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Everything posted by transient

  1. I make blackened amberjack with asparagus with a side of Founders Curmudgeon last night. Kirby, I just checked into your 504 Craft Beer Reserve recommendation. I love and hate you for the heads up.
  2. Throw some sautéed mushrooms in and you've got yourself a deal!!
  3. Tricky recipe to get right. The opposum has to be fresh... I mean like you're right behind the car that hits him fresh... for it to taste right. But when it's right... MMMM-mmmm.
  4. I'm thinking it was a reference to asscrack beer luge, but I'm not sure. Hopefully it's not a two girls one cup sort of thing.
  5. It's the only way to eat toddler steaks. It ensures that it kills any remaining trace of innocence.
  6. People tend to surround themselves with others who reflect their beliefs. It's the only way I can envision you having this, now very trite and grating, one-note conversation in real life without the involved parties just up and walking away. Having a contrary opinion is fine, as is stating that opinion. You're entitled to it. Interjecting it into every conversation at every opportunity is crusading, and it's not welcome. You would think by all of the bashing you're getting you'd finally realize that.
  7. My post was meant to back up your point, not call you out. I agree with you. Sorry for the confusion.
  8. Are you suggesting that not to might indicate that one was more interested in saying "I told you so" than in seeing the Bills have a shot at a franchise QB at someone else's expense, a franchise QB that one continually reminds posters on this board that the Bills don't currently have?
  9. Those were the days, weren't they? Life was simpler then. June was in the kitchen fixing dinner. Wally and the Beav were watching TV. Ward was sitting at the table reading the paper. The worst thing you had to worry about was that crazy Eddie Haskel inviting himself to dinner. There were no crusades. Maclin was at the forefront of everyone's mind. The foul odor of asparagus pee was embraced. Discussion of beer and food prevailed. Maybe we would circle back around to Maclin, maybe not. Gas was 75¢ a gallon at the pump. We shared stories of walking to school uphill both ways in the snow. Now look at things. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! How I long for the old days.
  10. Class all the way, those Ryan boys. If there was ever any question about his selfish, self promoting motivations, Rex showed his true colors on the way out the door at OBD when he shot his mouth off in the media and basically shoved it in fans' faces. Guess he's further showing the cracks in the "he's a guy I'd love to have a beer with" facade. Can't wait 'til the next incident of Rex's mouth writing checks his overly plentiful ass can't cash. With a little luck Rob won't be there to provide the distraction while he ducks away.
  11. He could be the next Jennifer Grey. Perfect nose and no career. NO ONE PUTS OWEN IN A CORNER.
  12. She's too young and hot for C Mc. IIRC, he got pinched granny wanking.
  13. I thought that he was tested for METH. Eh, toe-MAE-toe, toe-MAH-toe.
  14. You seem to be doing better than expected for a man with no head. The sacks weren't all that great, they just seemed more noticeable because they harbored shriveled-up, little balls.
  15. Hopefully it's not a fistula. And I'm sure he's thrilled that's in the news. Nothing's sacred nowadays. Did Schefter publish his medical records online?
  16. Good info. I'll have to give the syncopation a try and check into the craft beer reserve. Not sure if you saw, but NOLA opened a distillery on Tchoup about a half mile uptown of the brewery. Just vodka for the moment, but working on other spirits. Stopped about 2 weeks ago.
  17. Not familiar with the Envie, but Urban South has been putting out some nice DDH IPAs of late.
  18. Ahh, Wegmans. You never realize what you had 'til you're gone. Left Buffalo in 2005, and have lived in 4 cities and haven't found a comparable everyday super market.
  19. Have you found the nitrogen infused cold brews? Cascades like a beer on the nitrogen tap (same concept, obviously). Completely takes the edge off of any bitterness and adds a little body. It's good, but I can only drink a small. Larges tend to get somewhat cloying by the end, so they're difficult to finish.
  20. Must have missed that part. I like asparagus, but it makes one's pee smell funny.
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