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Everything posted by transient

  1. I don’t know; I was told intensive purposes was supposably the correct usage, but only in this pacific situation.
  2. Guess we’re not privy to that information.
  3. You’re welcome. FYI, your autocorrect edited out the punctuation after “Thanks...”
  4. ...or using “then” in place of “than” in what isn’t not clearly a thread devoted to grammar, for all intensive purposes.
  5. Huh... I heard he was told to play 11 men on defense and when he repeatedly refused he was fired...
  6. What has Swaffle the Giraffe ever done to make you think he would make a good coach?
  7. No surprise watching Rex incoherently devour the low hanging fruit. At least ESPN’s getting their money’s worth. Blowhard toolbag.
  8. Or, it’s an admission that the defense is a train wreck with no help to be had in 2017, so instead of stretching the pain out over several seasons, McD and Beane are willing to compound the pain and sink the offense this season as well in the name of evaluation.
  9. I feel ya... thus the “assuming he’s actually in the lineup” part. To clarify, I’m not one of the people who was beating the MG drum when he left. In my demented little Twilight Zone episode, he’s the expensive no-name scrub who serves to drive the point home about just how bad we suck at stopping the run.
  10. Can't wait for his insight into why the Buffalo D is letting Mike Gillislee go all Willie Parker on their ass... you know, without the playoffs actually being on the line... and assuming he's actually in the lineup... and assuming that the Bills continue the embarrassing exercise in futility of putting their defense on the field at that point.
  11. Please tell me this isn't some creepy euphemism...
  12. I think McD and Beane traded them collectively for a 6th rd pick. It's ok, though, because they've assured us there will be no drop off in quality, and that they did this with an eye toward both the current and future betterment of the board.
  13. And on a different level, cutting off only my ears still leaves all other senses intact to partake in the torture that is the Bills...
  14. ...and with that, any scrap of sympathy that I could have convinced myself that I had for you has turned to bile.
  15. I lurked for a few years and joined in 2009. If management had listened to fans with the intention of making decisions regarding the team, they would have gone insane. Look across the spectrum of views on this message board and you'll be hard pressed to find common ground on whether or not people even like this team, let alone some magical consensus on how to run it. I think the fact that management in this drought hasn't shown to be smarter than the average fan is a big part of the problem. The thought of a single, lonely, little Christmas light makes me sad. Soldier on, solitary yule luminescence. In light of this annual Bills collapse, the only hope for our holiday cheer rests with you.
  16. How’s that no-talent choirboy approach working out for you now, McFaithbased?
  17. In an airport, so thankfully not able to see the game, but based on the box score it appears that at least Peterman throws a catchable ball...
  18. This FO just dumped a bunch of young players who didn’t fit their process. Regardless of whether TT takes this team to the playoffs or not, if he’s not their guy then I don’t think they blink an eye when they cut him loose. I think they were unsure if he could be their guy until the Saints game, when Tyrod himself helped them slam that door closed with conviction. Vic’s delusional.
  19. For the most part, I agree. However, if he comes in and looks completely overmatched like Cardale Jones at the end of the Jets game last year, and despite that the game is still within reach... In my opinion, as long as he’s not baited into a bunch of picks, it will be hard for him to look worse than what we’ve seen on offense the last 2 weeks, minus garbage time in the Jets game.
  20. You’re assuming they’re waving a white flag, and ignoring the possibility that Peterman in this offense might be a better fit that keeps the defense off the field for more than 2 minutes or less. Besides, it’s not like they launched Tyrod into space. If Peterman stinks up the joint in the first half, I’m sure TT can come in and scramble or check down just as well as he did while getting first team practice reps. It’s not like it’s going to affect his chemistry with his receivers.
  21. So, are you advocating going without a backup? It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for em.
  22. Maybe McDermott, as a former DC, looked at the last two defensive game plans against his QB and made the assessment that Peterman gives him a better chance of getting to 9-10 wins with the remaining schedule than TT does based on what he sees from them every day... Or maybe that’s just how I want to justify the change... Based on the last two games, without a dramatic change, I don’t see them winning more than 3 to finish up the season, though.
  23. I think it’s more likely if things go poorly, they package picks to move up for a QB, and if things go well they only expend one pick on a QB.
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