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Everything posted by transient

  1. So what you're saying is irrespective of the of the accuracy of the information, posters should treat him with respect, regardless; thus irregardless. Sorry, grammar police pet peeve. Cheers.
  2. Name calling is childish, yet mocking the entire population of a city because someone pointed out your decided lack of grammatical prowess and inability to tell the difference between an extra "r" and an otherwise nonsensical statement is mature? For shame, momento foot ruth (in case you thought I didn't know what I was typing, I'm suggesting your screen name needs work).
  3. I think they were advertising for his show in some dive bar in So-Hi, Arizona following the SB. I think he was calling it "Please Help Me with the *%(*#$ NFL and their 20% Stake Majority Ownership Rule" Tour. $10 buckets of PBR, all you could eat tumble weed, and MC'd by some high priced ladies of the night. Warren Sapp apparently thought it was a great party.
  4. A HOF QB, an evil genius coach, and a serious lack of integrity.
  5. Wasn't that Gronk providing commentary on the first draft with Flutie and Rice?
  6. No biggie. He'll just drop you off a few yards short of your driveway.
  7. What about Tony Mokiki? https://screen.yahoo.com/mokiki-000000022.html
  8. I think you're mistaking him for the outlaw. Jesse's no angel by any means, I mean he cheated on Sandra Bullock and used to be a body guard for Danzig, but man can he make a mean custom chopper. I might take a flier on talent like that.
  9. Dear Mr. Kraft, I'm sorry that you had to hear the truth from the likes of Richard Sherman. I can't imagine I'd like that much, either. If it wasn't so true, you could probably sue for slander. Kindly tap Commissioner Goodell on the top of the head when he's done and let him know I said sucks for him too... pun intended. Piss off, mother effer!
  10. Schefter also believes that it is too soon to say whether or not the Seahawks are true contenders this year, or whether they will suffer the Super Bowl Champion hangover like the Giants.
  11. Or he's playing word games because he realizes it was 26 degrees at kickoff for the Ravens game and 50 degrees at kickoff for the Colts game, meaning this could explain the difference for the Ravens game, but not likely the Colts game.
  12. I'm not sure who was in more pain, me listening to that or that poor guy trying to sing while passing a kidney stone. Must have been a big one.
  13. Why would they name him assistant head coach of the offense when it was clearly HIS DEFENSE that won the Bills 9 games last year... you know... by being smart enough to get out of the way and not **** with something he knew nothing about. Wait, do I have that argument correct?
  14. Back to Baltimore, if they hire Marrone as OC who's going to call the plays then?
  15. Is anyone else concerned that the Bills just hired a podophile? Does he have to register with Foot Locker? Does he own a foot locker? ** shudder **
  16. I'm with you on the straight up Kool Aid references, but what about if someone said "Rock-a-Dile Red flavored Urine?"
  17. I wish I would have known that the locker room looked like a cross between Lego Land and a giant Buffalo Bills pinball game BEFORE I signed the contract. "C'mon down to Boca Raton to get away from the cold" my ass, Terry! By the way, where do you guys keep the sneaker that Dennis Hopper stole from Bruce? Is that around here somewhere? And why is there only one locker with a refrigerator? Do you think the owner would mind if I have a goddamn snack? Where is the press? I feel like putting on a little show. Point me to the cameras. Hey you... suit guy... what'reya rollin your eyes for? Hi, I'm Rex.
  18. I didn't like the idea of Rex at first. After giving the hire some thought, I've stopped looking at this as we needed an offensive vs defensive head coach, and instead started looking at it as we needed a HC who can help us win now, not grow into the job. This is not a bottom feeding team that's starting over, this is a team that is a few tweaks away from contending. This is essentially the Jets team Rex inherited and took to the AFC championship 2 years in a row. Give us the running game the Jets had early on with buttfumble and even adequate QB play and we'll be fine with the talent on defense.
  19. Assuming he did have a change of heart, why would a new HC/OC with a blank slate and an eye toward the future of the franchise (something that I'd argue Marrone did not this season, for now obvious reasons) want him back knowing that he's now "walked away" twice?
  20. Technically, he "opted off" of the earth, but don't blame him, it was his contractual right. The people of this planet should be getting a second-hand text about it any minute now.
  21. Suck it up, Venus de Milo, and learn to block. Maybe the coaches wouldn't say such mean things then.
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