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Everything posted by transient

  1. Yep. Nearly as sad as taking three days and nine pages to finally lock the epic "a idiot" -> " ***** " thread. Neither Rex's coaching stint nor that third grade grammar rant ever had a chance. Ok, obviously Rex's failure was worse on many, many levels, but the other thread was locked so I didn't know where else to call attention to the fact it took 3 days and 9 pages of crap (to which I contributed heavily) to do it.
  2. I supposed you would probably need a developmint after eating a worm at 3:30 in the morning. Blech.
  3. Huh, I would never have associated BBMB with anything getting out of hand fast. Did it's failure have anything to do with 50 redundant like/dislike systems popping up within minutes of the initial system, each one striving to be THE system? I mean, no one can be expected to stand in line behind 10 - 20 previous likes/dislikes, can they?
  4. I are a idiot. I not reed post until me see "*****" is in der. Now me read hole post and I are more dumber than afore I didn't'ed. And I confusedid. Who are original posterer yelling at? He make firstist post. Do he thought head voice is real? And he think I are dumb. Ha!
  5. I are so smart, S-M-R-T... Doh! FTR, quoting Homer Simpson, not on board with QB at 10.
  6. Is this like a game of media-chicken to see if they can get Whaley and McDermott to French kiss in public just to prove them wrong?
  7. If nothing else, the janitor... or whomever... that leaked the story about Rex being last in/first out of the building will think twice about talking smack about McDermott out of fear of being kicked in the kidney.
  8. So, wait, all this "McDermott loves Whaley, he loves Whaley not" shenanigans is really a diversion to throw us off the trail of Bigfoot... Bigfoot hasn't really been seen in public much, lately... nor has he done much public speaking... ARE THEY GONNA FIRE BIGFOOT!?!?!? I AM SO DONE WITH THIS TEAM!!!
  9. Slow down... slow down... TBN can't churn out articles supporting #jlconjectura that quickly.
  10. No matter. I'm sure these are just the sort of questions Bucky and Sully will drill down on when given the chance at their next JV "press" inquisition. Cuz people need to know, dammit.
  11. Ya know, sonny, back in the old AFL days they didn't have twitting or hashmarking... or humor. Fun? By golly, fun is a byproduct of that god forsaken merger.
  12. @gleason'sheadsupsully'sass McDermott's front and center while Whaley's nowhere to be seen. Further proof that big changes are coming in Buffalo.
  13. The toll road of denial is a long and dangerous one. The price, your soul. Oh and by the way you have til five to clear out your desk. Youre fired.
  14. I have a mental picture of it being like the SNL Chicago Bears super fan skits minus the football knowledge and likable fans.
  15. Mine makes the 20th post in this thread. Far too many for any reasonable person to read through. Shall I start a new one? I'll title it "IBM's Watson or The Ramones, which QB would YOU take at 10, and why?" See, if I emphasize YOU it's an entirely different thread, right...
  16. Perhaps this definition may be a bit more applicable. a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
  17. @LaConjecturosa Sources tell me Zach Brown to become a Ram, unless, of course, he doesn't. Doug Whaley to blame. Will be executed at dusk, unless, of course, he isn't.
  18. Are we sure this "breakfast" wasn't actually Payton scoring some coke off Johnny Eightball for Super Bowl week?
  19. I trust you'll keep him from urinating in my driveway?
  20. A free consultation? In case the People for the Ethical Treatment of Baldies (PETB) get insensed, I'm similarly afflicted.
  21. In a just alternate reality, Negan would take Lucille to Barry Switzer's head in the middle of his "How 'bout them CCCOOOooow-boys" cognitively challenged orangutan impersonation.
  22. My hate is cyclic, and for the most part it has more to do with the Bills level of competence than other teams, specifically. If they were a better team I'd have stronger feelings about their competition. I've lost my contempt for the Dolphins, and now view them with mild disdain mixed with a sense of irrelevance. Hate is too strong of a word for what I feel for the Jets, but dislike is not strong enough. I hate them less when they're inept, then I find them more amusing. I abhor the Patriots* and have nothing but contempt for them. Their success is almost as painful to watch for me as is the Bills failure. When they first started winning I had a begrudging respect for them, but with each cheating episode revealed, as that respect was lost, I would sooner root for the Goodyear blimp to fall from the sky and crush them than see them win another Super Bowl. Most of the rest of the AFC has annoyed me at one time or another, namely Pittsburgh and KC when the Bills were a real team. I don't particularly care for Denver. I used to dislike the Raida's, but until the Bills are up to the task I'm kinda rooting for them because of Khalil Mack, though I find Carr's eyeliner effeminate. I wish I could hate the Titans, but it's not their fault our kick coverage sucked on that play, illegal forward pass or not. I hate the Cowboys because I have a soul. My hate for the Redskins and the Giants is all but gone. I'm working up a hatred of the Seahawks. As for other rooting interest, I have a mild passing interest in the Lions and the Texans, both cities that I've lived in or near and whose fanbases I've felt a kinship with. I used to like the Saints before they won the Super Bowl, and since I'm dating a New Orleanian and have moved to the area, I'm trying to find that again...
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