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Everything posted by transient

  1. If they're intent on giving Lynn a one game tryout, which I suspect they are, this would be one of the stupidest things they could do; force a rookie on him who's not even been running his own team's plays in practice for the year, as though he won't have enough on his plate.
  2. Showing his age, then. It's like my dad thinking new cars cost $6K or that you can find a nice house for around $75K.
  3. Not reworking their roster to fit an inflexible scheme would help, too. It's harder to be critical of Whaley when the plan was to fix the offense and tweak a dominating defense, and yet they were blowing draft picks left and right to bring in players to fit Ryan's scheme. If I'm a GM, I'm not real thrilled with the prospect of doing that yet again when the defense is clearly poorly coached.
  4. I think it's more likely with all of Rob's bombast that he said if you're firing my brother you're firing me too than they did it to be petty. Do you really think one was going to stay on without the other?
  5. Or, playoff hopes are dead, Taylor is healthy so they dodged the injury guarantee, and Cardale isn't ready, so give a good kid one more chance to show teams he can play so he gets signed in the off season...
  6. It would certainly explain the further backsliding of the defense. Good thing they're both delusional. Holidays would be pretty awkward if Rex had the ability to realize Rob submarined his last shot at being a HC.
  7. I thought Rex turned a corner by delegating calling the defense to his DC. Turns out he just lied about it. Defense is a disorganized disappointment. How much of it is this clumsy flow of information? New DC would actually make this worse. It's time for Rex to go, a point he emphasized with a definitive punt in a game when he reportedly acknowledged that his job was on the line.
  8. I was hoping for an onside kick attempt that had Carp tripping over his own feet and that spun like a dradle out of bounds 2 yds downfield.
  9. Cats are the spawn of the devil. As much as you might be tempted, probably shouldn't kick them either.
  10. Defensive specialist whose defense gave up two 200 yd rushing performances in the last 3 games with playoff hanging in the balance. Time to go.
  11. ...bitchslap my father and grandfather for introducing me to this god forsaken team.
  12. Chris Brown thought bubble: Is it just me, or does Rex have a headlight on? Rex thought bubble: Can't wait to get home. Mrs. Rex just got a pedicure. Gonna have some shrimp tonight. Ooooohhh yeeeeaaaah.
  13. You left out the 126 passing yards per game average during that 2011 season. He had two games that season where he played the entire game and didn't eclipse 70 yds.
  14. Hero, maybe, but sports hero would require he be good at the position that he insists on playing in the sport... he would have made a fine fullback, though, I'm sure.
  15. It's like he thinks he's Non from Superman II Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but yes, he's a goalie (unless you're counting shootouts, then he's a welcome mat); yes he's fought people on the ice, he's actually 6'4" and 240 lbs; and he's been know to come unglued during games, so he probably is a bit psychotic. Actually, that last picture kinda makes him look like the love child of Kiko Alonso and Vaclav Varada.
  16. Not to mention that most special teams coaches are used to getting the most out of the talent at hand, since they're typically working with backups, so I would hope he'd be looking for the same perspective in OC/DC. Certainly would beat a total tear down to implement yet another system. The thing I can't get past with McDaniel, though, is the whole Tebow fiasco. That, to me, took some serious bad judgment, the very type of bad judgment that you would try to avoid in your head coach.
  17. You're not afraid that with the extra free time he'll stalk you and he and his neck tattoo will give you the crazy eyes stare?
  18. If everything that came to light in the media about this is correct, Fitz is gone (mercifully, I might add) because Buddy Nix was duped into a recorded conference call in which he is on record discussing how much Fitz sucks and how bad the QB draft class was. When the content of the call was leaked Fitz was incensed, rightfully so, and refused to renegotiate his contract, leading to his being cut and painting the franchise into the EJ corner. How is this on Whaley?
  19. Are you making fun of someone who quite possibly, if I read that correctly, only has one eye?
  20. FWIW, do they suggest you do it publicly or internally? Suppose one of the owners of an organization doesn't have a great affinity for local media due to its treatment of him from the beginning and he says internally "This report is patently false, and unless someone strongly objects, we're not going to give these dolts the satisfaction of indulging this bull **** publicly. They're clowns, and they're gonna write what they're gonna write. At the end of it all they'll be exposed for the frauds that they are. Sorry, Rex, but the pressers are gonna suck for the rest of the season. You up for it?"
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