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Everything posted by transient

  1. You can't say--can't say one word? Even the guy who can't think says something! You guys just stand there? Come on!
  2. I can hardly wait for EJ's best on game days...
  3. Hmmm, your concrete, humorless approach suggests more Dwight in Scranton than Dwight in Philly, there, Rainn.
  4. Whether or not these personnel changes work out, I find it refreshing to see the team making a series of bold moves in an effort to get significantly better now, with a bit of an edge, instead of the 15 years of conservative dumpster diving, Mario Williams aside, that led up to this point. If Marrone stays, or if they go with non-Rex and stand pat, it feels to me like it would have been more of the same. Plus, any player that Whaley added, assuming he was still here with Marrone here, would have found their way into the doghouse and off of the field in short order so that Marrone could wear his "I'm with stupid" teeshirt with confidence while sitting next to DW at pressers. Maybe I'm wrong, and Marrone would have embraced spending Pegula's money with a little flare for the benefit of the team without the end run on Whaley.
  5. Correct. I believe it was in season, approximately a half yard shy of a first down.
  6. @adamschefter: Contrary to previous published reports, no specific deity has claimed responsibility for Shady's expected rapid return. Also, at least one deity that I conferred with admits to being an ananthropist.
  7. If that were the case, you'd think he'd at least have enough common decency to tweet out a photo of the MRI report of Shady's hammy.
  8. I'm going to take Erin Kelly out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER. CALL HER. AGAIN.
  9. Can we get Da'Aron Rogers, instead? The original Da'Discount Da'Doublecheck.
  10. Punches or footballs? I'd say the former's serviceable.
  11. You have a corpse in a car, minus a head, in the garage. Take me to it.
  12. Beats a coin flip to determine who starts at QB.
  13. Maybe AVP can fill in for them. Bring on the Pilsbury Dough Boy!
  14. Is he suggesting that Fitz is horny, baby. That little cheeky monkey.
  15. Two thoughts: 1) Who does AF think is responsible for SJ13's drop against the Steelers then? 2) If AF is right, have I been hallucinating His posts when I stalk The Aud Club on SabreSpace?
  16. How can the Bills expect anyone to take them seriously if there are only 5 Bills?
  17. #1 Kraft: So I know Tom's not lying because when I stuck my finger up his ass like so and asked him if he deflated the balls I couldn't feel his sphincter tighten. Goodell: I so hate my effin' life. I wish I would've known this was going to be the job before I sold my soul for it. #2 Brady: I like to purse my lips like this when I take a big hairy pair across the chin. Just ask Wes. Goodell: Did I mention that I hate my effin' life?
  18. They could have thrown in clips of the offense, and kept the same title, but they would have had to set it to different background music...
  19. Careful, if word gets out you may discover that it hasn't only been the chihuahua defecating on the Pats* logo.
  20. My 3 cents - Li-ore... Lie-or... daughter Judy? Try a different drug of choice, preferable hallucinogen, re-read the post, and see if that doesn't help. Or just accept there is no truth in advertising.
  21. Make it two, BuckyandSully, they act like children so why not treat them like children.
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