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Everything posted by transient

  1. Make it two, BuckyandSully, they act like children so why not treat them like children.
  2. Handcuffed, maybe, but Marrone didn't send EJ to the bench in his rookie season, injuries did.
  3. Almost as crazy as someone opting out of a head coaching position to ultimately end up as the OL of the worst team in the league. I never said I thought it was a well thought out conspiracy.
  4. I didn't finish my reply. Accidentally entered it in my iPhone before finishing typing. It's edited above.
  5. Call me a conspiracy theorist but with the uncertainty of the ownership the impression I'm left with is that Marrone was trying to position himself to look good by making Whaley look bad, primarily by misusing players like Watkins, Manuel, and others that are linked to Whaley's legacy.
  6. Forgive me if my sarcasm detector is on the fritz, but you are aware that you have the wires of this situation crossed with that which you claim to defend, right?
  7. Yes, of course, because there is no chance that three teenagers would lie to cover their own asses and make someone look bad. You're correct, the Bills should fire him now without due process and face whatever consequences come their way if he is, in fact, innocent. How could I possibly have been skeptical of 3 teenage kids and what they told police. I now see the error of my ways. Fire him this second. Great idea. Sign me up.
  8. Fire him this second, before the facts are out, dammit!! And while we're at it, let's cut EJ this second, too, before camp starts, because that's just what a professional organization would do. If you really are in the know, I hope it's not very high up. Sheesh.
  9. Joe Devlin used to coach an old girlfriend's brother in summer league baseball (may even have been tee-ball, I think it was for ages ~12-14ish) over 20 years ago. He was an arrogant, rude, insufferable bastard who must have thought he was coaching professionals. He basically ruined the summer for those poor kids. Never had any interest in speaking with him personally because of how he came off.
  10. I can understand not liking him, but I don't comprehend anything greater than mild annoyance for him for anything other than the fact that he's a Patriot**. Hating him for being himself is like hating a big, stupid, goofy, good-tempered mutt because it isn't a purebred border collie.
  11. I haven't read through all responses or listened to the interview. Just curious if it was as bad as advertised, or if it was colored by Yolo's scarlett and grey bias?
  12. I would prefer that he admit guilt, get his suspension reduced to 2 games, use the Jags and Cowboys games as a tune up, and the Patriots to be 1-3 but Tommy Bundchen* to be rounding in to form as they prepare to play the Colts, Dolphins, and Jets.
  13. Tom Brady ultimately starts game #2 at QB against the Bills but, regardless, still takes the beating referenced in the first sentence of CodeMonkey's post. http://www.behindthesteelcurtain.com/2015/6/13/8776859/tom-brady-on-the-field-for-week-1-against-the-steelers-its-looking
  14. Just so I'm clear, the way to cheat is to commit cooperate espionage and get caught by the feds?
  15. I stopped reading when I realized this genius gave us 15 of the top 10 picks that made no sense, because 60% of the time it works every time.
  16. We'll be sorry that we didn't draft Clausen. We'll be sorry that we didn't draft Tebow. We would have won by a million points if we'd only started Flutie. Mario Williams is a bum. Ralph has no plan for the Bills when he dies and we're all screwed.
  17. I predict that Bacarri Rambo will be one bold player. With a name like Rambo, he'd have to be, right? I also predict that Chris Manhertz gets rat tailed in the balls in the shower daily.
  18. I don't know about unquestioned genius, but Einstein sharting is comedy genius...
  19. Yes, but what he fails to mention is that one pick by Brady was the only attempt that crossed the line of scrimmage. The rest of the attempts with a fully inflated ball look like he was perfecting the tuck rule as it repeatedly fell out of his feeble little hand.
  20. You'll have to be more specific with the question... This isn't an impossible choice at the end of a disgusting game of "would you rather", is it?
  21. JBJ was in the running to own it, but he couldn't pony up the 30% share and the Royal Tannenbaums pulled out when they found out Ralph Wilson managed to negotiate a clause in the lease with the county stating that using room service to deliver poutine and toques was a violation of the terms of the lease and would result in JBJ's Destination Anywhere being blared through megaphones on an endless loop indefinitely in their beloved city of Tonto.
  22. Are you suggesting that my intentional malapropism may actually be apropos? ...that would explain the skid mark.
  23. What's the deal with being mean to the taints of poor persons?
  24. You highlighted the comparison he was making, "in that he was old and expensive", and then took issue with an argument about career trajectory that was not being made... http://www.k12reader.com/subject/reading-skills/context-clues/
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