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Everything posted by transient

  1. Obviously, if Bortles doesn't throw the ball, obviously, then there's obviously more opportunities to punt, obviously, which is Marrone's forte. Smart. Play to your strengths. Damn you, Yolo. Beat me by seconds.
  2. Is this a trick question? I'm thinking the only possible correct answer is Sam Adams, though I'd say appropriately rated as a player, overrated as a draught.
  3. The one thing I need to see is evidence that when the game is on the line and the offense needs to score quickly, can he step up deliver as a QB when the defense and game situation dictates that he needs to pass. The offense scored enough points the last 2 seasons, but they rarely did it when the game was on the line. I could care less if we continue to lead the league in rushing and he routinely passes for less than 200 yard per game if, more often than not in a close game, 60 of those yards come in a last second game winning drive.
  4. I am often very openly critical of Buffalo's sports writers smug negativity and lack of talent. I think the OP is WAY overreacting to this piece. Sal took some creative license with the Hoffa analogy, but it was widely believed (not by all, but still widely believed) that was Taylor's last game, under the circumstances. What I read after that was a fairly accurate assessment of Taylor and his situation, quotes from Beane and McDermott saying they love the person and are hoping the player steps up, and commonly espoused criticisms of his game. He ends with a paragraph about Taylor's self confidence and willingness to prove himself followed by an encouraging quote from him instead of Sal taking a trite cheap shot that is meant to show us all how clever he is, which is TBN's favorite format. The article has been written a million times, so it's not particularly creative or insightful, but it's not unfair by any stretch.
  5. 753 - Number of times I yelled "You lazy, loudmouth, no-good mother%#^*+#" at the TV when they showed either Wrecks Ashley Ryan or Rob Allen Ryan on the TV between 2015 and 2016. Yes, Wrecks's middle name is actually Ashley. Should have known by the cheekbones.
  6. Does your daddy buy you this stuff, cuz based on this thread I'm assuming you're a 16-year-old crazy facebook stalker chick.
  7. Does Francesca fall asleep with his head on the mic then blame the interviewer and throw his sick kid under the bus? Giant POS.
  8. Whether it's the football team or the invoice, mostly to me the Bills mean money and time spent with a feeling of anticipation and excitement only to be disappointed when they come due. I've had a number of friends who were Bills (the name, not actual Bills... I mean they were actually named Bill, but they weren't Buffalo Bills... I mean, I guess a few of them were since they lived in Buffalo, but they weren't on the team); better experience in general than the football team or the invoice type... except that one Bill. You know who you are, bastard.
  9. In production with expectations of a 2018 or 2019 premier, Doug Marrone joins a not-so-all-star cast on Blacklist: NFL.
  10. When you have to qualify "truth" with "in my opinion" isn't that essentially conjecture?
  11. Thanks. I didn't read it. I guess that makes sense in the world of Sal's nonsensical hypothetical.
  12. In this fictional draft, is the expansion team allowed to take more than one player from a team?
  13. If this is meant with respect to a succession plan, she died in 2008 or 2009 after a battle with cancer.
  14. Wasn't there? I thought Rex had a tramp stamp of his likeness.
  15. https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/points-per-game
  16. This is SO Billsy. We set out to land a free agent WR with pro bowl potential and instead settle for an over-the-hill QB with a history of domestic violence. I am SO DONE with this team.
  17. With a brood of 15ish smaller balls of paring knives in tow.
  18. I would have a discussion with her about how I find pastrami to be the most sensual of the salt cured meats.
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