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Everything posted by transient

  1. A true man of the times where differences in perspective represent the fine line between fame and infamy...
  2. Unless there is an upper limit to thread life, I vote no on “F5.” And “ground up and in the freezer” seems WAAAAY above the level of clever thus far captured in this thread... at least in the every-so-often last few pages catch-up efforts that I’ve engaged in.
  3. “People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty. They drink the sand because they don't know the difference.” Michael Douglas, An American President
  4. ^^^Has to be the dueling slashes... yep, definitely... oh boy... definitely, definitely has to be the dueling slashes.
  5. ^^^Unpleasant experiences never carry the acute “I just slammed my head into a doorway” sort of pain that they do with some posters, instead taking on the dull ache character of a week-old bruise.
  6. ^^^Has reconsidered his resolution to cut down on his porn watching, realizing it would be easier to limit breathing to only 8 hours per day, and has instead given up caring what other people think about how he spends his time.
  7. Honestly, incarcerating him in Slidell would be punishment enough.
  8. Yes! YES! Now that’s the way to invoke the baby Jesus!
  9. Down with the Ravens! Down with Titans and Bolts too! Win! Shed the monkey!
  10. Shady would have a better chance of 180 tomorrow if he was playing against the Bills instead of for them.
  11. [This is an automated response]As a courtesy to the other board members, please stick to the dead horse being beaten. The dead horse you have chosen isn’t scheduled for its next beating until 2018, and will appear periodically through 2036.
  12. Her BAC was 0.26. You’re probably in even without freshening up for her.
  13. ^^^If the Bills make the playoffs, will throw a blowout bash “Corn Rows in the Corn Rows” to celebrate his bold new look for 2018.
  14. So sorry to hear this. Just saw the thread this morning. Wife and I have 2 dogs and no kids... which is to say we have 2 kids. To your earlier comment about greyhounds, one of my two is a greyhound rescue. He’s funny as hell, and sweet, but if you have little kids he’s not a good fit; track manners, insofar as he jumps one everyone and he’s territorial at times. We have a pit mix that is the sweetest dog in the world to everyone but the vacuum cleaner. I’m glad you made it through Christmas with your Bear, and I’m truly sorry for your loss. I hope the healing doesn’t take too long. Hang in there.
  15. ^^^Resolves to adopt the Zeke Elliott bare midriff style henceforth with all business attire.
  16. He should be beaten with a sock full of pennies for his insistence of using Tolbert alone, regardless of his QB.
  17. ^^^Resolves to stop drinking naked at dinner, especially unless in public.
  18. ^^^Resolves to leave fewer burning bags of **** on neighbors' lawns, devil woman.
  19. My sources say that's about as close as you can come to being accurate without violating the TOA of membership for this site.
  20. My sources say they're looking to trade Tyrod Taylor back to VA Tech for Colton Taylor. They would then flip Reid Ferguson to some real estate developers in an attempt to acquire the Boulevard Mall and build a Wally World in its place.
  21. Blanc - As in “I’m such a grinch that I’d need to be fueled with the equivalent of gallons of Sauvignon Blanc in order to unearth even a tiny spark of Christmas cheer.”
  22. Actually, BBF’s resolution is to take up bare-ass-naked mountain goat roping, but he was too afraid of the PETA blowback to post it. Mead’s resolution is to try to think of BBF in a sexual context less often (once every hour... baby steps).
  23. Could be... or maybe he's cognitively impaired?
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