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Posts posted by transient

  1. We would have hated any coach. Lovie, Whis...retreads. Kelly...no NFL experience. Gotta say I'm stunned by Marrone.


    So much so that you forgot to sign your post! And from the looks of it, several subsequent ones! I don't know what to think of the promotion of Russ Brandon, the hiring of Doug Marrone, or the fiscal cliff, but I expect there to be some normalcy in the world when I wake up on a Sunday morning. PTR, I don't know how to handle all of this change! PLEASE... (wheeping)... FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY... (sobbing)... SIGN YOUR POSTS!!!... (outright wailing)

  2. So, yeah, Tim Graham may have had a bit of a presence here, but when you're a guy who has to stand behind your words, you're going to have a large presence.


    This is an important point. Put another way, Tim Graham is Tim Graham. You know him in a restaurant, on the street, wherever. He, JW, others who eschew anonymity do so in the name of adding an element of validity to what they post. Unfortunately, and likely knowingly, in doing so they invite those of us who will to paint a target on them and lob grenades from our safe little internet bunkers. Having to deal on a daily basis with those of us who are willing to anonymously spray paint someone's lawn to prove a meaningless point has got to be a bit tedious, even if it is only a small percentage of the fanbase. Unfortunately, I think a larger percentage is ok with a lack of civility and assume that there is nothing personal about using a pseudonym to attack a psuedonym, despite the fact that not everyone on the receiving end is using one.

  3. I'm an analytics guy. I love this forward thinking approach. It's more than just saving money. It's using big data to drive how you strategize the approach of an organization.


    So, your saying, not dumping 100 million at the feet of one player, but breaking it up and pursuing several lesser talents that together are more likely to have a larger impact, for example?



    We have no idea the extent of Ralph's involvement. We can guess, but that is all it is.


    True, but it's hard to imagine that his involvement over the last 1+ years is as much as it has been in years past given his age and recent hospitalization. I suspect that Brandon's role today is the same as what it was this past season, only now Ralph's made it official. More to the point, I feel like the press conferece today was marketing a change that had essentially already taken place.

  5. The only difference between today and yesterday is that as of today Ralph Wilson is "officially" no longer meddling... I suspect in actuality that nothing is really different between last season and this coming season from an organizational standpoint. As a fanbase, we can only hope that the "differences" manifest in the coaching search this time around, otherwise, unfortuntately, today's Buffalo Bills are the same as yesterday's Buffalo Bills.

  6. This thread is so sad. I never thought I would have wished for trolling, but that would at least make some sense here.


    Tim Anderson was actually a white collar snob who dined on caviar and sipped Dom Perignon while secretly hating blue collar cities and the people who lived in them. He never owned a lunch pail, and would scoff at the ridiculousness of the mere suggestion of it...



    Ask and ye shall receive.

  7. FWIW Gruden did say during a Monday night football game in early october this year that if he did get back into coachin that 3 teams would be of an interest to him...minny, SD, and Buffalo.


    Forgot about that, but saw another thread about that on another board that reminded me


    Interesting choices. All teams around from the merger without a ring. Maybe Gruden likes the idea of a challenge, like winning a Super Bowl in Tampa Bay.

  8. Couple more from NIN, the man has a way with expressing agony


    "Happiness In Slavery"



    slave screams he thinks he knows what he wants

    slave screams thinks he has something to say

    slave screams he hears but doesn't want to listen

    slave screams he's being beat into submission


    don't open your eyes you won't like what you see

    the devils of truth steal the souls of the free

    don't open your eyes take it from me

    I have found

    you can find

    happiness in slavery


    slave screams he spends his life learning conformity

    slave screams he claims he has his own identity

    slave screams he's going to cause the system to fall

    slave screams but he's glad to be chained to that wall


    don't open your eyes you won't like what you see

    the blind have been blessed with security

    don't open your eyes take it from me

    I have found

    you can find

    happiness in slavery


    I don't know what I am I don't know where I've been

    human junk just words and so much skin

    stick my hands through the cage of this endless routine

    just some flesh caught in this big broken machine


    "Gave Up"



    perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most

    forgot how it feels well almost

    no one to blame always the same

    open my eyes wake up in flames

    it took you to make me realize

    it took you to make me realize

    it took you to make me realize

    it took you to make me see the light

    smashed up my sanity

    smashed up my integrity

    smashed up what i believed in

    smashed up what's left of me

    smashed up my everything

    smashed up all that was true

    gonna smash myself to pieces

    i don't know what else to do

    covered in hope and vaseline

    still cannot fix this broken machine

    watching the hole it used to be mine

    just watching it burn in my steady systematic decline

    of the trust i will betray

    give it to me i throw it away

    after everything i've done i hate myself for what i've become

    i tried

    i gave up

    throw it away




  9. a drafted rookie will start in a meaningless finale after bills clinch home field


    Who then tears it up, leading the Bills (Ralph) to make an ill advised decision (edict) and start him in the playoffs, only to have his confidence shattered, which sends his career into a downward spiral from which he and the fans never recover.


    In 2015 the team relocates to a deserted island for the good of humanity, and instead of playing football they are turned into a reality TV show called "Survivor, Lord of the Flies." The show ends as Fitznoggin attempts to vanquish his nemesis, but every time he tries to crush the rookie QB's skull the rock is either intercepted or underthrown.


    Sorry, just adding a dash of reality...

  10. 1) Realignment with Bills, Browns, Jags, Chiefs, Raiders making up a JV division that plays a "pseudo-season" amongst themselves. At the end of the season, the GM of the division champion will select an all-star team comprised of the division's best players to be coached by the head coach of the division champion. This all-star team will play the lowest seeded wild card team in the NFL playoffs with the opportunity to advance in place of the wild card in the unlikely event that they win. This will give the long suffering fans of the "not quite ready for the NFL" teams something to cheer for after the regular season ends. Assignment to this JV division will be on a rotating basis just in case one of the JV teams starts to dominate the division too much and a varsity NFL team starts to suck too much.


    2) Eliminate the **Patriot specific exceptions from the rule book


    3) Banish all of Buddy Ryan's kin from the league while lobbying world leaders to expand this ban to include the planet. I would include Ndamukong Suh in this exile, but I fear getting kicked in the balls before he's actually launched into space.

  11. Thanks for the feedback! What's amateur is the Bills' talent evaluation skills.


    Bills select Torrell Troupe in the 2nd. Very Next pick: Gronkowski.

    Bills select Marcus Easley. Merely a few picks later: Aaron Hernandez.


    Now THAT is what I call amateur! :w00t:


    Pardon me, but I think you still have some of *Belichick's gravy on your chin.



    Fair enough and you've got a point. Though I will add that if the D picked up Fitz by not allowing the TD at the end the Bills still win.


    What were the odds of the D picking anyone up yesterday? The only chance of winning that game at that point was not to turn the ball over, which Fitz did right on cue. Fitz and that D deserve each other. It's not mutually exclusive. They both suck, and they both need fixing. TJax is not going to save this season, however pulling Fitz is at least a sign the team is acknowledging that the 2nd string at best QB as your starter **** may coming to an end this season. I suspect the recent run heavy approach is already a harbinger of Fitz's last days.

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