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Everything posted by transient

  1. IMO Whaley comes off as someone who realizes his responsibility is to the organization and not to the media, and if he has to awkwardly fall on the sword instead of revealing the nature of sensitive internal conversations to the media then he's willing to do it. With respect to your continued defense of Ryan, another year means more devoted resources to a failing coach. Repeatedly comparing Schwartz to Rex 2016 defense is pointless. When they inherited them, one defense got better under one coach, one got worse, and not just a little. Despite the bluster and addition of his guys, it didn't get better. And the kicker in all of this is IT WASN'T THE PROBLEM WHEN HE GOT HERE!! Instead of fixing the offense and taking advantage of the window with a dominant defense, he closed the window.
  2. Have they established an exact timeline when Rex first heard the rumor they started about him getting fired before the Steelers game, yet?
  3. Uhh, not to speak ill of the dead, but Ralph was cheap with coaches and was known for meddling... whereas the Pegulas, if nothing else, made a big splash with their first hire and let him assemble one of the largest staffs in the league...
  4. Don't feel like finding the quote, but when Roman was fired Shady intimated that the offense would feature a more north/south running game.
  5. Yeah, son, I realize there are open seats in front of us, but EJ's starting for the Bills so we're safer back here.
  6. Uhh, sure. I know when I'm drunk I totally forget what my house looks like... and that it has doors...
  7. http://www.local8now.com/home/headlines/49623477.html
  8. Now there's a coach I could see the Bills in bed with...
  9. Can you effin believe those mf'ers are gonna stick me with EJ?! EEEEJAAAY!! Sure hope Elway has my number. So, what're your plans when they cut you? You like skiing in the Rockies?
  10. Do you ever take that effin helmet off?
  11. Sure hope that "business decision" was draft pick related. Ugh.
  12. Instead of crucifying Dareus based on a out of context snippet, Scott, as someone in the media, should have read the whole piece with Dareus before offering a hot-take. Dareus indicated (I'm paraphrasing) there's a lot of communication that takes place, that they were playing faster in year 2, but that it fell apart when AW got injured. He basically said you can't expect street free agents to make the calls and have it look the same. I'm sure Scott wouldn't have loved the system as much without Ed Reed in Baltimore or Jim Leanord in NY, who was with Rex in Baltimore the year before, making the defensive adjustments.
  13. ...and you'll end up bringing me in as a completely unqualified GM?
  14. Bless your heart. Did our recent presidential election teach you nothing? Facts are so 2012...
  15. Too bland. No clicks. More like "Bozos at OBD, too stupid to know how to clean a toilet, look to Les Miles for expertise in flushing talent."
  16. The terms of the contract you offer would be of no consequence. The cost for such actions is always the same; pledge you soul for eternity to his dark master and sign the deal in blood and you too can have a minion to coach your team.
  17. I'm ok with him as the next coach in the setting of an actual search. If they bring in a couple other qualified candidates and deem that he's their man, fine. I'd also be okay with them letting him test the market to see how legitimate the interest in him as a head coach truly is, and if the hype is overblown, trying to hold on to him as a coordinator candidate for a defensive or ST minded head coach, as those areas clearly need some help.
  18. That would certainly explain how he's able to turn around a defense in a season or less, which he has seemingly done with every team he's coached.
  19. Urban slang definition: The Twitter version of welp signifies the speakers reluctance or lack of enthusiasm for something that is finished or unchangeable; it is, roughly speaking, a linguistic shrug, which you might imagine as a combination of well and a gulp. To your earlier question, when Dunne's writing becomes petty, personally insulting, and seemingly vindictive instead of merely being critical then you'll know he's "gone hack," until then you're just being obtuse.
  20. Sweet, another participation trophy!! I rule!!
  21. I didn't catch all of thabdint, mushmouth. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fatalbert/images/b/bc/Mushmouth.jpg/revision/20120223020147
  22. Look at it from the player's perspective. Your agent negotiates a significant raise for the current season, but at a considerably reduced rate for most starting QBs, and gives the team an option on the remaining contract as a bridge or "prove it" contract. That's essentially a "one year plus" deal. If he's not also protecting you against serious injury that would prevent you from making a roster the following season while giving your current team another chance to evaluate you, then your agent's stupid and you fire him.
  23. Questioning the conspiracy only serves to prove you're part of it. EVERYONE, YOLO'S A WITCH!!
  24. Would create quite the conundrum; how do the Bills limit their access to themselves? Also, while it's probably no problem for Sullivan, how do Schoop and BD the reporters develop enough self loathing to generate the requisite negativity for Schoop and BD the coaches.
  25. I actually lol'd believing this was PH's meaning.
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