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Everything posted by transient

  1. Why are dumpster fires supposedly so bad, again? They might smell a little, but look at all the positives. They incinerate trash. They warm the homeless. They are in a dumpster, so they're self contained. Once they're done burning, there's more room in dumpster for more trash. A perfect analogy would be this thread, which is the dumpster fire smell, and the responses, which are all the unheralded dumpster fire benefits.
  2. Boyst62 posted this in the thread about Rodgers being a douche bag a while back: "Olivia munn is a dirty, very dirty dirty girl. The releases from her messages to an ex were...woah." which lead me look up her sexts to Chris Pine. I echo... woah. She would be the worst. beard. ever. If he's not giving it, she's takin' it... forcefully... and often... and probably in ways bored guys fantasize about when they're diddling their old lady.
  3. Actually, I heard since the incident he prefers Drunken Donuts.
  4. An extra point that was blocked due to the official, despite staring right at this fiasco, allowing Jared Crick to push the long snapper of the Saints to the ground by the back of the neck, thereby making it possible for Justin Simmons to hurdle him cleanly. https://mobile.twitter.com/ArchieOSMS/status/798002299746603008/video/1
  5. It depending to what extent you want to parse it, taking it at face value, it could suggest that Rex had some cause to know he'd likely be fired (ultimatum?), suspected he would not be able to meet expectations (lack of desire? sabotage? submarining twin who he promised his dad he'd take care of?), and suspected that the Pegulas were likely to choose the coach (history?).
  6. Why does everyone pronounce it Pa-ghoul-uh? We're not ghouls. It's Peg-you-la... like drak-you-la... Dracula, now there was a badass. People never made fun of the way he talked... get their throats torn out by the undead master if they did.
  7. McD - So are we the team with the security that jacks on the sideline? RB - No... no, that was San Diego. McD - Riight, San Diego. So, our fans, are... DW - (interrupting dejectedly) Yep. Flaming tables, asscrack beer luge, parking lot sex, and Brady's dildo.
  8. I think I misinterpreted your initial post... I thought it was taking issue with Whaley and the fact that a decision has yet to be made, but it would appear from your response that it was actually directed at the press. My bad.
  9. Have to love the irony of questioning someone's intelligence in the same sentence that "assess" is misspelled "asses."
  10. Which fits with the team waiting to hire an OC and determining what kind of offense they're going to install. TT's clearly not the worst QB in the league, and he's clearly not the best. He didn't blow the team away and make them adamant that his option needed to be picked up, but his play also didn't warrant kicking him to the curb outright. His contract, if they pick it up, puts him in the mid-range salary for a starter. A reasonable commitment even if the plan is to look for a long term answer to replace him in two years. There's no clearly better long term answer in free agency, and barring an unexpected trade, he's probably the best available QB we could hope for over the next few years. It's also not outside the realm of possibility that with a good QB coach he'll improve. Given a decision doesn't need to be made until March, what are you expecting?
  11. And drawing pointless derogatory comparisons between McDermott and Gregg Williams on twitter.
  12. My guess is having a hockey GM and coach report to the owners over an 82 game regular season would be a bit overwhelming. I haven't checked, but are there any instances in hockey where this is the organizational structure? Much different over a 16 game season.
  13. Where's the fun in that? Hot takes... Get your hot takes here... Hot takes... You, sir... What's that... You got it, three hot takes coming right up. McDermott diminishes Whaley as they work swimmingly to build the roster with collaborative control... no with Whaley's oversight of the 5... no, with collaborative control of the roster for Whaley and his personal choi... uh, the Pegula's ch... err, Monos' deliberately undermining HC choice Anthony Lynn is the next coming of Vince Lombar... oh, wait, I mean he will be lucky to coach the OL in Jacksonville. Tyrod will.. not.. will.. won't... might be back and the decision to decide whether he will or won't be back may have been made weeks ago, or may still need to be made. Thank you. That's 3 hot takes, that'll be $4.50. Enjoy. HOT takes HERE...
  14. IMO, if McDermott cannot get one of his top 2 candidates for OC, whoever they may be, then he should consider retaining ALynn assuming he doesn't get a HC gig elsewhere and is agreeable. As for ALynn, if his goal is to be a HC and he doesn't get a shot this year, the quickest route will be immediate success as an OC. He knows the Bills players, he's a run first guy, and running a watered down GRo offense he lead the league in rushing, was third in turnovers, and finished just outside the top 10 in scoring with limited receiving help much of the season. He should know what he can do here, already, and with a little tweaking and some luck, could realistically improve on it in 2017. Going someplace else and starting from scratch is more of a gamble, IMO. Both of these points are made with the assumption that Tyrod stays and that the team isn't in a total rebuild mode. If either one of these things is not the case, then I think McDermott should move on from ALynn.
  15. "The Jaguars had a problem and they fired his ass and then dumped his lifeless corpse in a bog: His name was Jerry Sullivan"
  16. No amount of seasoning will mask the taste of genetic inferiority. Freakin' ginger.
  17. Flight stalker information on Pegula One from NC to Boca Raton for tomorrow.
  18. I picture the discussion with Tyrod and Pegula going something like this: https://youtu.be/n_w4MV_LwMw?t=60
  19. For a second I thought someone was going to have to talk Rico off of a ledge.
  20. If they were to hire an offensive coach who is the de facto OC similar to the situation with Schwartz, I agree, but if Lynn has no HC options and the incoming HC is a defensive coach interested in maintaining some continuity, I presume he will be given the option of retaining the staff under contract. Lynn doesn't even have a full season as an OC, and there's no guarantee that other options, assuming they materialize, would be better.
  21. Unless he gets a HC gig elsewhere, he's under contract.
  22. I don't know... kinda looks like he could be had for a plateful of sausage.
  23. Greg coached our offense for 18 games within the last 16 months. Your memory really sucks, dude.
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