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Everything posted by transient

  1. Oh look. A fire Whaley thread. Been trying to find me one of them. Hard to come by around these parts.
  2. They started with a first, second, third, and three low rounds picks before not matching MG. They'll potentially leave with a first, 2 seconds, 3 fifths and a first next year. WTF are you bitching about.
  3. One voice. ONE VOICE. I'm the voice, Doug. I'M the voice. Now respect the PROCESS, Doug, and let go of the damn phone. or Enough with the "Let's Vaseline the New Guy's Earpiece" game. Ok, ENOUGH. I told you after the first 5 times that I didn't think it was funny.
  4. Maybe that's his cereal of choice to sprinkle Xanax over?
  5. I'm not suggesting TT's the answer. I am suggesting over drafting a QB high in the first round, which seemed to be what the OP is advocating, when the available talent may not justify it only compounds the problem.
  6. Mr Play-it-safe who's afraid to fly? No, I guess that's more like TT over the middle.
  7. I must have missed the part where the OP identifies a QB talent the likes of Cam Newton in this draft. Contrarians abound...
  8. Smiling Buddy Nix: "You'll be running fer the exits like yer hair zon fiiire."
  9. Come on down to New Era Field and support your 2017 Buffalo Bills... because misery loves company. 2017 Buffalo Bills. At least we're not on the level of Atacama Desert of Chile, yet. Their drought lasted 400 years. Your 2017 Buffalo Bills, sponsored by The Buffalo News. Because champions deserve to be covered by the best... and the Bills deserve whatever the hell this mess is.
  10. I can see this being turned into a movie. For the sake of clarity, Dermot Mulroney, who is often mistaken for Dylan McDermott, could play the part of Sean McDermott. Dylan McDermott, who is often mistaken for Dermot Mulroney, could be cast in the role of Sean McDermott's split personality that appears when he looks in the mirror and berates his love of character, organization, and process and second guesses everything that the Dermot Mulroney personality does... almost as a metaphor for TBN. I could see this cleaning up at Sundance.
  11. Without reading more than the headline, the fact that he took Bylsma's and Murray's firings and turned the story into his same tired story about Whaley and Pegula tells you everything you need to know about petty little ax-grinding one-trick pony Jerry. Was there even any reason for Whaley to be in the news today?
  12. I have my reservations. He hasn't won a single game as a head coach. As we all know in order to win we need players and we need winning. WHERE'S THE WINNING?
  13. Sooo... you're saying they're gonna be tight for the bye week?
  14. I would have assumed by your post count you would have known, but I guess not... Genius like this shouldn't be wasted in response to an OP, genius like this deserves its own thread. Now hop to it, my good man.
  15. I'm tired of the NFL disrespecting Buffalo football fans. All of our home games are Bills games. In a 16 game schedule you think they could at least give us one game that involves two teams with something to play for? Clevelanders must really be pissed.
  16. Spelling wasn't the issue... word selection and grammar, on the other hand, not so stellar. This thread would be so much more interesting if we could just make it about Legion. Season 1 was an entertaining bit of mind%#&kery.
  17. Maybe the Bills could hire Chicago airport security and have United sponsor their pressers...
  18. You pointed out that the Bills are 60 games under 0.500 for their existence. Since 1999, when the current iteration of the Browns came in to existence, they are 88-200. IN 18 YEARS THEY'RE 112 GAMES UNDER 0.500. How is this not a laughingstock tradition? Since their re-inception they've been an unmitigated disaster.
  19. Yes, but the team formerly known as the Browns won a SB the year after the current team was established, only 4 years after relocating. The current Browns are an expansion team that joined the league in 1999.
  20. Probably worried that the urinal talker was gonna stalk him and steal the Cutlet's breast milk.
  21. Time to get on the horn with "Quick Kick" Quincy's agent.
  22. "I don't know what happened... the fat guy got a pick."
  23. I'd be ok with Flutie if he was out front of an actual stampede of Buffalo... Surprised no love for Mr. Clutch, Ronnie Harmon.
  24. Felser was a gentleman, and even when he was being critical it felt like the team was being scolded by a grandfather. He seemed to genuinely care about the teams and PEOPLE he covered. You could hear it in the anecdotes he was fond of telling, often about off-field interaction with players, coaches, front office, and Ralph. My favorite comparison is Jim Kelley. He spoke his mind, could be tough and confrontational and take the Sabres to task while still maintaining (at least the appearance) of respect, gave credit when due, was an excellent writer, and most of all stood by his integrity. The last bit is the part I miss the most. IMO Graham and Carrucci used to have that before the current era of non-edited internet news.
  25. Nothing shuts them up. Sullivan was the same insufferable prick in the 90s when the team was winning that he is now, but because the team was winning it was less noticeable. Unfortunately public consumption of his type of schtick has increased in demand and the team has sucked for an eternity leading to every columnist adopting this approach, resulting in a game of muckraking oneupsmanship that provides little to no insight about Buffalo sports and is therefore of minimal, if any, value, IMO.
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