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Everything posted by transient

  1. Why no Clay (6-3) love? That's because if they don't say nice things he will crush puny human weaklings with smile on face.
  2. Damn, man, the peer pressure... There's not much I refuse out of hand, especially when it comes to food. The difference is, I have rarely ever changed my taste for something that I'm very familiar with. If that coworker had never told me the cookies were anise, I'd have eaten one without question... I mean, it's a cookie... and I still would have hated it. In fact, that's probably how I figured out I hated the taste of anise, because horrible people everywhere sneak it into holiday pastries without warning. Minus the holiday part, I still think the analogy holds.
  3. Denigrating? A bit hyperbolic, no? I thought the childlike "sneaky sneaky" would have given away that fact that my response was meant in fun, but I guess next time I'll have to add a few dozen smiley faces. My apologies to the OP if I offended, it wasn't the intent. To the point you're making above, if I was that concerned about what was said, I'd just read the article. I was merely commenting on the notion that anything in the media, especially something quoted, will only ever be found in one place. As to the "just read it, you'll enjoy it" bit, a coworker of mine once brought in anise Christmas cookies, which I politely declined because I don't like the flavor. He was very insistent despite my protestations, so I ate one. Despite telling him ahead of time that I already knew I wouldn't like the cookies, he was still offended when he asked if I liked them and I told him "No." But you're probably right, regardless of the countless times I've read Sullivan's columns and not liked them in the past, irrespective of content or tone, this time would probably be different...
  4. Do you really think in this day and age that those quotes will stay hidden away in a free article for more than a second? They'll probably show up in about 10 other places in the next hour... if I cared to learn how to use twitter I could probably find them now.
  5. Is this how we trick unsuspecting people into clicking Sullivan links, now? Sneaky sneaky. Almost got me.
  6. A lifetime ago I used to tend bar at a country club. The chef and I were the definition of "frenemies" before the word existed. I pissed him off about something one day without realizing it. As retribution he sent out a plate of wings for me to eat under the guise that he had made some extra, and I looked busy, blah, blah, blah. He made excellent wings, so I wasn't about to turn them down. I ate the first one, and it had an odd sweet flavor to his seemingly otherwise standard hot sauce, but was pretty good, and I was starving, so I plowed through about 3 of them in a minute or less without thinking. The bar had a surge, so I put the plate down, walked up to the bar, and opened my mouth to take an order. As soon as the air hit my mouth for a few seconds, tears started streaming out of my eyes and my nose started running. Turns out he put a little sugar in them to hide the fact that he'd also put every hot thing he could find in the sauce, including about half a bottle of Dave's Insanity Sauce. That's when I realized every chef in the kitchen was peeking out the swinging door laughing. I think I tried every "remedy" you could think of that night to get my mouth to stop burning to no avail. It didn't help that I finished the plate of wings to prove a point... the point, in hindsight, being that I'm a masochistic idiot who didn't want to waste the wings.
  7. Does anyone else think “And Tom Brady can eat a D” when they read the thread title?
  8. Were they Olestra chips? Maybe it means the Saints are about to crap their pants. Wouldn’t it have been easier just to say Wes Welker’s ass instead of the convoluted way you worded it?
  9. That was finger licking f$&/;!d in the head, right there. Is it me, or did his teammate pull his hand away when he tried to grab him with the slobber hand?
  10. Damn, man, in addition to looking like the thing on Disturbed's The Sickness album cover, Brian Costello is Cold as Ice. This... THIS is the thing I have been most concerned about, some NY Post hack calling our beloved Bills overrated.
  11. F*&! his missing leg, I want to know WHAT'S GOING ON WITH HIS SPLEEN!
  12. Given that in his version winged beasts dont descend from the sky and tear Belichick and Brady to pieces and then devour them in front of thousands of sniveling Patriots* fans at Foxboro, Id say John Breech and I differ on what we believe to be a fitting way for this to end.
  13. The Flaming Tables Self Immolation Nation Spinal Taps Drummer
  14. Only thing I ever failed was a quarter of gym class my senior year. By no means did I give 2 sh!ts about the class, but there was nothing to warrant failing. Was so indignant that, as a 17 year old, I stormed into the phys-ed offices and proceeded to launch into a, completely out of character, 10 minute expletive laced tirade at this 40-50 something year old teacher in front of his colleagues... without a single repercussion. He looked so castratated by the berating that the other gym teachers started laughing at him while I was ranting at him. As a result of failing the class, I had to take gym class daily with him for the next quarter. First day, I blasted him in the back of the head with a basketball without any attempt to hide the fact it was me... or that it was 100% intentional. When he turned around to see who did it I glared at him as if to say Which one of us do you think made the mistake. I was no better the rest of the quarter, or the rest of the year for that matter, but apparently the cost of the point he was trying to make wasnt worth it to him as I passed the rest of the year without so much as a sideways glance, despite actively working to make his life miserable at every opportunity. For context, I was a less nerdy version, IMO, of Anthony Michael Hall in The Breakfast Club and that gym teacher was my elephant lamp with the effed up trunk-switch... except that I repeatedly shot the flare gun at the elephant lamp at every opportunity, and yet they never gave me Saturday detention.
  15. This or the chocolate chip cookie. So, cherry pie? Thats because her shoulder and wrist overlap in the photo creating an optical illusion...
  16. Take it to the bridge... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3gOHvDP_vCs Saturday night and we in the spot... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OPf0YbXqDm0
  17. So, is some guy standing on a street corner packing a bunch of these under his trench coat trying to hock them like knockoff Rolexes?
  18. So, I had to look up what that was from. Not only hot and suggestive, but pretty funny, too. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/att-girl-makes-sexual-innuendos-in-an-old-interview/84489682/
  19. Its the act of tarnishing or defiling something.
  20. Everyone you love is gone. There is only ice cream.
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