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Everything posted by transient

  1. Gre-e-e-gggg-o. Aaahhhhahahaha. Who-o-o in their right mind... ah-huh... ah-huh.... Aaahhhahaha. Ok... Ok... I can do this. Who-o-o in their right mind wo-uld hire Greggggo agai-ha-han. Oh my, that's a goo-ooo-ood one. Wait... WHAT?!?!
  2. You guys have a specific rooting interest so that I can send out my own special character laced tribute? As a guess on Ohiostyle, $&@/!ing gifted first down!
  3. Oh, snap! I always just thought he was a Jehovah's Witness and that was his way of knocking. https://www.jw.org/
  4. Mom always said, "Don't play ball in the house." This is why we can't have nice things.
  5. So, as a Pats* fan, your gf spells her name "Kari" but pronounces it "Be-elle-zah-bub"... weird.
  6. In the same capacity as QB coach or an expanded role. Aside from Russell Wilson, are there others he's developed?
  7. I know... I know... ultimately, it falls on me. I could have avoided this thread...
  8. And not just ANY win, but GOOD WIN! No more of those BAD wins that we've... uh, grown so tired of? Wait, does that mean we beat the Patriots, Raiders, and Steelers but lose to the likes of the Browns?
  9. https://mobile.twitter.com/sluggahjells/status/707654948373307392/video/1 Ahh, sports concocting... uh, I mean reporting... at its finest. Anyone else get these sense he could play a troll in the Lord of the Rings trilogy without a lot of help from the makeup folks?
  10. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/184858-the-title-of-sullys-article-if-the-bills-won-the-sb/#
  11. Actually, I think it's particle sum. It would seem that the OP has a case of malodorous priapism. This happens when what one is supposably saying doesn't jive with what they're actually saying. In this case, pacifically, when 4mer precedes with his discussion of the "particle sun," he gives the delusion of associated guilt of the particle causing it to reflect back to earth, when in truth at the time the theory was propositioned the earth was thought to be the center of the universe and as such all things were believed to return to it as their final wresting place. This theory actually pustulates that, in effect, the earth constituents a particle sum, as it were.
  12. I went with Schwartz. He fielded a few good teams as HC his first go-round. For all in tents on porpoises, the others have completely lost my interest. Wade has had a few cracks at HC and never gotten it done, Saban bolted in short order in Miami, and the rest of those names, sans Reich make me want to vomit. For whatever reason, the idea of Reich as HC does nothing for me.
  13. Meh. Tannehill's plastic, five-head, butterface Stepford wife is hotter, which isn't saying much.
  14. If you took all of the Bills fans and tried to pigeonhole us into one unifying diagnosis it would HAVE to be rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, IMO.
  15. Do you think about the names you throw out beyond just "They've had HC experience." Serious question? Coughlin is 70+, and his last few years with the Giants WITH a franchise QB were terrible. McCoy and Bradley had no success as head coaches, McCoy WITH a franchise QB. As Yolo points out, no HC experience with Shanahan which doesn't fit your narrative, and his team's still in the playoffs giving him limited opportunities, and it would seem his weekend off is already full based on a quick Google search.
  16. Whaley's "search" is nothing but a sham. He's so concerned that a coach might usurp his power and control that in the end he won't end up hiring a coach AT ALL. At the end of season presser after a 2017 season in which the Bills are historically unwatchable due to a lack of ANY coaching AT ALL, he will claim that it's not his fault, that he's only in charge of the 53. Incensed, Bucky Gleason, picking up where he left off in 2016, will resume shrieking like a chicken about his job description until his head literally explodes, killing Jerry Sullivan in the process from an acute ruptured colon brought on by the internal pressure generated by the force of the blast. Vic Carrucci, in close proximity, will bear witness to this horrific scene. Covered in the now defunct Sullivan's feces and Gleason's brain... ok, anatomically unlikely to be COVERED in Gleason's brain, but probably enough there that a good forensic pathologist could find a trace or two... Vic will fall into a catatonic state requiring prolonged psychiatric hospitalization, at which point Doug Whaley will yell "Suck it, bitCHEZ!!" and announce that his work here is done, will tender his resignation, and will ride off into the sunset in Rex's pickup truck to a host of confused stares and an increasing crescendo of applause. Hey, it's at least as plausible as Whaley intentionally hiring an underqualified coach to save his job, right?
  17. First, I smirked... but then disbelief, sadness and dread crept in and washed my smirk away.
  18. TBN; combining a lack of objectivity, integrity, verification of facts, and actual sources, showcasing all degree of mastery of literary fallacy and grammar, and relying on Twitter, petulance, and personal agenda to generate insightless coverage of local sports.
  19. I don't know about fan speak as, it generally is a buzzword used by athletes, coaches, FO types, etc first, but applied to professional sports it's about as meaningful as taking it to the next level, one game at a time, 110%, you do what you can do, you gotta hand it to the other team, et cetera, ad nauseam.
  20. Is that the old hover board that starts you on fire, or the new hover board that shoots out from under you causing you to fall forward and break your nose.
  21. Brian Moorman was born in Kansas. Just sayin...
  22. My guess would be eating with his fingers...
  23. Except that Cowher's blueprint is still in place in Pittsburgh, and still effective. The concern would be how much have players changed since he last coached and can he relate to them, not how much has the game changed since then, IMO.
  24. "Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. "In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
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