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Everything posted by transient

  1. I also generally liked Whaley and was curious to see if his seeming inability to implement a plan came from the fact that he was never working with a coach of his choosing and was in constant retooling mode to fit the scheme changes, which was what I postulated, or if it was a lack of vision. McDermott is now getting the chance that Whaley never did, a unified coaching staff and GM. That being said, I'm optimistic. As OTAFLG says, these are young gun FOOTBALL people, and their hire has been widely lauded throughout the league. I'm expecting a Jason Garrett-like timeline for improvement, though, so I hope TP gives McBeane the time to succeed and doesn't continue the recently established 2 year hook trend. I suspect, given that he now appears to be looking for a "type" that he is comfortable working with based on the common attributes of McD, Beane, and Botterill, that he'll be more patient if his teams are perceived as less of a clownshow.
  2. Are there years when QBs can go before the first round? I can't imagine that the league would allow it. It would throw the whole tiered rookie contract structure out of whack.
  3. Which ingredient in the Doug Whaley secret recipe for winning do you find yourself most aligned with, the players or the winning?
  4. Thanks for the shrimp rundown, Benjamin Buford Blue “Anyway, like I was sayin’, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There’s shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That, that’s about it.”
  5. There are two types of people in this world, the people that think like me and the people that are wrong. The people that think like me includes me and... nope, just me. The people that are wrong includes everybody else. Things I think are right because I thought them, and they make sense to me. Sometimes other people can be right, when they think like me. Most of the time, however, they are wrong. Come to think of it, I haven't always been right... like the time I thought the $5 earned in a dare would totally make up for any discomfort that might occur from peeing on an electric fence... or the, unfortunately numerous, times I've thought the potential plusses of the companionship of crazy women would make up for the more obvious minuses... or the numerous times I've thought the Bills or Sabres were on the right track only to re-live the pain of peeing on an electric fence. Come to think of it, there are two types of people in this world, those who are wrong, and those who were wrong and will soon be again.
  6. That's an anatomical impossibility... unless, of course, he's texting out pics of Welker's junk.
  7. I do miss the smell of the General Mills plant first thing in the morning. Used to park on the top floor of a ramp on Elm and Carlton and I can remember on calm summer mornings, getting out of my car with the sun coming up in my eyes and the smell of Cheerios everywhere. It's one of my favorite, indelible, fond Buffalo memories.
  8. Not disagreeing, but if he has no obligation to "facts," why give him, or Gleason for that matter, access to ask questions at press conferences. He and Bucky are routinely the most inane voices in the room. They push their narrative then write their opinions on it. And the whole "Power Take" crap only perpetuates this with all of the writers, not just those two. They should call them TBN sports department's incomplete and incoherent thoughts. We're unfortunately in an age where they're increasing output to meet the demands of a 24 hour news cycle at the expense of worthwhile and readable content. Part of the reason jw is able to maintain his integrity, IMO, aside from the fact that it's obviously important to him, is that he's not expected to churn out 3-4 worthless 6 sentence snippets per day on the same thing. In the end what's compromised the most by this is the quality of what used to be the 1-2 well thought out, well researched, and well written articles per week from guys like VC, TG and other true sports "reporters" that we used to get before this madness was the norm. It's why Tyler Dunn was such a breath of fresh air.
  9. I'm not really much of a flamer... not that there's anything wrong with that.
  10. Actually, it seems more like a thread to B word about people who B word about the Bills under the guise of a refuge for people who B word about the Bills but named after a critically acclaimed film most remembered for a dude dressed as a chick who surprises Fergus with a schlong.
  11. I'm confused... so, this is not a thread for former IRA members with a thing for Jaye Davidson? No? ...I'm so outta here.
  12. Living Colour, cuz he's a cult of personality. It can be one of those ironic nicknames, like Tiny in vice.
  13. Based on recent events, I think he just has Terry make him a new list that doesn't include Oher's name on it.
  14. Happy Birthday and thank you for keeping us well informed on Buffalo sports. am
  15. TM: Let me ask you this, did you really say winning takes two things, players and winning? DW: ...maybe.
  16. TM: He said I had a potty mouth and I wasn't faith based. You? DW: I apparently bogarted the doobage and surfed porn too much, man.
  17. The Donald isn't our owner... that's still a good thing, right? ...right?
  18. Don't lose hope. If next season it seems that tanking actually worked for the Sabres we may try it, yet.
  19. People should have confidence because I own the team and stuff... and because if they don't I'll fire them
  20. Thanks, Doug. Know that there are Bills fans who recognize you were likely never afforded the continuity or the authority to truly succeed as a general manager. I hope one day you get that chance. Until then take solace in knowing you no longer have to feign civility towards the no talent assclowns at TBN.
  21. I hope this is the case, though I agree it seems backwards, because the alternative is a continuation of this organizational structure that perpetuates a back stabbing power struggle with no incentive to work together.
  22. Son of a B word!!! If only we didn't trade up twice for better talent we could have had 4 more players just like this. I am so done with this team.
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