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Everything posted by transient

  1. That's fair. A good friend of mine is a Browns fan. He's one of those eternally scarred individuals who lived Bills fans' worst nightmare when the Browns relocated, and while he follows the current Browns it's with the passing interest of a jilted fan. I'm pretty sure when Modell was alive that if my friend saw him in the street and his head was on fire he would have pissed on his feet. I'll admit, I had more empathy for him before the Cavs and the Indians had their recent success.
  2. How can you hate the Browns? That seems like a complete waste of spite.
  3. Apparently those jerseys lit up like Christmas trees and the subsequent DNA results yielded a match: https://laydenrobinson.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/500x305-welker-20121214.jpg "Does it have a smiley face? I did. It's mine. Over here." In response to "Did anyone lose a dildo down by the 5 yard line."
  4. You know what we need to do? We need to, every month or so, start a new thread about how many draft picks, and in which rounds, we need to devote annually to QB. Does the word "trite" resonate here? Hackneyed, maybe? Cliched, possibly? Vapid... shall I continue?
  5. Hopefully not to the detriment of his knee. https://www.google.com/amp/deadspin.com/bills-fan-destroys-table-his-own-leg-1790008054/amp
  6. How do you know they didn't prioritize him over LorAx? Reportedly he has an offer from the Bills in his pocket. He's testing the market and may find that he over values his services, as suggested by the fact he hasn't signed yet. Would you have them overpay with respect to ability to make you feel better?
  7. I can appreciate that you are not the real Don Beebe, and was being facetious with my response, but per chance did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night? And how could you not love an undersized, fast dude who can land on the top of his head and bounce like an upside down rockem' sockem' robot that just took a knockout shot and get up laughing.
  8. My gut's feeling the effects of too much corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and green beer.
  9. Moreover, he outed himself with that interview as a charlatan that attempted to dupe Buffalonians into believing that he "got" the area while he continuously publicly promoted his "I'm an everyman" schtick ad nauseam. Had he actually "gotten" the area he would have realized he didn't need to fuel his self promotion machine with empty playoff promises and hyperbole because, win or lose, Buffalo historically will forgive results for honest effort. IMO, he never gave the impression of having given his all, instead he urinated on the best shot at breaking the playoff drought in years, and his classless exit made it feel personal.
  10. I feel like this might have an impact on the 2016 presidential election. Talk about a butterfly effect.
  11. Your youthful indiscretions were all forgiven when you displayed moxie and hustle in stripping the ball from Leon Lett.
  12. fod·der [ˈfädər] NOUN food, especially dried hay or feed, for cattle and other livestock. WTF is going on in the kitchen at SJF?
  13. Too bad his great personality got saddled with such a douchebag of a guy. Something about hanging his coaching staff and players out to dry so he could see a Clemson game instead of finishing out the season, on top of the crap before the SB, on top of the wasted 2 years, on top of the constantly throwing others under the bus in a round about way really makes me want to see this son of a B word burn.
  14. Wonder how many people he's bringing with him to write his takes for him. Fat, worthless POS.
  15. Is it not possible that something was wrong with an NFL team that was trying to run the Syracuse offense?
  16. Not speaking ill of Ralph, but I also think that it was the thing that suffered the most under his ownership. While he seemed to come around on spending money from time to time on the roster, he was loathe to spend on a coaching staff. Manuel, acknowledged as a project at the time he was drafted, spent the first two years in Buffalo WITHOUT a true QB coach. Makes you wonder what Kelly would have looked like if he had come straight to Buffalo instead of getting a little seasoning in the USFL. Pegula has shown he will spend money on a coaching staff. Let's hope this time it's the right coaching staff. It's withering as a fan to continue wondering time and time again how much of this never-ending winter has been related to poor drafting and how much of it has been due to lack of player development.
  17. I almost feel bad now for repeatedly suggesting that his massive noggin messed up his throwing mechanics... I think I went so far as to suggest that he needed to synchronize the centripetal force of his head rotation perfectly with his release to get any sort of zip on the ball.
  18. If this is gleaned from the "Pre-Draft Visit" thread, that list posted isn't just pre-draft visits, it's anyone they've had a conversation with. The "SR" next to his name means they talked with him at the senior bowl.
  19. Oh, snap... You're about as good with the trash talk as you are at identifying QB talent. That was not a compliment, btw.
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