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Everything posted by transient

  1. "Drunk" on four and a half 12 oz 5% beers. Empty tummy or no, unless you shotgunned them both, I declare lightweight. Sweet dreams, Nancy. Just looked it up, 1 pint 9.7 ounces -> ~26 oz.
  2. That's not how it works. As you can plainly see by his screen name, someone must first do the heavy lifting of enlightening before he can come along and re-enlighten. Unless the absence of the hyphen indicates "regarding" as opposed to the prefix re-, in which case WTF does "regarding enlightener" mean... actually, skip it... I don't really care...
  3. Romo would look great in it's a lock A Lynn will be the next HC's run heavy offense. Freakin' LaCouldntgiveaflying#%^*aboutya.
  4. Tempted to insert a jo'momma joke, but after last night I'm fresh outta things to insert into jo'momma.
  5. I'm not bitter, but #$% those guys, and I'm not making excuses but everyone was injured. Not sure why people think it would be fun to have a beer and wings with this contradictory whiner. If I was sitting next to him in a bar, I'd want an apology for his lazily burning two years of a window that seemed to be opening, and then I'd just want him to STFU.
  6. He would have had a healthy Thurman Thomas if he hadn't tried to get him murdered on the first play from scrimmage that season by throwing a middle screen pass over his head resulting in a bruised liver and broken ribs, IIRC. Hardly an age related issue. Did you do it with your shoulder slumped forward while pouting like you'd just been hit with a rolled up newspaper for peeing on the carpet?
  7. Then there was this, "You need 11 guys on the field to get the job done..." which I'm sure wasn't intended, but it's soooo true. The Ryan's went out of their way to prove that 10 guys just don't cut it.
  8. Don't know if anything about this has been posted, but it's from an ESPN piece on Matt Ryan. I didn't read the whole thing, but the part about Kyle Shanahan's offense caught my attention: "By his own account, Ryan was enamored with Shanahan's offense; he says he never lost faith in it. And perhaps for good reason. Shanahan's mentors have included Jon Gruden, Gary Kubiak and, of course, his father, Mike. The foundation of both Shanahans' schemes is an outside-zone running game, drilled into the players until it can be run like clockwork. And so it was that Ryan was engaging with a system that, almost genetically, had its roots with a Broncos team coached by Mike Shanahan 20 years earlier and led by a quarterback who had also experienced years of heartbreak before winning multiple titles: John Elway." Granted, Dennison hasn't called the bulk of his own plays, and we don't have a HOF or even top 10 QB on the team, but aside from Gruden, those are the same mentors. It'll be interesting to see what Dennison's offense ultimately looks like.
  9. And for f%#*s sake, don't go in the sinks. Filthy animals.
  10. 3 posts before this essentially became "Bills suck worse." Solid work.
  11. Guess the gut feeling must have been gas...
  12. Peyton Manning as QB coach would only be awesome if he "mooned" Jerry Sullivan in the locker room. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/02/01/peyton-s-manning-s-forgotten-sex-scandal.html
  13. He had a pop warner armed pick-throwing Manning. The only thing functioning with any Manning advantage was the brain.
  14. One thing I gotta say, between Rex's giant (literally and figuratively) staff of coaches and the fact that McDermott, the fact that he's a new HC aside, is hiring name coaches for coordinators makes me appreciate the Pegula coach hiring approach as opposed to that of a bygone era, no disrespect intended. I'm also thrilled to see that, as a new HC, McDermott has staff in place to be able to abdicate calling the defense and concentrate on being a head coach, assuming he chooses to do that.
  15. They're just reading too much in to constipated look on his face at the time.
  16. So, Gilmore, Z Brown, R Woods, Felton, Alexander, maybe Mills, maybe Douzable, maybe Hunter, maybe White, and oh look at that, Brandon Spikes was on the team this past year... who knew.
  17. Are these US or Canadian numbers? Not sure if we have 24 or 18 FAs, and whether we'll go 4-12 with 8-8 being our best case scenario, or 3-9 with 6-6 being our best case scenario. Screw Auston Matthews. He spell his name funny. Leafs suck.
  18. Before that, he cobbled together enough offense to keep the season afloat with Brock Asswailer (as my Texan fan friends call him) and then win a SB with the ghost of Peyton Manning. Granted, the defense might have played a small part, as well.
  19. $20 whore's are important. Oldest profession on the planet. They keep desperate men with limited judgment, as evidenced by the fact they're banging $20 whores, from biding their time in other ways, at least for a little while.
  20. I'd consider it my official duty to spend 16 hours a day surfing certain unmentionable websites "for research purposes, only" and forwarding the spoils to others throughout the league... you know, instead of just surfing for 16 hours a day for personal reasons.
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