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Everything posted by transient

  1. Maybe they are going to Erin Kelly and her dad Erin’s wedding...
  2. Your confusion with the general concept suggests you’re not from the deep south...
  3. Didn't you get the memo. This week is "Is Pat Mahomes is the next ___" week. No other "Is ___ the next ___" comparisons will be entertained this week.
  4. Johnny Unitas' hair is turning over in Johnny's grave at the comparison.
  5. So you’re suggesting Mahomes is surrounded by a cadre of hand-chosen flunkies who are swayed by immense wealth and influence, and has bizarre ideals and delusional feelings of grandeur... Tom Brady is the next Michael Jackson... or possibly the next Donald Trump.
  6. 5 picks in a half would support the theory that he is the baddest man in the whole damn town.
  7. What part of Fitz are we using to beat the Jags with in this scenario? I’m guessing not his arm. We might be able to rat-tail them in the showers with that rag, but that hardly constitutes a beating. Possibly his head, but what’re we gonna do, throw it at them? That would be like trying to play dodgeball with a medicine ball. A person could throw their back out. Who’s really the one taking the beating in that case? I suppose we could attach it to a cable and swing it at them like a wrecking ball...
  8. After a quick perusal of the roster, Adolphus Washington has the biggest name, though there are bigger names in the league, to be certain, especially if you count apostrophes and hyphens. They didn't draft him, so I could see him being traded. I think Malachi Dupree has the coolest name. I would trade names with him... now that I'm not in high school and the risk of getting massacred for it is relatively low. Shamarko is a pretty cool name, too.
  9. Is it really that clear? How can you be so sure we're not dealing with a schizotypal armpit sniffer? Or a narcisistic paste eater?
  10. Didn't Norv Turner quit his last gig mid season?
  11. Ignore for the moment that you are a complete tool... or troll... trooll, maybe..., are you really trying to make your point by defending Sean Payton's attempt to give a playoff game away? 4th and 2 from the 50 with a 5 point LEAD and you try to draw them offsides, burn a timeout, and come back with a low percentage pass that you're LUCKY got picked off? If Mike Adams had even a shred of situational awareness instead of rocks in his head... or if the league would have reviewed the play... the Panthers get the ball back on the 50 with plenty of time to score.
  12. I would root for pestilence, same as next week in Foxborough. In the absence of a fatal plague, I guess Mularkey because he would have beaten NE* the week before, which is something redeeming. I’m also rooting for someone to poison Marrone’s bologna sandwich.
  13. Rumor has it for Christmas this year he bought his offensive line leather dominatrix attire, studded high heels, ball gags, and whips and the attached cards were signed “You know what daddy likes! ❤️ BB” Apparently not everyone knew which daddy liked what, though, as Tyler Shatley reportedly attempted to sodomize Bill Belichick shortly after receiving said gift.
  14. Apparently the scene in Ted 2 where Marky Mark and Peter Griffin bear break into Tom Brady’s house to sperm-jack him was loosely based on true-life events involving Blake and Tommy that actually started off consensual but ended with each party filing a restraining order on the other.
  15. I heard his parents were going to name him Blaine, but were too concerned that Blaine sounded more like a major appliance than a name. Oh, and apparently they also think he sucks.
  16. Clearly, there was no playoff guarantee, so this was the least he could have done for Meatball. So happy for a truly class act that he scores a TD on his way to his first playoff appearance. If Kyle is appreciated half as much by his team as he is by Bills fans, it was a brilliant stroke of team building by McD.
  17. For the sake of all that is holy, please edit this with an alternate celebratory meme. I had tears of relief in my eyes as friends were texting their congratulations on the Bills playoff berth. Tom Brady’s cheating presence in this thread has resulted in these evolving to salty, hateful tears of rage! F$&@ Tom Brady!!!!!!!
  18. IIRC, the city of Buffalo seemingly had a plan in place for what to do with the Peace Bridge... so, so long ago.
  19. Meatball with a TD run giving way to his first playoff season. Couldn’t have scripted it better! Go Bills!!
  20. He’s preferable to Just Another Fan or Fairweather Fan.
  21. If the screen name is to be believed, Canada... apparently musical trends aren’t the only things behind the times in the great white north.
  22. Walk the puppies, then headed to “the shrimp lot” to get some fresh seafood to make a bisque that I somehow got talked into for my in-laws NYD brunch tomorrow. Then figure out how-the-f to make seafood bisque. ...late breaking addition, look for exposed external water pipes that need to be wrapped cuz it’s supposed to be in the 20s the next few nights in NOLA. Doh!
  23. Premature Chicken Counter 7th Inning Perfect Game Talker Rally Monkey Hitman
  24. Unlike the Maclin thread, where we were biding our time in a fun thread while waiting for breaking news, burying recipes in this landfill for the rare person willing to sift through trash in the hopes of unearthing a few silver dollars seems like a waste of recipes.
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