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Everything posted by transient

  1. Problem is, trophies too often require a lot of polishing to keep them happy...
  2. TD Mike is dead to me. For now, his nickname shall be "O'fer - AKA 4th down Mike".
  3. When we replace the coaching staff and GM in two years the incoming staff can clean house once again and then the offense and defense should be able to both suck at the same time.
  4. When will Brian Brohm be ready to start. I hear he tore it up at Louisville.
  5. I'd be more likely to do this if there was a means to "allocate" the subscription fee to "reward" content I chose while "penalizing" and limiting access to content I refuse to read. I read an article by Kimberly Martin yesterday and literally said to myself afterwards that it was refreshing to read an article devoid of the agenda that is layered throughout content churned out by the BN's old guard. I refuse to subscribe to a service that somehow justifies Sullivan's and Gleason's continued existence at BN, and have grown weary of Graham and Carruci in similar fashion over the last several years. While $3 per month is in no way unreasonable for a quality product, acquiescing to pay it for this content under these circumstances, symbolically, is not something I'm willing to do. If I find I'm jonesing for hometown coverage I may take SDS's advice and write the BN, but I suspect the absence of content won't leave too tremendous a void in my life.
  6. I think I also teared up when, after the sale of the team, Wilson's trust revealed the fact that 2/3 of the money from the sale would go to fund initiatives in the cities of Buffalo and Detroit. For someone who was accused of a lot of things regarding his financial motivations during his lifetime, that to me said a lot about Mr. Wilson and his true motivations to have something that significant announced posthumously.
  7. Some people. How could anyone assume you're trolling? You're using the Bills own material and rigidly adhering to it. Like the part where Chris Brown talks about Shady's groin soreness and you interpret it as a lingering injury... Or the part where McDermott states it was a scheduled rest day for veterans and you note that Shady's already missing practice... The nerve of some people.
  8. Can't ever recall a game. Definitely teared up when I heard about Kent Hull. Less so about Ralph given his age, but a little nonetheless.
  9. I wonder why that red thing with horns over there is holding a piece of paper with my name signed in blood and is pointing at me and laughing...
  10. I can't believe that Dareus will only play 59% of the defensive snaps in the upcoming Bills-Jets game on Sunday.
  11. ~~sigh~~ It will all be ok soon when I'm at home in Wes's manly, comforting arms.
  12. ...still trying to figure out what the hell Vance Joseph's background has to do with an old, old wooden ship?!
  13. Was this meant to be in the Rex was a terrible coach thread? There's not a single mention of McDermott in the responses that I skimmed a second ago...
  14. If the drink throwing, Rob throat grab, Rex limbo-ing away YouTube video from the North Carolina mall bar wasn't enough to dispel the "Rex would be a cool guy to hang out with" nonsense, then I'd say your "beer with-o-rameter" is broken.
  15. Interesting defensive philosophy. Kinda gives new meaning to total domination. In general, I think the league has demonstrated it would be fine with this as long as it's not directly referred to as a bounty, and as long as it's not caught on tape.
  16. After one of those painfully long pauses I was expecting to at least get a "Boom goes the dynamite!"
  17. This thread would seem to have less than zero to do with cooking... and yet it was started by someone who calls themself "cherrybone." Coincidence or invitation?
  18. Wait a minute... I thought new was new and D.C. Tom designated the idiots? Guess I'll have to go re-read the TOS.
  19. If they'd just treat them like French fries, then toss them in a mixing bowl of Frank's and butter they would be better than 90% of wings not made in the 716 area code. How hard is that?
  20. He prefers chin balls to game balls, though.
  21. Less so after the "Patriots have better Buffalo players than Buffalo does" shot? Cuz I thought "Michaels, you can suck a fat d" after that crap.
  22. You do realize incentives are performance driven and are not guaranteed, right?
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