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Everything posted by transient

  1. Nuclear winter may have nullified Buffalo's home field advantage, but we still have the 12-headed man to cheer us on. Come join him as we finally break the 917 year drought.* *For clarification, that's the playoff drought... the actual drought isn't forecast to end for at least another century or two.
  2. Unless the Rams still have a sizable LA contingent from years ago, presumably these are formerly St. Louis Rams fans. I'd rather still have a team than see my former team trade for a legit #1 WR. Suck it, beeotches.
  3. Said slightly differently, I'd like to see evidence the coaching staff has a plan to use the preseason to actually prepare the team for the season.
  4. The feeling in the toes on my right foot for several years. #2 on the list. I can still remember the echoey hollow thud sound when Blanchard attempted that FG. It sounded excruciating.
  5. Is this welcoming or creepy? I feel like it's a little creepy... even before teef decided to intentionally creepy it up.
  6. Oh no, it's contagious. Let's hope he fares better than Watkins, God rest his soul.
  7. http://www.leskobooks.com/images/ArmsCrossed-hr-cropped.gif
  8. I remember when he was dressed like a total tool and took an elevator to a basement safe with a bed in it. The cameras stopped rolling before Wes Welker sashayed onscreen in an evening gown for a wild night of sapphic strap on passion.
  9. In fairness, it was a whole 3 or 4 posts into the thread before it was pointed out that he was back on the field and the whole thing was completely overblown. That's like a 2-3 hour commitment for some to read that far. I can forgive the fact that very few realize Sammy died. That wasn't noted until like page 3 or 4 of the thread. People got lives to live, ya know?
  10. I was merely putting up the first 3 seasons of both WR's career to refute the earlier statement that Sammy's numbers weren't even close to Julio's in his first 3 years in the league.
  11. GS Rec. Yds. Avg. TD 13. 54. 959. 17.8. 8 15. 79. 1198. 15.2. 10 5. 41. 580. 14.1. 2 16. 65. 982. 15.1. 6 13. 60. 1047. 17.5 9 8. 28. 430. 15.4. 2 You're right. Nothing alike. Could you imagine how much of a bust Sammy would be with Matt Ryan throwing to him.
  12. Posters aren't "reporters," they're "columnists" and "bloggers;" there is no obligation to truth, only clicks. Stop me if you've heard this before.
  13. This is also a different ownership philosophy. There is no way Ralph Wilson would have let Rex hire the number of assistants that he did or let McD hire the names that he did, IMO. Our coaching staff and FO both have a ton of experience despite a first time HC and GM.
  14. I'm less interested than I am in how San Diego does, and more interested than I am in how ESPN does. FTR, I don't really care about how San Diego does. Doug will have him run to set up the punt.
  15. I come from a family of farmers. My grandfather worked until the day he died. The number of joint replacements, hernia surgeries, spine surgeries, etc among my family would rival any NFL player's woes. And, you'll never hear a complaint about it from any one of them because of their pride in themselves and what they do. They don't get accolades and yet what they, and people like them, do provides so much more value to society than the outcome of a game played as a distraction. IMO, anyone who cries to the media about what the game has taken from them after it gave them so much can **** a fat ****.
  16. Ok, chronic repeated head injury... in whom? Is there a subset of people who are predisposed to this who should, therefore, avoid contact sports, or does everyone get it who has chronic repeated head trauma? Is it a consequence of continuing to return to play too soon from prior symptomatic head injuries, or a cumulative effect of each little blow, whether or not someone has symptoms from it? Is there a specific type of head injury that predisposes someone more than others? Would this process have proceeded regardless of profession? Did the chosen profession result in more profound symptoms and earlier onset? Is the profession entirely to blame? There have been thousands of football players over the years, so why aren't they all affected? Are they all affected? How can they say Rick Martin had CTE by examining his brain when by all accounts he showed no clinical signs of encephalopathy and died of a heart attack? Can someone really have CTE without symptoms? If anatomic changes without symptoms are enough to diagnose someone with CTE, what good is the diagnosis? I hit my head numerous times in numerous ways since birth.. am I affected? They have barely scratched the surface, regardless of how much certainty the media coverage would have you believe exists, but good to know that you believe the book is closed on CTE, Dr. Sack. I'm going to assume your name is a reference to Leon Seals...
  17. Has there ever been an attempt at a "board-wide ignore" campaign?
  18. I have a different issue with the direction that CTE "research" is taking. This study is of 202 brains of football players at any level, with 111 being of NFL players (I don't have the article in front of me, so the numbers may be off). So, we know they're all dead. We also know that they likely had some signs or symptoms that led them to donate their brains in the first place. The likelihood of finding CTE is therefore already very high. No research is being reported, to the best of my knowledge, that actually looks at the incidence of this in other settings. There is no comparison to a control in these studies. They are all descriptive studies, and yet they are using these studies to ascribe risk. I'm not so naïve as to think hitting your head doesn't cause damage, so I'm sure there is risk associated with playing football and other contact sports. I just think that the way the research on CTE is being reported in the media for all to draw their own conclusions is poor form. The scientists doing the research and reporting results through the media should know better, IMO.
  19. Tyrod playing well enough to laud his potential but not well enough to commit to him as a franchise QB... again.
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