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Everything posted by transient

  1. If he didn't want the pile on, he could have walked away without saying a word and still stayed true to his ideals. If he started the thread on an emotionally charged subject and didn't expect this response, then he's painfully naive. Personally, I think goodbye posts are worthless LAMP posts by those that post them, but the aftermath is like watching a slow motion pile up on the interstate.
  2. Sorry, forgot to use the sarcasm font.
  3. You're right. The league-wide demonstrations were in no way linked to Trump's suggestion that those sons-a-bitches get fired for kneeling during the anthem.
  4. Arlington National Cemetery is filled with people who fought for the right of free speech. Maybe you should find a country with more strict laws governing the respect their citizens must show to symbols so as not to offend your delicate sensibilities.
  5. It's blue cheese or nothing, you communist!
  6. I went to a Bills game in Miami in 2014. These are not the Shula era Dolphins fans. I'm not even sure that the majority of the current "fans" even realize they have a football, and not a "futbol", team. It was a social gathering, and for a "sellout" against a division rival, half the fans never left the parking lot. I'd bet their fan sites are part incoherent babble and part overwhelming apathy... which would be fitting with Cutler as the face of the franchise this season.
  7. Damn. I hope my attrition guess didn't come off sounding ignorant and jaded... and I wish I would have been right. Wishing him the best. His optimism is missed.
  8. Attrition, I'm assuming. Hastened by the March 2017 apocalypse and ensuing DC-Marvel comics amalgam TBD universe.
  9. I thought it was the Senator. Mike Leach! 19-0 Baby!!
  10. If he had Marquis Goodwin to throw to, he apparently could have had 62 TDs with only 2 completions.
  11. This is the crow eaters thread, not the I told you so thread. I'll have a small helping of crow. I didn't give their offense a shot against Denver's D. They look like they're getting some of the WCO timing down, and I don't fear Rico's game calling as much, though I hope he learns to go for the throat when handed field position inside the opponents 40.
  12. C'mon now. These athletes are kneeling or sitting during the national anthem. How dare they! This isn't some piddley little comment in front of the UN about annihilating a country, this is about serious s***.
  13. I considered that, but given the ambiguity of the way it was written could see how someone would interpret it that way.
  14. Not 100% certain by the way it's written, but I think the comment was aimed at POTUS, not 25.
  15. Thanks for taking the time to do this. Welcome. Based on perusing the headlines of this morning's Blitz, your publishing of this Q and A and Jerry Sullivan writing a piece on why Tyrod doesn't audible, which had already been a thread on TBN for several days, maybe we can continue this arrangement and TBN pieces can be posted in a thread at TBD first... Damn, where's that sarcasm font again?
  16. I think that was taken out of context. When he was talking about tearing it up with Rex it was in reference to the buffet at Golden Corral.
  17. Regardless of whether they turn out to be or not, it's easy to say these moves were mistakes. It takes no critical thinking to parrot this popular view and offer nothing more, which, without hearing the interview, is what I'm assuming happened because it fits the Ryan family MO. It's Rex's comments on the Bills-Jets game, redux. The jilted Ryans will never acknowledge that if they were better coaches they wouldn't have been fired 4 times in 2 years, collectively, because it would mean finally accepting responsibility for their shortcomings, which is not in their DNA. Instead they will stand together with their "us against the world" approach and take their cheap, mindless potshots against all who have wronged them at every provided opportunity. He's probably just mad he can't afford to give a go-fer $1000 per week to stock his junk food drawer anymore, the fat, useless POS.
  18. I was going to say the Patriots*, but then I realized you meant there was a d**k ON the helmet, not IN the helmet.
  19. Yes, but if we cut Holmes we get a comp pick, which is so much more important than winning.
  20. At one point Whaley was trying to represent the Williams on the field, but... Maybe instead of a buffalo they could put a meatball on the helmet as an homage to Kyle.
  21. A little 80's cross pollination of threads going out to TBD this morning with Foreigner's Zay You Will Zay you will... Zay you won't! Please catch the ball next time. Zay you do... Zay you don't want to be cryin'.
  22. When I think about the Bills, my heart turns to stone. That game on Sunday tells me all I need to know. I just want a team that will get low down and dirty to pull out a win when it's needed, but instead this team never plays like it's under the gun. Urgent... not to this sorry bunch. There are a few bright spots. Poyer - break it up! Good to see that when it comes to winning, the flame still burns for some of these guys. Bills fandom, now that's growing up the hard way. I keep saying I'm done with this team, but we all know that's a white lie. Too late for me. This misery will go on until the end of time. Save yourselves. Quit this team. Say you will. That's all I need to know and I'll feel better.
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