  8. You guys have this all wrong. What really happened is this:


    Goddell didn't want Vick to come to Buffalo because he is from western New York and didn't want to corrupt the morals of this fine commmunity.


    Michael Vick wanted to come to Buffalo at first. But he didn't think that a truckload of dog food was a big enough signing bonus.


    Wilson was against signing Vick because he wasn't over the hill yet, and he didn't want to change Bills policy.


    The S.P.C.A, was for Vick coming to the area because Virginia's S.P.C.A. said he was an avid supporter. He took many of the large number of dogs they had for adoption.


    Brandon didn't try to sign him because when told he just came out of the "big house," he thought that meant Ohio State. We already had some recent defensive backs from there and he saw no reason to hire one to play a quarter of the way back.


    Dick Jauron wanted him, and if Vick signed he had plans to change his position to kick returner.


    Several fans hated him because his name reminded them of medicated cough drops.


    I asked around, and in spite of Michael's past, not a single canine was against him being reinstated or brought to Buffalo.


    O.J. was quoted as saying, "why would you want a dog killer in Buffalo?"


    Of course, now, Vick the lovable reformed citizen can throw out comments like that because he doesn't think anyone would be offended. Doesn't he realize that no one can top the Pittsburgh Steelers for offending people with stupid comments?


    Personally, I don't care if Jack the Ripper is signed. I just want to see players on the Bills squad that can help them win games. After the game, they can eat the opponents for all I care. I want more Ws.


    I think you just made the fans of two big ten rivals very angry.

  9. I agree. Ravens also drafted Tandon Doss so they will have a good 1-2-3.

    I think we'll be fine at WR as well, keeping 6-7 WR's plus Spiller split out wide now and then.


    I was thinking the same thing. For all those saying we can't replace Evans as a deep threat with what's on the roster, we have a running back who's built the same, only faster. One that Gailey admitted he couldn't figure out how to use last year. Motioning him wide out of the backfield every now and then and just letting him run straight down the field is more versatile than lining up a receiver every play whose one and only trick is that, no matter how good Evans was at it.

  10. RIP...one of the all time great TEs along with Winslow and a few others.

    The dementia issue is very tough...because all the money in the world--while

    it may give the present players good care--won't prevent them from getting dementia

    due to the concussions/trauma.Very serious issue...-although I think most of us

    would take the fame and fortune despite the risk of serious brain issues starting

    at even younger than 50.


    While I don't dispute for a second that repeated head trauma leads to degenerative brain disease, I'm not so certain that Mackey's was due to this. Frontotemporal dementia can occur sporadically or run in families, and the onset is typically in the 50s, which fits in his case. Aside from the fact that he played football and was famous, there is nothing unusual about his circumstances to suggest that head trauma was the cause, at least from what I read in Pitoniak's article.

  11. I think it has dual meaning -


    First, the author is pissed he has to travel to New Jersey to watch yet another of his home teams, and second, this cut-rate hack thinks if he mentions an NFL team his editor will reassign him from covering high school football. I just love it when someone thinks that pissing on someone else's foot will make him feel better about wearing old beat up sneakers with the hole in the toe

  12. If you've ever frozen a limb and yet refused to leave before the end of the game, you might be a Bills fan.


    If you're solution to keeping your hot chocolate from freezing in the cup in your hand was to add more alcohol to it (which, in retrospect may have accounted for the above stupidity), you might be a Bills fan.

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