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Everything posted by transient

  1. Was going to say his conspicuous absence was because, after all this time, he’s just had a massive letdown because this could have been Mahomes.
  2. Didn’t read 38 pages to see if this was questioned, but I wonder if facing Anthony Lynn, who should have the book on TT’s weaknesses more than anyone, had anything to do with the timing.
  3. I have a love-hate relationship with the city. When I’m just having fun and enjoying the city it’s great. Love the people (literally and figuratively, apparently ?). The food is dangerous... I can’t stop eating like I’m on vacation, and my waistline is paying the price. When I actually want to get something accomplished it’s a little less accommodating. Nothing is straightforward, and there’s no sense of urgency. Having lived here previously, you can probably appreciate that, while everyone knows the city has this reputation, actually living this reality can be eye-opening. When I’m at the mercy of anything service related I just want to scream. Fat Harry’s on St Charles uptown is the current Bills Backers location. It’s a good place to watch a game. Good beer selection. Good bar food. They’ve imported Molson and Labbatt, and are making their wings with Frank’s and doing them extra crispy on request, and for non-WNY wings they’re actually pretty good. The kindred similarly afflicted Bills fans are obviously the best part.
  4. Were your panties this wadded when McDermott did it repeatedly at the start of the season to get the offense to show their hand? Of all the things the Bills gave you to get bent out of shape about on Sunday, I’d have to say you chose poorly.
  5. That’s right, I’m coming for your other achilles, Sherman!
  6. So it’s just a coincidence that our undersized and/or under athletic LBs suddenly look like ass without someone to keep that extra man off them, and teams can run at will right up the gut of the defense, then. Sure am glad the Bills are eating 14M over 2 seasons to shore up the Jags run defense.
  7. So let me get this straight, 28 years and NOBODY has ever picked on you for being Canadian? Are we talking about the same stadium? Middle of nowhere? Big blue buffalo with red racing stripes painted all over it? Miserable team on the field, 90s notwithstanding?
  8. I spun 6 times and "God hates us" came up 3 of them... This is how you do me?
  9. Bills would have a better shot at stopping the run that way...
  10. That's all well and good, but if I'm not mistaken the Bills let the Saints' waterboy score on that last TD run...
  11. I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn't be our style. Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever.
  12. I'm not sure I understand the perspective of the question. Is she asking in general, or is she asking what the Bills do, or is she asking what Belichick does? I'm not certain about the first two, but apparently Belichick promises to feed on the souls of players' innocent children if they don't cheat their way to a win.
  13. My significant other is a Saints fan, too. She was born and raised in Metairie, LA. We've been living in NOLA for just over a year, now, and I've been debating whether or not to go to the local Bills Backers bar with her tomorrow. She sorta knows her football, but she's enough of an unabashed smack talker that she can even get on my nerves at times with it... While the Saints are certainly having a good season since those opening 2 losses, so the current optimism among their fans is warranted, anyone who thinks Bills fans are a bunch of non-objective, rose colored glasses wearing homers has never been to Who Dat Nation.
  14. I'm confused... So are you suggesting that you could imagine getting romantic with a Pats* fan, as long as he served great gin and tonics?
  15. Bert Weidner was from my hometown and was drafted by the Dolphins. He was an OL for them for 6 years in the early 90s. His younger brother was a few years ahead of me in school. I remember hearing that family changed their allegiance and were rooting for the ‘phins, and thinking to myself “Wouldn’t it be preferable to disown him?” If it was my brother I’d tell him I was rooting for him, and he’d assure me that he knew I was lying...
  16. Regardless of venue, if the Chargers win a game but there’s no one there to witness it, does it count in the standings?
  17. I think sidelining Sherman was actually a direct effect of the toxic waste absorbing through his skin and melting his Achilles.
  18. Assuming we’re looking at the same picture, curious choice using “Thurman sized” to describe a “light” snack.
  19. I hear ya! I get a sort of "mental indigestion" feeling every time I see a picture of Nathan Peterman's head or Christ's body.
  20. I'm gonna get the papers, get the papers... get the papers.
  21. Comp picks are so September. What good will they do when TT won't even throw Kelvin Benjamin the ball?
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