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Everything posted by transient

  1. Buffalo would be the perfect place for ol' AK 47. Pegula could sign him as the first rap artist to diversify his sports and entertainment management company, and after hours he could hang out with Andrew Peters and punch local high schoolers.
  2. He should have an amazing catch radius and snag anything thrown in his general vicinity. The problem is adamantium punctures footballs, so it will slow the game down and run up the equipment bill. He will probably also repeatedly get called for illegal use of the hands when he eviscerates defenders.
  3. Scooby is doing something infinitely more important than you, and in a better car than yours, no doubt.
  4. I'm hoping this is a product of the coaching turnover. You would expect that identifying vets for the current system is easier than drafting players that fit the current system and also having them be a good fit for the next, as yet to be determined, system once they develop.
  5. Collectively speaking, it's a good thing for Pats fans that the team's ass can cash the checks that the inane, babbling mouths of their fans keep writing.
  6. IDK, everyone in the office just got an email attachment from Whaley suggesting he definitely appreciates a good rack. ...well, maybe not. Follow up email suggests he's trying to recall it.
  7. Mills, presumably? I know, damn autocorrect...
  8. Since many others have already pointed out that the word is "lose", and that since it's actually a word autocorrect would have no reason to change it if you'd used it in the first place, I'd like to point out that New Era Field hasn't held "80,000+" in a long, long time. Let's keep things tight around here. We don't take take kindly to playing fast and loose with facts. This isn't the White House.
  9. Constantly putting periods in the middle of sentences instead of at the end. Seems to think "call them" is one word, spelled "c-o-l-u-m-n." Keeps confusing the words "humor" and "rancor," and continues to believe "witty" and "petulant" are interchangeable, preferring the latter in both instances. Unlike Gleason, he's at least technically proficient, in my opinion. It's the formulaic approach to his vomit spewing that I find nearly as intolerable as his point of view.
  10. Or maybe by the act of some QB coach not named David Lee...
  11. So you drink and drive, trespass, and use dead animals to amuse yourself. Apt screen name. If only the cow would have exploded and covered you in rotting carcass... then it would have been just like a Sullivan column.
  12. 2004? Sullivan was a troll when the Bills were good in the '90s. My most telling Sullivan memory was listening to a piece with him on Shredd and Ragan in the mid 90s (I think). He was on air ripping on his son's tee-ball playing ability and bashing his son and his son's teammates on how terrible it was to have to watch their games in a way that, regardless of whether it was meant to be funny (still not certain that it was), would be incredibly hurtful to any 9 year old that, say, happened to be listening to the radio. Pretty much everything out of his mouth that morning was clearly someone with a full bladder looking for anybody's bowl of Wheaties. I am by no means against ripping on a buddy and have said some pretty obnoxious things myself, but a kid? He pretty much summed himself up to me as a vile human being that day.
  13. I like my Mario... F5... like I like my coffee... F5... like I like my women... F5 Tossed in the trash once it's old and stale... ...ground up, of course.
  14. This is further evidence that Obama wire tapped the Bills. Gotta love a world where anyone with keyboard can start a conspiracy.
  15. And if he decided to then announce "For the record, I tried to help Rocky Landing" on Facebook right after you were fired it would suggest that he is a self serving douche who likes to yell LAMP.
  16. Hard to believe that Christie would have to go through the GM just to "talk shop" with Carpenter...
  17. Ed Reed did wonders for the communication problems on defense last year.
  18. Whether his comments were aimed at Whaley or Carpenter, my thoughts exactly. Felt like piling on, either on a player who just got cut or on an embattled GM whom he has no ties to. Either way, he should have just wished Carp well then STFU, IMO.
  19. Levy waxing poetically while the franchise burned under his general managerial ineptness wasn't embarrassing to the franchise at all, I suppose...
  20. PFF's reporting that Rotoworld's reporting that Vic's reporting that Shefter's reporting that La'Conjectura's reporting that Tyrod Taylor may or may not be a Bill come March 11, and that sources say there's a 50/50 chance that this information is correct and a 100% chance that it's unverified. https://youtu.be/zjedLeVGcfE?t=10
  21. If Smokin' Jay ends up on the Bills roster it's verification that Whaley inherently hates his football coaches.
  22. This time of year you'd think he'd at least be conspicuously jumping out of planes or taking tandem bike rides with his brother. What's he got to do that will take up every waking moment until the combine... Seems like he's got a lot of professional sports marketing experience... both football and hockey... wonder if he's interested in a position that combines them into one?
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