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Everything posted by transient

  1. What they do now is unconstructively B word with the delusion that they have some special insight... like a reality TV "Housewife." I guess sophomoric name calling and hair pulling over who's right and who's stupid just doesn't amuse me as much as it does some. I'm not a fan of rewarding bad behavior carried on for the sole purpose of getting attention.
  2. Yes, but without once again thrashing the rotting bones of this old mare we would have been deprived of this wonderful bit of allusion. Thanks!
  3. Some of them. As long as their gloves and skates are off most of them can at least get to twenty. Not like that there former Ivy League quarterback. Story goes he could get all the way to forty-eight before he started having trouble.
  4. Somehow I think it is less naïveté and more ax to grind. Rex talked to the press. Pegula and Whaley have publicly exhibited their disdain for local media. IMO, in response the media has adopted an "eviscerate you in fiction", or at least in half-truths and petty attacks, approach to their interactions with DW and TP, and to a lesser extent even KP. So much so that, at the time of his firing, they were trying to paint Rex as a sympathetic figure whose firing was a sign of the dysfunction at OBD, instead of the more realistic and obvious view that his presence was in large part responsible for it, supported by the mess he left in NYC.
  5. Huh... and all this time I thought QBs rushing yards and TDs were factored into that. Guess I was mistaken.
  6. If they get caught, do they serve only 74% of the sentence if they do the time in the US?
  7. You're kinder than I am. In this scenario I may treat him as he treated his coaching opportunity with the Bills. Depends on where it happens and what the fines for public defecation are in that locale.
  8. Separate thread for that... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/193115-bills-working-out-fa-cb-marcus-cromartie/?view=getnewpost
  9. Your plan, to me anyway, suggests you don't think the Bills have a chance in hell of competing this year. If you're the Browns and you don't expect to compete for several seasons your plan makes some sense. If you think you're going to field a competitive team, which the moves the FO has made in the offseason thus far would suggest that is their belief, then going in to the season without a known quantity as a backup QB is not a good plan. Yates doesn't stop them from drafting a QB and putting either Jones or the rookie on the PS. It also doesn't stop them from moving Yates to #3 or cutting him if, hallelujah, either Jones or the rookie looks like a legitimate QB. Developing 3 unknowns in one offseason isn't likely to succeed, and is probably more likely to guarantee the failure of all 3.
  10. Let's say the Bills are contending for a playoff spot late in the season and Tyrod gets dinged and is out for a game or two... still feel the unknown is a better option?
  11. Let's assume they grab a rookie QB. Now you have someone who's familiar with Dennison's offense in camp to teach your vet, your project, and your rookie QB the system. If he completely sucks or if your rookie might get swiped from the PS you cut ties. Unless you think teaching 4 QBs, including 2 rookies, from scratch is a better option, where's the downside? There's not franchise QB floating around in FA, so no one else that you bring in is going to be the answer, either.
  12. Word on the street is it's going away... or maybe not. Regardless, Antonio could have an NFL legacy like the ?Gramaticas'... ?Gramaticas's... ?Gramatica's? Gra..ma...tica...lly incorrect however you look at it.
  13. Uh, I think your carbon dating's a bit off. When Hoover was running for president a flyer supporting his campaign proclaimed, in plain English to the best of my knowledge, "A Cromartie in every secondary and a chicken in every pot." Either that or it was "A Cromartie in every secondary and a car in every garage." It also could have been "A chicken in every pot and a Cromartie in every secondary." I suspect Antonio, who evidently lives in a rainy locale with a shortage of rain gear, misinterpreted this to mean "Any port in a storm."
  14. Maybe they could trade Osweiler for him (while negotiating to keep his giant cap gut punch). It would be in both teams MO. Browns eat cap space; Jets add to their QB scrap pile.
  15. I think it was meant more as reflective of Whaley's penchant for reclamation projects in players who showed some promise but had their careers derailed for whatever reason than an actual shot at the extent of McDermott's input.
  16. So NRC and Sylve don't count, but we still have to give up 5 draft picks to make up for the negative balance?!?! There can be no joking when COMP PICKS are involved. FIRE WHALEY NOW!!
  17. Wasn't that Hoover's campaign slogan? "A Cromartie in every secondary."
  18. Are you suggesting that ground beef, even before it's shaped into a patty, can't be called hamburger?
  19. When you can't hide your most intimate moments from the unblinking eye of the camera you can at least smell your best... "Beard" by Gisele, the fragrance for the mostly closeted homosexual.
  20. I wouldn't pull the offer. I would very publicly bring plan B in for a visit, though.
  21. So, are you suggesting that if I chop a hotdog up or toss some hamburger into my mac and cheese that I have a sandwich? As was mentioned up thread by 28...fandom, it depends on the manner in which you eat them. A hotdog or hamburger in and of itself is not a sandwich.
  22. My patriot bride... sounds like a much less watchable version of a great movie. I'd ask rhetorically "Is a cheater a champion?" If she has the audacity to say yes, I'd tell her "I do not think that word means what you think it means" and push her into the fire swamp to feed the ROUSs.
  23. So you're saying this is on the nutritionist? Maybe add more legumes, take the field with just the right amount of gas?
  24. Are you sure it was a challenge flag and not a Kit-Kat wrapper?
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